知识 | zhī shi | knowledge / CL:門|门[men2] / intellectual | |
斯文 | sī wén | refined / educate / cultured / intellectual / polite / gentle | |
书生 | shū shēng | scholar / intellectual / egghead | |
知识分子 | zhī shi fèn zǐ | intellectual / intelligentsia / learned person | |
读书人 | dú shū rén | scholar / intellectual | |
智识 | zhì shí | knowledge / learning / (attributive) intellectual | |
知识产权 | zhī shi chǎn quán | intellectual property rights (law) | |
本体 | běn tǐ | main part / torso / the thing in itself / noumenon (object of purely intellectual perception according to Kant) | |
思想史 | sī xiǎng shǐ | intellectual history | |
智育 | zhì yù | intellectual development | |
脑力劳动 | nǎo lì láo dòng | mental labor / intellectual work | |
康有为 | Kāng Yǒu wéi | Kang Youwei (1858-1927), Confucian intellectual, educator and would-be reformer, main leader of the failed reform movement of 1898 | |
新文化运动 | Xīn Wén huà Yùn dòng | the New Culture Movement (mid-1910s and 1920s), intellectual revolution against Confucianism aiming to introduce Western elements, especially democracy and science | |
清谈 | qīng tán | light intellectual conversation | |
知识界 | zhī shi jiè | intellectual circles / intelligentsia | |
峨冠博带 | é guān bó dài | official class / intellectual class (idiom) | |
允文允武 | yǔn wén yǔn wǔ | equally proficient in intellectual and military affairs | |
许可协议 | xǔ kě xié yì | licensing agreement (for intellectual property) | |
知识份子 | zhī shí fèn zǐ | intellectual / learned person | |
智慧产权 | zhì huì chǎn quán | intellectual property | |
郭沫若 | Guō Mò ruò | Guo Moruo (1892-1978), writer, communist party intellectual and cultural apparatchik | |
世界知识产权组织 | Shì jiè Zhī shí Chǎn quán Zǔ zhī | World Intellectual Property Organization | |
智能障碍 | zhì néng zhàng ài | intellectual disability / cognitive disability / learning disability / mental retardation | |
章太炎 | Zhāng Tài yán | Zhang Taiyan (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution | |
章炳麟 | Zhāng Bǐng lín | Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 / (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution | |
臭老九 | chòu lǎo jiǔ | stinking intellectual (contemptuous term for educated people during the Cultural Revolution) | |
阿拉伯知识产权协会 | | Arab Society for Intellectual Property | |
知识产权产品 | | intellectual property product | |
与贸易有关的知识产权协议 | | Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights / TRIPS Agreement | |
解决国家间知识产权争端条约 | | treaty on the settlement of disputes between States in the field of intellectual property | |
比荷卢知识产权局 | | Benelux Office for Intellectual Property | |
电子商务和知识产权区域协商会议 | | regional consultation meeting on electronic commerce and intellectual property | |
知识产权组织电子商务和知识产权会议 | | WIPO Conference on Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property | |
社区知识产权 | | community intellectual rights | |
与贸易有关的知识产权问题理事会 | | Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights | |
土着人民知识产权圆桌会议 | | Roundtable on Indigenous Intellectual Property | |
联合国与世界知识产权组织之间的协定 | | Agreement between the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization | |
智力产权 | zhì lì chǎn quán | intellectual property | |
全球知识产权问题司 | | Global Intellectual Property Issues Division | |
国际保护知识产权联合局 | | United International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property | |
与贸易有关的知识产权 | | Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights | |
知识产权、革新与公共卫生委员会 | | Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Public Health | |
公共卫生、创新和知识产权政府间工作组 | | Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property | |
智力残疾 | | intellectual disability | |
集成电路知识产权问题专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits | |
解决国家间知识产权争端专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts on the Settlement of Intellectual Property Disputes between States | |
发展和知识产权委员会 | | Committee on Development and Intellectual Property | |
知识探索 | | Intellectual Quest | |
非洲区域知识产权组织 | | African Regional Intellectual Property Organization | |
智力损害 | | intellectual impairment | |
智力缺陷 | | intellectual impairment | |
非洲知识产权组织 | | African Intellectual Property Organization | |
关于集成电路的知识产权条约 | | Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits | |
知识产权法律汇编光盘 | | intellectual property legislation CD-ROM | |
公知 | gōng zhī | public intellectual (sometimes used derogatorily) / abbr. for 公共知識分子|公共知识分子[gong1 gong4 zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3] | |
文青 | wén qīng | young person who adopts an artistic or intellectual style / abbr. for 文藝青年|文艺青年 | |
智慧财产 | zhì huì cái chǎn | intellectual property (Tw) | |
市场换技术 | shì chǎng huàn jì shù | market access in return for technology transfer (PRC policy since the 1980s which gives foreign companies access to China's domestic market in exchange for sharing their intellectual property, characterized by the US in the 2019 trade war as "forced technology transfer") | |
IP | I P | intellectual property (in China, esp. since 2015, often used as an entertainment industry term for a creative work used as the basis of a new product, such as a manga adapted as a tv series, or the image of a cartoon character appearing on merchandise) | |
公共知识分子 | gōng gòng zhī shi fèn zǐ | public intellectual (sometimes used derogatorily) | |