倡议 | chàng yì | to suggest / to initiate / proposal / initiative | |
积极性 | jī jí xìng | zeal / initiative / enthusiasm / activity | |
主动权 | zhǔ dòng quán | initiative (as in "seize the initiative") / advantageous position that allows one to call the shots | |
能动性 | néng dòng xìng | initiative / active role | |
进取心 | jìn qǔ xīn | enterprising spirit / initiative | |
倡仪 | chàng yí | initiative / to initiate / to propose (a new course of action) | |
公民动议 | gōng mín dòng yì | citizen initiative / initiative | |
主动 | zhǔ dòng | to take the initiative / to do sth of one's own accord / spontaneous / active / opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4] / drive (of gears and shafts etc) | |
自觉 | zì jué | conscious / aware / on one's own initiative / conscientious | |
发起 | fā qǐ | to originate / to initiate / to launch (an attack, an initiative etc) / to start / to propose sth (for the first time) | |
率先 | shuài xiān | to take the lead / to show initiative | |
进取 | jìn qǔ | to show initiative / to be a go-getter / to push forward with one's agenda | |
出头 | chū tóu | to get out of a predicament / to stick out / to take the initiative / remaining odd fraction after a division / a little more than | |
倡议书 | chàng yì shū | written proposal / document outlining an initiative | |
公私 | gōng sī | public and private (interests, initiative etc) | |
先发制人 | xiān fā zhì rén | to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom) / to preempt / to anticipate / preemptive | |
守株待兔 | shǒu zhū dài tù | lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom) / to wait idly for opportunities / to trust to chance rather than show initiative | |
无所作为 | wú suǒ zuò wéi | attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom) / without any initiative or drive / feckless | |
专擅 | zhuān shàn | without authorization / to act on one's own initiative | |
自作主张 | zì zuò zhǔ zhāng | to think for oneself and act accordingly (idiom) / to act on one's own initiative | |
战略防御倡议 | zhàn lu:è fáng yù chàng yì | strategic defense initiative (SDI) | |
气候中和倡议 | | climate neutrality initiative | |
叁五计划 | | 3 by 5 Initiative / Treat 3 Million by 2005 Initiative | |
全球环境卫生倡议 | quán qiú huán jìng wèi shēng chàng yì | Global Environmental Sanitation Initiative | |
电子贸易倡议 | | e-Trade initiative | |
联合石油数据倡议 | | Joint Oil Data Initiative | |
提供服务权 | | right of initiative | |
国际艾滋病疫苗倡议 | guó jì yì zī bìng yì miáo chàng yì | International AIDS Vaccine Initiative | |
最佳范例倡议 | zuì jiā fàn lì chàng yì | Best Practices Initiative | |
预防冲突倡议协会 | | Initiative pour la Prévention des Conflits | |
太平洋适应气候变化伙伴关系总括倡议 | | Pacific Umbrella Partnership Initiative on Adaptation | |
全球技术伙伴倡议 | | Global Technology Partnership Initiative | |
地中海气候变化倡议 | | Mediterranean Climate Change Initiative | |
温室气体核算标准倡议 | wēn shì qì tǐ hé suàn biāo zhǔn chàng yì | Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative / GHG Protocol Initiative | |
南极西部冰盖计划 | | West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative | |
室内气候变化倡议 | shì nèi qì hòu biàn huà chàng yì | In-House Climate Change Initiative / Cool UN | |
全球高山环境观察研究倡议 | | Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments | |
生殖健康商品管理全球倡议 | shēng zhí jiàn kāng shāng pǐn guǎn lǐ quán qiú chàng yì | Global Initiative on Reproductive Health Commodity Management | |
立法改革倡议 | lì fǎ gǎi gé chàng yì | Legislative Reform Initiative | |
领导才能和发展计划 | | Leadership and Development Initiative | |
非洲营养数据库倡议 | | African Nutrition Database Initiative | |
泛非木薯倡议 | fàn fēi mù shǔ chàng yì | Pan-African Cassava Initiative | |
巴马科倡议发展基金 | | Bamako Initiative Development Fund | |
哥斯达黎加-加拿大倡议国际专家会议 | | International experts meeting of the Costa Rica-Canada Initiative | |
