关 guān mountain pass / to close / to shut / to turn off / to confine / to lock (sb) up / to shut (sb in a room, a bird in a cage etc) / to concern / to involve 有 关 yǒu guān to have sth to do with / to relate to / related to / to concern / concerning 关 注 guān zhù to pay attention to / to follow sth closely / to follow (on social media) / concern / interest / attention 事 关 shì guān to concern / on (some topic) / about / concerning / to have importance for 涉 shè (literary) to wade across a body of water / (bound form) to experience / to undergo / to be involved / to concern 懮 虑 yōu lu:4 (feel) anxiety / concern 利 害 关 系 lì hài guān xi stake / vital interest / concern 关 涉 guān shè to relate (to) / to concern / to involve / connection / relationship 关 爱 guān ài to show concern and care for 悬 念 xuán niàn suspense in a movie, play etc / concern for sb's welfare 眷 顾 juàn gù to care for / to show concern for / to think longingly (of one's country) 隐 忧 yǐn yōu secret concern / private worry 侨 务 qiáo wù matters relating to the Chinese diaspora (as a concern of the Chinese government) 攸 关 yōu guān of great concern 照 会 zhào huì a diplomatic note / letter of understanding or concern exchanged between governments 干 gān (bound form) to have to do with / to concern oneself with / one of the ten heavenly stems 天干[tian gan1] / (archaic) shield 忧 yōu to worry / to concern oneself with / worried / anxiety / sorrow / (literary) to observe mourning 事 不 关 己 shì bù guān jǐ a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom) 吊 死 问 疾 diào sǐ wèn jí to grieve for the sick and the dying / to show great concern for people's suffering 管 得 着 guǎn de zháo to concern oneself with (a matter) / to make (sth) one's business 严 重 关 切 yán zhòng guān qiè serious concern 持 续 经 营 chí xù jīng yíng going concern 不 恤 bù xù not to worry / not to show concern 先 天 下 之 忧 而 忧 , 后 天 下 之 乐 而 乐 xiān tiān xià zhī yōu ér yōu , hòu tiān xià zhī lè ér lè The first concern is affairs of state, enjoying the pleasure comes later. Quotation from essay On Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓記|岳阳楼记 / by Song writer Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹[Fan4 Zhong4 yan1] 杀 鸡 何 必 要 用 牛 刀 呢 shā jī hé bì yào yòng niú dāo ne don't use a sledgehammer to crack a nut / de minimis non curat praetor (trivial matters are of no concern to a high official) 结 记 jié jì to remember / to concern oneself with 过 度 关 怀 guò dù guān huái obsession / excessive concern 人 口 问 题 rén kǒu wèn tí Population Concern 对 环 境 的 关 心 environmental concern 国 际 性 通 航 水 道 制 度 公 约 和 规 约 Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern 与 扩 散 活 动 有 关 联 的 实 体 actor of proliferation concern 国 际 性 通 航 水 道 制 度 公 约 附 加 议 定 书 Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern 人 类 共 同 关 心 问 题 rén lèi gòng tòng guān xīn wèn tí common concern of humankind 关 于 难 民 及 有 关 人 士 持 久 解 决 方 法 的 框 架 Framework for Durable Solutions for Refugees and Persons of Concern / Framework for Durable Solutions 持 久 解 决 方 法 框 架 Framework for Durable Solutions for Refugees and Persons of Concern / Framework for Durable Solutions 与 扩 散 有 关 联 的 物 项 item of proliferation concern 应 予 特 别 人 道 主 义 关 注 的 个 桉 cases of special humanitarian concern 继 续 经 营 假 设 going concern assumption 关 注 对 象 persons of concern to UNHCR / persons of concern 关 心 世 事 中 心 Center of Concern 关 心 犯 罪 组 织 Crime Concern 国 际 关 注 的 罪 行 crime of international concern 敬 启 者 jìng qǐ zhě Dear Sirs / To Whom It May Concern