特 点 tè diǎn characteristic (feature) / trait / feature / CL:個|个[ge4] 设 有 shè yǒu to have / to incorporate / to feature 特 稿 feature 特 别 节 目 tè bié jié mù feature 体 势 tǐ shì feature 精 华 jīng huá best feature / most important part of an object / quintessence / essence / soul 特 色 tè sè characteristic / distinguishing feature or quality 面 向 miàn xiàng to face / to turn towards / to incline to / geared towards / catering for / -oriented / facial feature / appearance / aspect / facet 气 象 qì xiàng meteorological feature / CL:個|个[ge4] / meteorology / atmosphere / ambience / scene 特 写 tè xiě feature article / close-up (filmmaking, photography etc) 重 头 戏 zhòng tóu xì opera (or role) involving much singing and action / (fig.) highlight / main feature / major activity 专 题 报 道 feature story 故 事 片 gù shi piàn fictional film / feature film 安 全 措 施 ān quán cuò shī safety feature / security measure 特 征 tè zhēng characteristic / diagnostic property / distinctive feature / trait 彩 蛋 cǎi dàn painted eggshell / Easter egg / (media) Easter egg (hidden feature in software or a movie etc) / post-credits scene 地 物 terrain feature 梗 gěng branch / stem / stalk / CL:根[gen1] / to block / to hinder / (neologism that evolved from 哏[gen2], initially in Taiwan, during the first decade of the 21st century) memorable creative idea (joke, catchphrase, meme, neologism, witty remark etc) / prominent feature of a creative work (punchline of a joke, trope in a drama, special ingredient in a dish, riff in a pop song etc) 崛 地 而 起 jué dì ér qǐ lit. arising suddenly above the level ground (idiom) / sudden emergence of prominent new feature 电 视 专 题 片 diàn shì zhuān tí piàn television documentary or feature 视 频 专 题 shì pín zhuān tí video feature 孤 立 特 征 freestanding feature 海 底 地 物 undersea feature / seabed feature 安 全 性 能 ān quán xìng néng safety feature 地 形 特 征 terrain feature 特 征 空 间 feature space 特 征 加 强 feature enhancement 地 质 特 征 geologic feature 水 文 地 物 hydrographic feature 人 口 与 发 展 问 题 妇 女 特 稿 处 Women's Feature Service for Population and Development 测 深 特 征 bathymetric feature 海 底 地 物 名 称 小 组 委 员 会 Subcommittee on Undersea Feature Names 目 标 特 征 抽 取 target feature extraction 特 征 属 性 编 码 目 录 Feature Attribute Coding Catalog 备 用 自 行 解 除 待 发 状 态 装 置 back-up self-deactivation feature 标 配 biāo pèi to provide as a standard feature / standard feature / standard equipment / standard configuration / (abbr. for 標準配置|标准配置[biao1 zhun3 pei4 zhi4])