和解 | hé jiě | to settle (a dispute out of court) / to reconcile / settlement / conciliation / to become reconciled | |
居住区 | jū zhù qū | settlement | |
着落 | zhuó luò | whereabouts / place to settle / reliable source (of funds etc) / (of responsibility for a matter) to rest with sb / settlement / solution | |
定居点 | dìng jū diǎn | settlement | |
聚落 | jù luò | settlement / dwelling place / town / village | |
落 | luò | to fall or drop / (of the sun) to set / (of a tide) to go out / to lower / to decline or sink / to lag or fall behind / to fall onto / to rest with / to get or receive / to write down / whereabouts / settlement | |
移民点 | yí mín diǎn | settlement | |
船体沉降 | | vessel settlement / settlement | |
理赔 | lǐ péi | to settle a claim / claims settlement / payment of claims | |
结算方式 | jié suàn fāng shì | settlement terms (accountancy, law) | |
结汇 | jiē huì | foreign exchange settlement | |
结汇 | jié huì | foreign exchange settlement | |
协约 | xié yuē | entente / pact / agreement / negotiated settlement | |
伯赛大 | Bó sài dà | Bethsaida, settlement on the shore of the Sea of Galilee mentioned in the New Testament | |
和平解决 | hé píng jiě jué | peace settlement / peaceful solution | |
和解费 | hé jiě fèi | money settlement (fine or payment to end a legal dispute) | |
普列谢茨克 | Pǔ liè xiè cí kè | Plesetsk, settlement in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia | |
友好解决 | yǒu hǎo jiě jué | friendly settlement / amicable resolution | |
争端解决机构 | zhēng duān jiě jué jī gòu | Dispute Settlement Body | |
结算风险 | jié suàn fēng xiǎn | settlement risk | |
协助各国通过国际法院解决争端信托基金 | | Trust Fund to Assist States in the Settlement of Disputes through the International Court of Justice | |
和平解决争端工作组 | | Working Group on Peaceful Settlement of Disputes | |
提议的解决办法 | | Settlement Proposals | |
非正规住房 | | informal settlement | |
科索沃地位解决方桉 | | Kosovo Status Settlement / Status Settlement | |
科索沃地位解决方桉全面提桉 | | Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement | |
争端解决机制 | | dispute settlement mechanism | |
迁徙性定居地 | | migratory settlement | |
解决国家间知识产权争端条约 | | treaty on the settlement of disputes between States in the field of intellectual property | |
世界贸易组织解决贸易争端的程序讲习班 | | Workshop on procedures for the settlement of trade disputes at the World Trade Organization | |
和平解决国家争端手册 | | Handbook on the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes between States | |
反措施后解决争端义务 | | post-countermeasures dispute settlement obligations | |
支付和清算制度委员会 | | Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems | |
解决争端义务 | | dispute settlement obligations | |
冻结定居点扩建 | dòng jié dìng jū diǎn kuò jiàn | Israeli settlement freeze / settlement freeze | |
非法定居点 | fēi fǎ dìng jū diǎn | settler outpost / settlement outpost | |
和平解决的民事执行协定 | | Agreement on Civilian Implementation of the Peace Settlement | |
反措施前解决争端义务 | | pre-countermeasures dispute settlement obligations | |
全面解决塞浦路斯问题的协定基础 | | Basis for Agreement on a Comprehensive Settlement of the Cyprus Problem | |
关于强制解决争端的任择议定书 | | Optional Protocol concerning the compulsory settlement of disputes | |
柬埔寨冲突全面政治解决框架 | | Framework for a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict | |
非洲和平解决程序处 | | Branch on Pacific Settlement Procedures in Africa | |
解决委员会 | | settlement commission | |
过渡型城市住区 | guò dù xíng chéng shì zhù qū | transitional urban settlement | |
欧安会争端解决程序 | | CSCE Dispute Settlement Procedure | |
1907年和平解决国际争端公约 | | 1907 Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes | |
解决东帝汶问题信托基金 | | Trust Fund for the settlement of the question of East Timor | |
和平解决国际争端总议定书 | | General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes | |
和平解决的军事方面协定 | | Agreement on the Military Aspects of the Peace Settlement | |
美洲和平解决条约 | | American Treaty on Pacific Settlement / Pact of Bogota | |
