协 议 xié yì agreement / pact / protocol / CL:項|项[xiang4] 协 商 xié shāng to consult with / to talk things over / agreement 契 约 qì yuē agreement / contract 协 定 xié dìng agreement / accord / to reach an agreement 呼 应 hū yìng to conform (with) / to echo / to correlate well / (linguistics) agreement 契 合 qì hé agreement / to agree / to get on with / congenial / agreeing with / to ally oneself with sb 协 约 xié yuē entente / pact / agreement / negotiated settlement 销 售 xiāo shòu to sell / to market / sales (representative, agreement etc) 签 约 qiān yuē to sign a contract or agreement 相 约 xiāng yuē to agree (on a meeting place, date etc) / to reach agreement / to make an appointment 调 解 tiáo jiě to mediate / to bring parties to an agreement 不 符 bù fú inconsistent / not in agreement with / not agree or tally with / not conform to 违 约 wéi yuē to break a promise / to violate an agreement / to default (on a loan or contract) 说 好 shuō hǎo to come to an agreement / to complete negotiations 订 立 dìng lì to conclude (treaty, contract, agreement etc) / to set up (a rule etc) 合 作 协 议 hé zuò xié yì cooperation agreement 履 约 lu:3 yuē to keep a promise / to honor an agreement 解 约 jiě yuē to terminate an agreement / to cancel a contract 议 定 yì dìng to reach an agreement / to agree upon 旧 约 jiù yuē former agreement / former contract 合 意 hé yì to suit one's taste / suitable / congenial / by mutual agreement 调 停 tiáo tíng to reconcile / to mediate / to bring warring parties to agreement / to arbitrate 约 定 俗 成 yuē dìng sú chéng established by popular usage (idiom) / common usage agreement / customary convention 唱 和 chàng hè antiphon (i.e. solo voice answered by chorus) / sung reply (in agreement with first voice) / to reply with a poem in the same rhythm 约 法 三 章 yuē fǎ sān zhāng to agree on three laws (idiom) / three-point covenant / (fig.) preliminary agreement / basic rules 关 贸 总 协 定 Guān Mào Zǒng xié dìng GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 吐 口 tǔ kǒu to spit / fig. to spit out (a request, an agreement etc) 君 子 协 定 gentlemen's agreement 践 约 jiàn yuē to keep a promise / to honor an agreement 啊 à interjection or grunt of agreement / uhm / Ah, OK / expression of recognition / Oh, it's you! 合 辙 hé zhé on the same track / in agreement / rhyming 背 约 bèi yuē to break an agreement / to go back on one's word / to fail to keep one's promise 嗯 en interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement 唉 āi interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!) / to sigh 唔 wú oh (expression of agreement or surprise) / (Cantonese) not 彼 倡 此 和 bǐ chàng cǐ hé to chorus sb else's lead (idiom) / to chime in in agreement 彼 唱 此 和 bǐ chàng cǐ hé to chorus sb else's lead (idiom) / to chime in in agreement 口 说 无 凭 kǒu shuō wú píng (idiom) you can't rely on a verbal agreement / just because sb says sth, doesn't mean it's true 停 火 协 议 tíng huǒ xié yì cease fire agreement 同 调 tóng diào same tone / in agreement with / homology (invariant of a topological space in math.) 