农 作 物 nóng zuò wù (farm) crops 农 作 nóng zuò farming / crops 收 割 shōu gē to harvest / to reap / to gather in crops 常 客 cháng kè frequent visitor / fig. sth that crops up frequently 五 谷 wǔ gǔ five crops, e.g. millet 粟[su4], soybean 豆[dou4], sesame 麻[ma2], barley 麥|麦[mai4], rice 稻[dao4] or other variants / all crops / all grains / oats, peas, beans and barley 小 春 xiǎo chūn 10th month of the lunar calendar / Indian summer / crops sown in late autumn 杂 粮 zá liáng grain crops other than rice and wheat 粮 食 作 物 liáng shi zuò wù grain crops / cereals 风 调 雨 顺 fēng tiáo yǔ shùn favorable weather (idiom) / good weather for crops 轮 作 lún zuò rotation of crops (to preserve fertility of soil) 秋 粮 qiū liáng autumn grain crops 五 谷 丰 登 wǔ gǔ fēng dēng abundant harvest of all food crops / bumper grain harvest 产 粮 chǎn liáng to grow crops / food growing 造 zào to make / to build / to manufacture / to invent / to fabricate / to go to / party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement) / crop / classifier for crops 垄 lǒng ridge between fields / row of crops / grave mound 垅 lǒng ridge between fields / row of crops / grave mound / old variant of 壟|垄 虫 灾 chóng zāi insect damage / destruction of crops by pest insects 轮 种 lún zhòng rotation of crops 壆 bó mounded row of soil (in which crops are planted) 倒 茬 dǎo chá rotation of crops 四 体 不 勤 , 五 谷 不 分 sì tǐ bù qín , wǔ gǔ bù fēn never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops (idiom) / living as a parasite 套 作 tào zuò intercropping / growing several crops together 换 茬 huàn chá rotation of crops 敌 害 dí hài pest / vermin / animal that is harmful to crops or to another species / enemy / predator 混 作 hùn zuò mixed cropping (i.e. growing two crops together) 养 地 yǎng dì to maintain the land (with rotation of crops or fertilizer) 国 际 半 干 旱 热 带 作 物 研 究 所 International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 块 茎 作 物 技 术 项 目 Root and Tuber Crops Technology project 园 艺 作 物 yuán yì zuò wù horticultural crops 亚 太 副 作 物 开 发 减 贫 中 心 Centre for the alleviation of poverty through secondary crops development in Asia and the Pacific 藤 本 作 物 téng běn zuò wù vine crops 热 带 农 业 和 粮 食 作 物 研 究 所 Institute for Research in Tropical Agriculture and Food Crops 水 浇 作 物 shuǐ jiāo zuò wù irrigated crops 粮 食 作 物 方 桉 Food Crops Programme 消 除 非 法 作 物 xiāo chú fēi fǎ zuò wù eradication of illicit crops 饲 料 作 物 sì liào zuò wù forage crops 非 法 药 用 作 物 fēi fǎ yào yòng zuò wù illicit drug crops 树 木 作 物 shù mù zuò wù tree crops 半 干 旱 热 带 地 区 特 定 粮 食 作 物 的 技 术 转 让 Technology Transfer on Selected Food Crops for the Semi-Arid Tropics 国 际 旱 地 作 物 方 桉 International Programme for Arid Land Crops 东 非 块 根 作 物 研 究 网 East Africa Root Crops Research Network 东 部 和 南 部 非 洲 块 根 作 物 研 究 网 East and Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network 旱 作 作 物 hàn zuò zuò wù rain-fed crops 南 部 非 洲 块 根 作 物 研 究 网 Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network 植 物 油 作 物 vegetable oil crops 加 勒 比 区 域 根 茎 作 物 研 究 和 发 展 方 桉 Regional Caribbean Root Crops Research and Development Programme 侍 弄 shì nòng to look after / to tend (one's crops, garden, livestock, pets etc) / to repair 害 鸟 hài niǎo pest bird (esp. one that feeds on farm crops or newly hatched fish)