波哥大公约 | | American Treaty on Pacific Settlement / Pact of Bogota | |
争端解决中心 | | Disputes Settlement Centre | |
一次付清协定 | yī cì fù qīng xié dìng | lump-sum agreement / lump-sum settlement of claims | |
一次付清 | yī cì fù qīng | lump-sum agreement / lump-sum settlement of claims | |
解决能源、石油、天然气争端国际会议 | | International Conference on the Settlement of Energy, Petroleum and Gas Disputes | |
国际投资争端解决中心 | | International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes | |
解决国际冲突财政援助基金 | | Financial Assistance Fund for Settlement of International Disputes | |
解决达尔富尔问题的善意和建立信任协议 | | Agreement of Good Will and Confidence Building for the Settlement of the Problem in Darfur / Agreement of Good Will and Confidence Building | |
善意和建立信任协议 | | Agreement of Good Will and Confidence Building for the Settlement of the Problem in Darfur / Agreement of Good Will and Confidence Building | |
土地事务法律援助和争端解决总统办公室 | | Presidential Unit for Legal Assistance and Dispute Settlement in Land Matters | |
环境和人类住区问题工作队 | | Task Force on Environment and Human Settlement | |
非本部领土结社权利和解决劳工争端公约 | | Convention concerning the Right of Association and the Settlement of Labour Disputes in Non-Metropolitan Territories | |
1899年和平解决国际争端公约 | | 1899 Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes | |
解决争端问题谈判小组 | | Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement | |
争端解决小组 | | Dispute Settlement Panel | |
解决争端的规则和手续谅解书 | | Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes / Dispute Settlement Understanding | |
居住点 | jū zhù diǎn | land settlement | |
解决阿布哈兹问题联合委员会 | | Joint Commission on the settlement in Abkhazia | |
人类住区 | rén lèi zhù qū | human settlement | |
全国和解与归还财产委员会 | | National Commission for Reconciliation and Property Settlement | |
和平解决领土争端和平基金 | | Fund for Peace: Peaceful Settlement of Territorial Disputes | |
全面解决 | | comprehensive settlement | |
争端解决办法 | | dispute settlement means | |
关于德国的最后解决条约 | | Treaty on the Final Settlement with respect to Germany | |
人类住区设计 | | human settlement design | |
关于解决阿富汗局势的协定 | | Agreements on the Settlement of the Situation relating to Afghanistan / Geneva Accords | |
解决土地争端法律援助总统办公室 | | Presidential Office for Legal Assistance and Dispute Settlement in Land Matters | |
政治解决 | | political settlement | |
解决国家间知识产权争端专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts on the Settlement of Intellectual Property Disputes between States | |
塞浦路斯问题全面解决计划 | | Comprehensive Settlement of the Cyprus Problem | |
违章居住区 | | uncontrolled settlement | |
犹太复国主义联合会定居点事务部 | | Settlement Department of the Zionist Federation | |
关于和平解决争端的欧洲公约 | | European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes | |
犹太定居点 | | Jewish settlement / Israeli settlement | |
以色列定居点 | | Jewish settlement / Israeli settlement | |
定居点区 | | settlement bloc / bloc of settlements | |
关于和平解决国际争端的马尼拉宣言 | | Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes | |
解决计划 | | Settlement Plan | |
解决汇票和本票的某些法律抵触公约 | | Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes | |
和平解决争端世界公约 | | universal convention on peaceful settlement of disputes | |
海底争端解决制度 | | Sea-Bed Dispute Settlement System | |
解决冲突联络小组 | | Contact Group on Settlement of Disputes | |
关于强制解决争端的任择签字议定书 | | Optional Protocol of Signature concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes | |
实时总清算制度 | | real-time gross settlement system | |
解决争端能力建设和培训方桉 | | Capacity-Building and Training Programme on Dispute Settlement | |
剩余付款 | | residual benefit / residual settlement | |
总协定解决争端的规则和程序 | | GATT Dispute Settlement Rules and Procedures | |
关于解决本国法和住所地法冲突的公约 | | Convention relating to the settlement of the conflicts between the law of nationality and the law of domicile | |
和平解决西南非洲问题的原则 | | Principles for a Peaceful Settlement in Southwestern Africa | |
山区定居项目 | | Mountain Settlement Project | |