石 油 shí yóu oil / petroleum 油 价 yóu jià oil (petroleum) price 油 脂 yóu zhī grease / oil / fat 油 料 yóu liào oilseed / oil / fuel 涂 油 tú yóu to grease / to oil / to baste (cookery) 油 yóu oil / fat / grease / petroleum / to apply tung oil, paint or varnish / oily / greasy / glib / cunning 加 油 jiā yóu to add oil / to top up with gas / to refuel / to accelerate / to step on the gas / (fig.) to make an extra effort / to cheer sb on 原 油 yuán yóu crude oil 燃 油 rán yóu fuel oil 油 漆 yóu qī oil paints / lacquer / to paint / CL:層|层[ceng2] 油 画 yóu huà oil painting 油 田 yóu tián oil field 润 滑 油 rùn huá yóu lubricating oil 成 品 油 chéng pǐn yóu refined oil 精 油 jīng yóu essential oil 机 油 jī yóu engine oil 勘 探 kān tàn to explore / to survey / to prospect (for oil etc) / prospecting 储 量 chǔ liàng remaining quantity / reserves (of natural resources, oil etc) 油 气 yóu qì oil and gas 豆 油 dòu yóu soy bean oil / (dialect) soy sauce 油 箱 yóu xiāng oil tank 香 油 xiāng yóu sesame oil / perfumed oil 炼 油 liàn yóu oil refinery 植 物 油 zhí wù yóu vegetable oil 天 花 tiān huā smallpox / ceiling / stamen of corn / (old) snow / (dialect) sesame oil 燃 料 油 rán liào yóu fuel oil 压 榨 yā zhà to press / to squeeze / to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing 油 泵 yóu bèng oil pump 油 灯 yóu dēng oil lamp 橄 榄 油 gǎn lǎn yóu olive oil 中 海 油 zhōng hǎi yóu China National Offshore Oil Corporation 油 污 yóu wū greasy dirt / sludge (from an oil spill) 炼 油 厂 liàn yóu chǎng oil refinery 管 路 guǎn lù piping (for water, oil, etc) / conduit 麻 油 má yóu sesame oil 棕 榈 油 zōng lu:2 yóu palm oil 色 拉 油 sè lā yóu salad oil 水 煮 鱼 shuǐ zhǔ yú Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil 漏 油 lòu yóu oil spill / oil leak / (fig.) boo! (opposite of 加油[jia1 you2]) 灯 罩 dēng zhào cover of lamp / lampshade / glass cover of oil lamp 重 油 zhòng yóu (petrochemistry) heavy oil / fuel oil 菜 油 cài yóu rapeseed oil / canola oil 油 井 yóu jǐng oil well 柴 米 油 盐 chái mǐ yóu yán lit. firewood, rice, oil and salt / fig. life's daily necessities 采 油 cǎi yóu oil extraction / oil recovery 皮 脂 腺 pí zhī xiàn epidermal sebaceous glands / skin oil gland 鱼 肝 油 yú gān yóu cod liver oil 红 油 hóng yóu chili oil 含 油 hán yóu containing oil / oil-bearing 油 罐 车 yóu guàn chē oil tanker truck / fuel tanker 食 油 shí yóu cooking oil 芝 麻 油 zhī ma yóu sesame oil 石 油 勘 探 shí yóu kān tàn oil exploration 优 尼 科 Yōu ní kē Unocal (US oil company) 火 上 加 油 huǒ shàng jiā yóu to add oil to the fire (idiom) / fig. to aggravate a situation / to enrage people and make matters worse 灯 盏 dēng zhǎn lantern / uncovered oil lamp 火 力 发 电 厂 huǒ lì fā diàn chǎng fired power plant (i.e. fired by coal, oil or gas) 榨 油 zhà yóu to extract oil from vegetables / to press 桐 油 tóng yóu tung oil, from the Japanese wood-oil tree Aleurites cordata, used in making lacquer 油 车 oil workover / workover 推 油 tuī yóu oil massage 挥 发 油 huī fā yóu volatile oil (in general) / gasoline 缺 油 quē yóu oil shortage 清 油 qīng yóu vegetable cooking oil 李 四 光 Lǐ Sì guāng Li Siguang (1889-1971), Mongol-born, Japanese-trained geologist, prominent in early PRC oil exploration 探 勘 tàn kān to explore / to survey / to prospect (for oil etc) / prospecting 开 夜 车 kāi yè chē to burn the midnight oil / to work late into the night 地 沟 油 dì gōu yóu illegally recycled waste cooking oil 中 国 海 洋 石 油 总 公 司 Zhōng guó Hǎi yáng Shí yóu Zǒng gōng sī CNOOC / China National Offshore Oil Corporation 油 料 作 物 yóu liào zuò wù oil crop (rape, peanut, soy, sesame etc) / oil-bearing crop 薄 荷 油 bò he yóu peppermint oil 羊 毛 脂 yáng máo zhī lanolin / wool oil 油 砂 yóu shā oil sand (mining) 油 页 岩 yóu yè yán oil shale 桶 tǒng bucket / (trash) can / barrel (of oil etc) / CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1] 炷 zhù wick of an oil lamp / to burn (incense etc) / classifier for lit incense sticks 醍 tí essential oil of butter 火 上 浇 油 huǒ shàng jiāo yóu to pour oil on the fire (idiom) / fig. to aggravate a situation / to enrage people and make matters worse 添 油 加 醋 tiān yóu jiā cù lit. to add oil and vinegar / fig. adding details while telling a story (to make it more interesting) 油 盐 酱 醋 yóu yán jiàng cù (lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar / (fig.) the trivia of everyday life 俾 夜 作 昼 bǐ yè zuò zhòu lit. to make night as day (idiom) / fig. to burn the midnight oil / work especially hard 焚 膏 继 晷 fén gāo jì guǐ to burn the midnight oil (idiom) / to work continuously night and day 椰 油 yē yóu coconut oil 油 汪 汪 yóu wāng wāng dripping with oil 炼 化 liàn huà to refine / refining (e.g. oil, chemicals etc) 薄 油 层 bó yóu céng oil sheet 欃 chán sandalwood (Santalum album), a Nepalese tree producing valuable fragrant oil / comet 焌 qū to extinguish a burning object / to singe sth with a smoldering object (e.g. burn a hole in one's trousers with a cigarette) / to stir-fry / to pour a mixture of hot oil and flavorings over food 矿 物 燃 料 kuàng wù rán liào fossil fuels / oil and coal 罗 斯 涅 夫 Luó sī niè fū Rosneft (Russian state oil company) 燃 油 舱 rán yóu cāng oil tank (of ship) 石 油 换 食 品 项 目 Shí yóu Huàn Shí pǐn Xiàng mù Iraq Oil for Food Program 中 石 油 川 东 钻 探 公 司 Zhōng Shí yóu Chuān dōng Zuàn tàn Gōng sī Chuandong Oil Drilling & Exploration Company (CODEC) 加 氢 油 jiā qīng yóu hydrogenated oil 氢 净 合 成 油 qīng jìng hé chéng yóu hydrogenated oil 煠 yè to fry in fat or oil / to scald 亚 麻 子 油 yà má zǐ yóu linseed oil 合 成 石 油 hé chéng shí yóu synthetic oil 含 油 岩 hán yóu yán oil bearing rock 回 锅 油 huí guō yóu reused cooking oil