迅 速 xùn sù rapid / speedy / fast 快 速 kuài sù fast / high-speed / rapid 快 捷 kuài jié quick / fast / nimble / agile / (computer) shortcut 禁 食 jìn shí to fast / to abstain from eating / to forbid the eating of (certain foods) / a fast 斋 戒 zhāi jiè to fast 辟 谷 pì gǔ to abstain from eating cereals (Taoist practice) / to fast 断 食 duàn shí to fast / hunger strike 速 sù fast / rapid / quick / velocity 迅 xùn rapid / fast 讯 xùn to question / to ask / to interrogate / rapid / speedy / fast / news / information 遽 jù hurry / fast / suddenly 嘌 piào (literary) fast / speedy / used in 嘌呤[piao4 ling4] / Taiwan pr. [piao1] 嘌 piāo fast / speedy 駃 kuài fast (horse) 斋 期 zhāi qī fasting days / a fast 大 斋 dà zhāi to fast / to abstain from food 守 斋 shǒu zhāi to fast 封 斋 fēng zhāi fast (in several religions) / Ramadan (Islam) / see also 齋月|斋月[Zhai1 yue4] 𫘝 kuài fast (horse) 飞 快 fēi kuài very fast / at lightning speed / (coll.) razor-sharp 便 捷 biàn jié convenient and fast 沉 睡 chén shuì to be fast asleep / (fig.) to lie dormant / to lie undiscovered 快 餐 kuài cān fast food / snack / quick meal 坚 守 jiān shǒu to hold fast to / to stick to 速 配 sù pèi fast matchmaking / speed dating / (coll.) (Tw) (of a couple) to be a good match 灵 通 líng tōng fast and abundant (news) / clever / effective 睡 梦 中 shuì mèng zhōng fast asleep / dreaming 快 餐 店 kuài cān diàn fast food shop 快 跑 kuài pǎo to run fast / to sprint / to gallop / Gee up! / Run for it! 迅 捷 xùn jié fast and nimble 铁 板 tiě bǎn iron panel / hot iron plate for fast grilling (Japanese: teppan) 急 功 近 利 jí gōng jìn lì seeking instant benefit (idiom) / shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return 快 车 道 kuài chē dào fast lane 秉 持 bǐng chí to uphold / to hold fast to 不 翼 而 飞 bù yì ér fēi to disappear without trace / to vanish all of a sudden / to spread fast / to spread like wildfire 俯 冲 fǔ chōng to dive down fast / to swoop down 快 攻 kuài gōng fast break / quick attack (ball sports) 速 食 sù shí fast food (Tw) 风 驰 电 掣 fēng chí diàn chè fast as lightning 纷 至 沓 来 fēn zhì tà lái to come thick and fast (idiom) 疾 速 jí sù very fast / at high speed 跑 马 pǎo mǎ horse race / to ride a horse at a fast pace / (dialect) wet dream 疾 步 jí bù at a fast pace 快 马 加 鞭 kuài mǎ jiā biān to spur the horse to full speed (idiom) / to go as fast as possible 不 胫 而 走 bù jìng ér zǒu to get round fast / to spread like wildfire 取 巧 qǔ qiǎo quick fix / opportune short cut (around a difficulty) / cheap trick (to get what one wants) / to pull a fast one 急 智 jí zhì quick witted / able to think fast in an emergency 吉 野 家 Jí yě jiā Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain) 开 斋 节 Kāi zhāi jié Eid al-Fitr or Feast of Breaking the Fast, celebrated on the last day of Ramadan 开 斋 kāi zhāi to stop following a vegetarian diet / to break a fast 趋 qū to hasten / to hurry / to walk fast / to approach / to tend towards / to converge 驶 shǐ (of a vehicle, horse etc) to go fast / to speed / (of a vehicle) to run / to go / (of a boat) to sail 驰 chí to run fast / to speed / to gallop / to disseminate / to spread 斋 zhāi to fast or abstain from meat, wine etc / vegetarian diet / study