"Curve" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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线 qū xiàn curve / curved line / indirect / in a roundabout way
 hú xíng curve / arc / arch
 hú dù radian / arc / curve / curvature
 wān zi bend / turn / curve
 wān jiǎo corner / bend / curve
 wān qū to bend / to curve around / curved / crooked / to wind / to warp
 wān dào winding road / road curve
 guǎi wān to go round a curve / to turn a corner / fig. a new direction
 guǎi diǎn turning point / breaking point / inflexion point (math., a point of a curve at which the curvature changes sign)
 dàn dào trajectory (of a projectile) / ballistic curve
 huí to curve / to return / to revolve
线 èr cì qū xiàn quadratic curve (geometry) / conic
线 píng miàn qū xiàn (math.) plane curve
线 sān cì qū xiàn cubic curve (geometry)
线 tuǒ yuán qū xiàn (math.) elliptic curve
 wēi cove / bay / a bend or nook in the hills / the curve of a bow
 èr cì qū quadratic curve / conic section (geometry)
线 dài shù qū xiàn algebraic curve
线 tū xiàn convex curve
 xián qiē jiǎo chord angle (i.e. angle a chord of a curve makes to the tangent)
线 hú xiàn cháng arc length / length of a curve segment
 hú cháng arc length (the length of a curve segment)
 qū xiàn variant of 曲線|曲线, curve / curved line
线 qū xiàn nǐ hé curve fitting
线 duǎn chéng xiàn a geodesic (curve) / a shortest curve
线 děng shāng xiàn isentropic curve (physics})
线  time-distance curve / T-X curve / traveltime curve / hodochrone (rare) / hodograph (rare)
线  calibration curve
线  dose-effect curve
线  Hubbert curve
线  hypsometric curve
-历-频线  Intensity Duration Frequency curve / IDF curve
IDF曲线  Intensity Duration Frequency curve / IDF curve
线  learning curve
线  coverage curve
线  velocity-depth curve / velocity curve
线  velocity-depth curve / velocity curve
线  bell curve
线  bell curve
线  curve crossing point / crossing point
线  time-depth curve / time-depth plot
线  regression curve
线  catch curve
线  recruitment curve / reproduction curve
 xué bù to learn to walk / (fig.) to learn sth, making unsteady progress / to get started on the learning curve
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