全球因特网政策倡议 | | Global Internet Policy Initiative | |
新人才计划 | | New and Emerging Talent Initiative | |
欧洲电子商务倡议 | | European Initiative in Electronic Commerce | |
国家主导倡议 | guó jiā zhǔ dǎo chàng yì | country-led initiative | |
世界太阳能倡议 | shì jiè tài yáng néng chàng yì | World Solar Initiative | |
共同体区域间倡议 | | Interreg Community Initiative | |
开发署安全孕产倡议基金 | | UNDP Fund for Safe Motherhood Initiative | |
加强优惠的重债穷国倡议 | | enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative / enhanced HIPC Initiative | |
气候技术倡议 | | Climate Technology Initiative | |
克林顿全球倡议 | kè lín dùn quán qiú chàng yì | Clinton Global Initiative | |
城市与气候变化倡议 | | Cities and Climate Change Initiative | |
非洲信息社会倡议 | | African Information Society Initiative | |
多边减债动议 | duō bian jiǎn zhài dòng yì | Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative | |
可持续能源倡议 | kě chí xù néng yuán chàng yì | Initiative for Sustainable Energy | |
中美洲旅游业倡议 | | Meso-American Tourism Initiative | |
中美洲可持续发展倡议 | | Meso-American Initiative for Sustainable Development | |
中美洲人类发展倡议 | | Meso-American Initiative for Human Development | |
治沙行动 | | Desert Margin Initiative | |
中美洲电信一体化倡议 | | Meso-American Initiative for Integrating Telecommunication Services | |
中美洲能源互联倡议 | | Meso-American Initiative for Energy Interconnection | |
市场准入倡议 | shì chǎng zhǔn rù chàng yì | Market Access Initiative | |
中美洲公路一体化倡议 | | Meso-American Initiative for Highway Integration | |
全球汇报计划 | | Global Reporting Initiative | |
人力资源开发倡议 | | Human Resource Development Initiative | |
改革和加强金融部门倡议 | | Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative | |
海外倡议 | hǎi wài chàng yì | Offshore Initiative | |
亚洲干燥林区域倡议 | | Dry Forest Asia Initiative | |
独联体7国倡议 | | CIS 7 Initiative | |
南部非洲开放社会倡议 | | Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa | |
脱离接触倡议 | tuō lí jiē chù chàng yì | disengagement initiative | |
青年倡议 | qīng nián chàng yì | Initiative Jeunes | |
社会保护最低标准倡议 | | Social Protection Floor Initiative | |
技术伙伴关系倡议 | | Technology Partnership Initiative | |
孕产妇死亡率与人权国际倡议 | | International Initiative on Maternal Mortality and Human Rights | |
欧洲联盟水倡议 | ōu zhōu lián méng shuǐ chàng yì | European Union Water Initiative | |
六国倡议 | liù guó chàng yì | Six-Country Initiative | |
独立疫苗倡议 | dú lì yì miáo chàng yì | Vaccine Independence Initiative | |
关于布隆迪和平进程的阿鲁沙倡议 | | Arusha Initiative on the Burundi Peace Process | |
苏丹人民倡议 | sū dān rén mín chàng yì | Sudan People's Initiative | |
欧洲民主与人权倡议 | | European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights | |
第一个到现场倡议 | dì yī gè dào xiàn chǎng chàng yì | First on the Ground Initiative | |
稳定公约有组织犯罪倡议 | | Stability Pact Initiative on Organized Crime | |
和平、友好与交流倡议 | | Peace, Friendship and Exchange Initiative | |
欧洲冰盖模型计划 | | European Ice-Sheet Modelling Initiative | |
金融机构倡议 | jīn róng jī gòu chàng yì | Financial Institutions Initiative | |
方案学习倡议 | fāng àn xué xí chàng yì | Programme Learning Initiative | |
英联邦私人投资倡议 | yīng lián bāng sī rén tóu zī chàng yì | Commonwealth Private Investment Initiative | |
电信业倡议 | diàn xìn yè chàng yì | Telecommunications Initiative | |
赞比亚倡议 | | Zambia Initiative | |
非洲预算改革合作倡议 | fēi zhōu yù suàn gǎi gé hé zuò chàng yì | Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative | |
新伙伴关系-经合组织非洲投资倡议 | | NEPAD-OECD Africa Investment Initiative | |
追回被盗资产倡议 | zhuī huí bèi dào zī chǎn chàng yì | Stolen Assets Recovery Initiative / StAR Initiative | |
被忽视疾病药物研发倡议 | | Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative | |
南部非洲能力建设倡议 | nán bù fēi zhōu néng lì jiàn shè chàng yì | Southern Africa Capacity Initiative | |
支援最不发达国家特别倡议 | | Special Initiative for Least Developed Countries | |
土着和平倡议 | | Indigenous Initiative for Peace | |