room / building / to give alms (to a monk) 翩 piān to fly fast 铤 tǐng big arrow / walk fast 砉 huā sound of a thing flying fast by / whoosh / cracking sound / Taiwan pr. [huo4] 艎 huáng fast ship / see 艅艎, large warship 健 步 如 飞 jiàn bù rú fēi running as fast as flying 不 疾 不 徐 bù jí bù xú neither too fast nor too slow (idiom) 凭 轼 结 辙 píng shì jié zhé to drive non-stop as fast as one can (idiom) 马 工 枚 速 Mǎ gōng Méi sù Sima Xiangru is meticulous and Mei Gao is fast (idiom) / to each his good points 速 食 店 sù shí diàn fast food shop 高 速 乙 太 网 路 gāo sù yǐ tài wǎng lù fast Ethernet 快 速 以 太 网 络 kuài sù yǐ tài wǎng luò Fast Ethernet 快 中 子 kuài zhōng zǐ fast neutrons 便 捷 化 biàn jié huà to facilitate / to streamline / to make convenient and fast 外 送 wài sòng to send out / fast food delivered 大 斋 节 dà zhāi jié great fast / Christian lent 好 事 不 出 门 , 恶 事 传 千 里 hǎo shì bù chū mén , è shì chuán qiān lǐ lit. good deeds do not go beyond the door, evil deeds spread a thousand miles / a good deed goes unnoticed, but scandal spreads fast (idiom) 快 行 道 kuài xíng dào fast lane / express lane 扒 搂 bā lōu to pile together / to cram food into one's mouth (with chopsticks) / to eat fast 择 善 固 执 zé shàn gù zhí to choose what is good and hold fast to it (idiom) 满 帆 mǎn fān under full sail / going as fast as possible 百 胜 餐 饮 集 团 Bǎi shèng Cān yǐn Jí tuán Yum! Brands, Inc., American fast food corporation operating Pizza Hut, KFC etc. 花 边 人 物 huā biān rén wù smooth talker / fast talker / slick and sociable person / person in the news 速 食 餐 厅 sù shí cān tīng fast food shop 遄 征 chuán zhēng to hurry forward on an expedition / to drive fast 关 紧 guān jǐn to close firmly / to fasten securely / to make fast / to lock 飞 舟 fēi zhōu fast boat 快 速 傅 里 叶 变 换 kuài sù fù lǐ yè biàn huàn fast Fourier transform 快 中 子 增 殖 反 应 堆 fast breeder reactor 快 速 启 动 基 金 kuài sù qǐ dòng jī jīn fast start climate fund / fast start fund 快 速 启 动 气 候 基 金 kuài sù qǐ dòng qì hòu jī jīn fast start climate fund / fast start fund 快 速 启 动 供 资 fast start climate funding / fast start funding 固 兰 B盐 fast blue salt B 快 速 攻 击 艇 kuài sù gōng jī tǐng fast attack craft 液 体 金 属 冷 却 快 中 子 增 殖 反 应 堆 liquid-metal-cooled fast breeder reactor 信 通 技 术 快 进 举 措 ICT Fast Forward Initiative 全 民 教 育 快 车 道 倡 议 Education for All Fast Track Initiative / EFA Fast Track Initiative 信 息 技 术 和 通 信 紧 急 情 况 快 速 支 持 小 组 Fast Information Technology and Telecommunications Emergency and Support Team 快 原 子 轰 击 质 谱 分 析 法 fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry 信 通 技 术 快 进 方 桉 ICT Fast Forward Programme 快 速 反 潜 护 航 舰 fast anti-submarine escort 又 要 马 儿 跑 , 又 要 马 儿 不 吃 草 yòu yào mǎ r pǎo , yòu yào mǎ r bù chī cǎo lit. you can't expect the horse to run fast but not let it graze (idiom) / fig. you can't have your cake and eat it, too 酣 眠 hān mián to sleep soundly / fast asleep 譶 tà to talk fast 天 眼 Tiān yǎn nickname of the FAST radio telescope (in Guizhou) 飞 也 似 的 fēi yě shì de lit. as if flying / very fast 玩 法 wán fǎ to play fast and loose with the law / to game the system / (leisure) rules of the game / way of doing an activity / (tourism) way of experiencing a place