石油 | shí yóu | oil / petroleum | |
油 | yóu | oil / fat / grease / petroleum / to apply tung oil, paint or varnish / oily / greasy / glib / cunning | |
中石化 | Zhōng shí huà | China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec / abbr. for 中國石油化工股份有限公司|中国石油化工股份有限公司 | |
欧佩克 | Oū pèi kè | OPEC / Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries | |
中油 | Zhòng yóu | CNPC, China National Petroleum Corporation (abbr.) | |
液化石油气 | yè huà shí yóu qì | liquefied petroleum gas | |
石油资源 | shí yóu zī yuán | petroleum resources | |
输油管 | shū yóu guǎn | petroleum pipeline | |
周永康 | Zhōu Yǒng kāng | Zhou Yongkang (1942-), PRC petroleum engineer and politician | |
石油输出国组织 | Shí yóu Shū chū guó Zǔ zhī | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) | |
石油醚 | shí yóu mí | petroleum ether | |
英国石油公司 | Yīng guó shí yóu gōng sī | British Petroleum, BP | |
中国石油天然气集团公司 | Zhōng guó Shí yóu Tiān rán qì Jí tuán Gōng sī | China National Petroleum Corporation | |
中国石化 | Zhōng guó Shí huà | China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec | |
中国石油化工股份有限公司 | Zhōng guó Shí yóu Huà gōng Gǔ fèn Yǒu xiàn Gōng sī | China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec / abbr. to 中石化[Zhong1 shi2 hua4] | |
石油蜡 | shí yóu là | petroleum wax | |
英国石油 | Yīng guó shí yóu | British Petroleum, BP | |
轻质石油 | qīng zhì shí yóu | light petroleum (product) / gasoline and diesel oil | |
轻质石油产品 | qīng zhì shí yóu chǎn pǐn | light petroleum product (i.e. gasoline and diesel oil) | |
石油税 | shí yóu shuì | petroleum levy | |
欧洲液化石油气协会 | | European Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association | |
国际石油工业环境保护协会 | | International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association | |
独立石油输出国组织 | dú lì shí yóu shū chū guó zǔ zhī | Independent Petroleum Exporting Countries | |
石油立法和合同会议 | | Conference on Petroleum Legislation and Contracts | |
利比里亚炼油公司 | | Liberia Petroleum Refining Company | |
乍得-喀麦隆石油开发和管道项目 | | Chad Cameroon Petroleum Development and Pipeline Project | |
阿拉伯石油、矿山和化学工人联合会 | | Arab Federation of Petroleum, Mines and Chemical Workers | |
国家石油委员会 | | National Petroleum Commission | |
挪威捐助安哥拉Sumbe石油训练中心信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the Norwegian Contribution to the Angolan Petroleum Training Centre in Sumbe | |
解决能源、石油、天然气争端国际会议 | | International Conference on the Settlement of Energy, Petroleum and Gas Disputes | |
石油产品 | shí yóu chǎn pǐn | petroleum products | |
区域石油培训中心 | | Regional Petroleum Training Centre | |
欧佩克国际开发基金 | | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Fund for International Development / OPEC Fund for International Development | |
尼日利亚国家石油公司 | ní rì lì yà guó jiā shí yóu gōng sī | Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation | |
阿拉伯石油输出国组织 | | Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries | |
石油输出国组织金融流动方案 | shí yóu shū chū guó zǔ zhī jīn róng liú dòng fāng àn | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Financial Flows Programme | |
联合国发展中国家间石油合作会议 | | United Nations Meeting on Cooperation Among Developing Countries in Petroleum | |
石油勘探和开采会议 | | Conference on Petroleum Exploration and Development | |
阿拉伯石油工人联合会 | | Arab Federation of Petroleum Workers | |
世界石油理事会 | | World Petroleum Council | |
世界石油大会 | | World Petroleum Congress | |
美国石油地质学家协会 | | American Association of Petroleum Geologists | |
汽油、机油和润滑油 | | petroleum, oil and lubricants service / POL service | |
供油服务 | | petroleum, oil and lubricants service / POL service | |
石油股 | | Petroleum Unit | |
挪威石油管理局 | | Norwegian Petroleum Directorate | |
东盟石油理事会 | | ASEAN Council on Petroleum | |
拉丁美洲石油勘探基金 | | Latin American Prospecting Fund for Petroleum | |
卡塔尔石油总公司 | | Qatar General Petroleum Corporation | |
非洲石油生产者协会 | | African Petroleum Producers Association | |
发展中国家石油勘探战略国际会议 | | International Meeting on Petroleum Exploration Strategies in Developing Countries | |
石油统计讲习班 | | Workshop on Petroleum Statistics | |
石油开发协定专家组会议 | | Expert group meeting on petroleum development agreements | |