大家 | dà jiā | everyone / influential family / great expert | |
诸位 | zhū wèi | (pron) everyone / Ladies and Gentlemen / Sirs | |
众人 | zhòng rén | everyone | |
每个人 | měi ge rén | everybody / everyone | |
人人 | rén rén | everyone / every person | |
你我 | nǐ wǒ | you and I / everyone / all of us (in society) / we (people in general) | |
世人 | shì rén | people (in general) / people around the world / everyone | |
各人 | gè rén | each one / everyone | |
大伙 | dà huǒ | everybody / everyone / we all | |
莫不 | mò bù | none doesn't / there is none who isn't / everyone | |
亲疏贵贱 | qīn shū guì jiàn | close and distant, rich and poor (idiom) / everyone / all possible relations | |
通用 | tōng yòng | to use anywhere, anytime (card, ticket etc) / to be used by everyone (language, textbook etc) / (of two or more things) interchangeable | |
全场 | quán chǎng | everyone present / the whole audience / across-the-board / unanimously / whole duration (of a competition or match) | |
无不 | wú bù | none lacking / none missing / everything is there / everyone without exception | |
家喻户晓 | jiā yù hù xiǎo | understood by everyone (idiom) / well known / a household name | |
海选 | hǎi xuǎn | (in elections for village committees in the PRC since the 1990s) unrestricted nomination, a type of election where 1. everyone in the community is eligible to nominate somebody 2. voting is done by writing the name of one's nominee on the ballot, and 3. one's nominee can be anyone in the community (Nominees who receive the highest number of votes may be thereby elected or, more often, presented as the candidates in a further round of voting.) / (in other contexts) selection of the best contender in a process open to all comers / (in the entertainment industry) open audition | |
曾几何时 | céng jǐ hé shí | just a while before / not so long ago / everyone can remember when.. | |
一视同仁 | yī shì tóng rén | to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom) / not to discriminate between people | |
目中无人 | mù zhōng wú rén | to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom) / so arrogant that no-one else matters / condescending / to go about with one's nose in the air | |
疑神疑鬼 | yí shén yí guǐ | to suspect everyone / overly suspicious | |
亦步亦趋 | yì bù yì qū | to blindly follow suit (idiom) / to imitate slavishly / to do what everyone else is doing | |
各抒己见 | gè shū jǐ jiàn | everyone gives their own view | |
人云亦云 | rén yún yì yún | to say what everyone says (idiom) / to conform to what one perceives to be the majority view / to follow the herd | |
合众 | hé zhòng | mass / involving everyone / united / lit. to assemble the multitude | |
屠城 | tú chéng | to massacre everyone in a captured city | |
大快人心 | dà kuài rén xīn | to the satisfaction of everyone | |
大锅饭 | dà guō fàn | meal cooked in a large pot / communal meal / (fig.) system that rewards everyone equally regardless of merit | |
人尽其才 | rén jìn qí cái | employ one's talent to the fullest / everyone gives of their best | |
草木皆兵 | cǎo mù jiē bīng | lit. every tree or bush an enemy soldier (idiom) / fig. to panic and treat everyone as an enemy / to feel beleaguered | |
尽人皆知 | jìn rén jiē zhī | known by everyone (idiom) / well known / a household name | |
井水不犯河水 | jǐng shuǐ bù fàn hé shuǐ | everyone minds their own business | |
妇孺皆知 | fù rú jiē zhī | understood by everyone (idiom) / well known / a household name | |
一团和气 | yī tuán hé qì | to keep on the right side of everyone (idiom) / warm and affable | |
公诸于世 | gōng zhū yú shì | to announce to the world (idiom) / to make public / to let everyone know | |
扶老携幼 | fú lǎo xié yòu | taking everyone along, young and old / to look after the elderly and the young | |
满堂彩 | mǎn táng cǎi | everyone present applauds / universal acclaim / a standing ovation / to bring the house down | |
兼爱 | jiān ài | "universal love", principle advocated by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], stressing that people should care for everyone equally | |
人人皆知 | rén rén jiē zhī | known to everyone | |
路人皆知 | lù rén jiē zhī | understood by everyone (idiom) / well known / a household name | |
洛阳纸贵 | Luò yáng zhǐ guì | lit. paper has become expensive in Luoyang (because everyone is making a copy of a popular story) (idiom) / fig. (of a product) to sell like hotcakes | |
各有所好 | gè yǒu suǒ hào | everyone has their likes and dislikes (idiom) | |
爱屋及乌 | ài wū jí wū | lit. love the house and its crow (idiom) / involvement with sb and everyone connected / Love me, love my dog. | |
人无完人 | rén wú wán rén | nobody is perfect / everyone has their defect | |
有教无类 | yǒu jiào wú lèi | education for everyone, irrespective of background | |
水至清则无鱼 | shuǐ zhì qīng zé wú yú | Water that is too clear has few fish, and one who is too critical has few friends (idiom) / You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean. / Don't be too picky! | |
尽欢而散 | jìn huān ér sàn | to disperse after a happy time (idiom) / everyone enjoys themselves to the full then party breaks up | |
群起而攻之 | qún qǐ ér gōng zhī | the masses rise to attack it (idiom) / Everyone is against the idea. / universally abhorrent | |
