- 这药创造了奇迹。
The medicine worked marvels.
- 这个箱子是用纸造的。
This box is made of paper.
- 这个寺庙是何时造的?
When was this temple built?
- 这个照相机是德国制造的。
This camera was made in Germany.
- 上帝创造了天地。
God created the heaven and the earth.
- 咖啡师们该创造一个情景喜剧。
Baristas need to make a sitcom.
- 他造了一个机器人。
He made a robot.
- 狂风暴雨造成她无法准时抵达。
The storm prevented her from arriving on time.
- 起初,神创造了天地。
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
- 我就是这样把机器造出来的。
This is how I made the machine.