惊师动众 | jīng shī dòng zhòng | to alarm everyone / to scandalize the public | |
惊群动众 | jīng qún dòng zhòng | to alarm everyone / to scandalize the public | |
七手八脚 | qī shǒu bā jiǎo | (idiom) with everyone lending a hand (eagerly but somewhat chaotically) | |
咸与维新 | xián yù wéi xīn | everyone participates in reforms (idiom) / to replace the old with new / to reform and start afresh | |
看人下菜碟儿 | kàn rén xià cài dié r | (dialect) to treat sb according to their social status, relationship with them etc (idiom) / not to treat everyone equally favorably | |
司马昭之心路人皆知 | Sī mǎ Zhāo zhī xīn lù rén jiē zhī | lit. Sima Zhao's intentions are obvious to everyone (idiom) / fig. an open secret | |
三人行,必有我师 | sān rén xíng , bì yǒu wǒ shī | lit. if three walk together, one can be my teacher (idiom, from the Analects of Confucius) / you have sth to learn from everyone | |
人人都有缺点 | rén rén dōu yǒu quē diǎn | Everyone has faults. / No-one is perfect | |
人各有所好 | rén gè yǒu suǒ hào | everyone has their likes and dislikes / there is no accounting for taste / chacun son goût | |
人尽其材 | rén jìn qí cái | employ one's talent to the fullest / everyone gives of their best / also written 人盡其才|人尽其才 | |
分餐 | fēn cān | separate meals / to eat individual meals (rather than taking one's food from plates served to everyone at the table) | |
司马昭之心路人所知 | Sī mǎ Zhāo zhī xīn lù rén suǒ zhī | Sima Zhao's stratagem is obvious to everyone / fig. an open secret | |
国家兴亡,匹夫有责 | guó jiā xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé | The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society. | |
天下兴亡,匹夫有责 | tiān xià xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé | The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society. | |
所周知 | suǒ zhōu zhī | as is well known / as everyone knows | |
有目共赏 | yǒu mù gòng shǎng | as everyone can appreciate (idiom) / clear to all / unarguable | |
每一个人都有美中不足的地方 | měi yī gè rén dōu yǒu měi zhōng bù zú de dì fang | However excellent, everyone has his defects. / There is always a fly in the ointment. / cf idiom 美中不足[mei3 zhong1 bu4 zu2], everything is fine except for one small defect | |
炳然 | bǐng rán | to be manifest for everyone to see | |
众人敬仰 | zhòng rén jìng yǎng | universally admired / highly esteemed by everyone | |
惊师动衆 | jīng shī dòng zhòng | to alarm everyone / to scandalize the public | |
人谁无过 | rén shéi wú guò | Everyone makes mistakes (idiom) | |
呶呶 | náo náo | to talk endlessly, annoying everyone | |
众口皆碑 | zhòng kǒu jiē bēi | to be praised by everyone | |
烂好人 | làn hǎo rén | sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone | |
人有失手,马有失蹄 | rén yǒu shī shǒu , mǎ yǒu shī tí | lit. just as humans make mistakes, so can a horse stumble (idiom) / fig. everyone makes mistakes / even the best fall down sometimes | |
公之于世 | gōng zhī yú shì | to announce to the world (idiom) / to make public / to let everyone know | |
喜大普奔 | xǐ dà pǔ bēn | (of news etc) so thrilling that everyone is rejoicing and spreading the word (Internet slang) / acronym from 喜聞樂見|喜闻乐见[xi3 wen2 le4 jian4], 大快人心[da4 kuai4 ren2 xin1], 普天同慶|普天同庆[pu3 tian1 tong2 qing4] and 奔走相告[ben1 zou3 xiang1 gao4] | |
尺有所短,寸有所长 | chǐ yǒu suǒ duǎn , cùn yǒu suǒ cháng | lit. for some things a foot may be too short, and for the other an inch will suffice (proverb) / fig. everyone has their strong and weak points / everything has its advantages and disadvantages | |
扩散周知 | kuò sàn zhōu zhī | to let everyone know / spread the word! | |
滥好人 | làn hǎo rén | sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone | |
无人不晓 | wú rén bù xiǎo | known to everyone | |
爱美之心,人皆有之 | ài měi zhī xīn , rén jiē yǒu zhī | everyone loves beauty (idiom) | |
老鼠过街,人人喊打 | lǎo shǔ guò jiē , rén rén hǎn dǎ | lit. when a rat crosses the street, people chase it down (idiom) / fig. everyone detests a lowlife | |
街知巷闻 | jiē zhī xiàng wén | to be known to everyone | |
齐头式 | qí tóu shì | treating everyone the same, regardless of individual differences / one-size-fits-all approach / (typesetting) block paragraphs (no indenting, and blank space between each paragraph) | |
人言啧啧 | rén yán zé zé | everyone comments disapprovingly (idiom) | |
一个将军一个令 | yī gè jiāng jūn yī gè lìng | lit. one general, one order (idiom) / fig. every boss has their own rules / everyone has their own way of doing things | |
人心惶惶 | rén xīn huáng huáng | (idiom) everyone is anxious / (of a group of people) to feel anxious | |
众口难调 | zhòng kǒu nán tiáo | it's difficult to please everyone (idiom) | |
杀君马者道旁儿 | shā jūn mǎ zhě dào páng ér | lit. bystanders killed the king's horse (idiom) (based on an ancient story in which people along the road cheered a horseman on as he galloped past, until the horse died of exhaustion) / fig. beware of becoming complacent when everyone is cheering you on | |
群言堂 | qún yán táng | letting everyone have their say / taking people's views into account / free expression of different views / (contrasted with 一言堂[yi1 yan2 tang2]) | |
语惊四座 | yǔ jīng sì zuò | to make a remark that startles everyone present (idiom) / (of a remark) startling | |