许 可 协 议 xǔ kě xié yì licensing agreement (for intellectual property) 中 俄 边 界 协 议 Zhōng E2 biān jiè xié yì Sino-Russian Border Agreement of 1991 和 平 协 议 hé píng xié yì peace agreement 多 边 协 定 duō biān xié dìng multilateral agreement / cooperation agreement between different parties 大 卫 营 和 约 Dà wèi yíng hé yuē the Camp David agreement of 1978 brokered by President Jimmy Carter between Israel and Egypt 天 津 会 议 专 条 Tiān jīn huì yì zhuān tiáo Tianjin agreement of 1885 between Li Hongzhang 李鴻章|李鸿章[Li3 Hong2 zhang1] and ITŌ / Hirobumi 伊藤博文[Yi1 teng2 Bo2 wen2] to pull Qing and Japanese troops out of Korea 婚 前 财 产 公 证 hūn qián cái chǎn gōng zhèng prenuptial agreement / dowry contract 定 约 dìng yuē to conclude a treaty / to make an agreement / contract (at bridge) 控 辩 交 易 kòng biàn jiāo yì plea bargaining / plea agreement 放 飞 机 fàng fēi jī (coll.) to stand sb up / to fail to honor an agreement 核 协 议 hé xié yì nuclear agreement 弃 约 背 盟 qì yuē bèi méng to abrogate an agreement / to break one's oath (idiom) 权 力 分 享 协 议 quán lì fēn xiǎng xié yì power sharing agreement 照 约 定 zhào yuē dìng according to agreement / as arranged / as stipulated 申 根 Shēn gēn Schengen, village in Luxemburg, location of the 1985 signing of the agreement to create the Schengen area 申根區|申根区[Shen1 gen1 qu1] 约 集 yuē jí to assemble by agreement / to gather 贸 易 协 定 mào yì xié dìng trade agreement 达 成 协 议 dá chéng xié yì to reach agreement 里 约 lǐ yuē agreement between the residents of a 里[li3], an administrative district under a city or town (Tw) 关 税 与 贸 易 总 协 定 Guān shuì yǔ Mào yì Zǒng xié dìng GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 双 方 同 意 shuāng fāng tóng yì bilateral agreement 停 战 协 定 tíng zhàn xié dìng Military Armistice Agreement / Armistice Agreement 保 密 协 议 bǎo mì xié yì non-disclosure agreement / confidentiality agreement 波 茨 坦 协 定 bō cí tǎn xié dìng Potsdam Agreement 产 量 分 成 协 议 chǎn liàng fēn chéng xié yì production-sharing agreement 关 税 及 贸 易 总 协 定 guān shuì jí mào yì zǒng xié dìng General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 经 济 协 定 jīng jì xié dìng Economic Agreement 自 由 贸 易 协 定 zì yóu mào yì xié dìng free trade agreement 合 资 企 业 协 定 hé zī qǐ yè xié dìng Joint Venture Agreement 国 际 热 带 木 材 协 定 guó jì rè dài mù cái xié dìng International Tropical Timber Agreement 保 障 协 定 bǎo zhàng xié dìng Agreement on Safeguards 稳 定 与 结 盟 协 定 Stabilization and Association Agreement 多 边 贸 易 协 议 duō bian mào yì xié yì Multilateral Trade Agreement 南 印 度 洋 渔 业 协 定 nán yìn duó yáng yú yè xié dìng Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement 共 同 感 兴 趣 的 鱼 类 管 理 合 作 瑙 鲁 协 定 Nauru Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Management of Fisheries of Common Interest / Nauru Agreement 欧 洲 货 币 协 定 ōu zhōu huò bì xié dìng European Monetary Agreement 12点 协 议 12diǎn xié yì 12-point agreement 关 于 建 立 欧 洲 共 同 飞 行 区 的 多 边 协 定 Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of the European Common Aviation Area 结 盟 协 定 jié méng xié dìng association agreement 诉 辩 协 让 sù biàn xié ràng plea agreement / plea bargain 稳 固 持 久 和 平 协 定 Agreement on a Firm and Lasting Peace 税 收 信 息 交 换 协 定 shuì shōu xìn xī jiāo huàn xié dìng tax information exchange agreement 5月 5日 协 定 5 May Agreement 难 民 署 - 非 统 组 织 合 作 协 定 UNHCR-OAU Agreement of Cooperation 可 行 性 研 究 协 定 Feasibility Study Agreement 恩 塞 勒 停 火 协 定 N'sele Cease-Fire Agreement 海 洋 捕 鱼 合 作 协 定 hǎi yáng bǔ yú hé zuò xié dìng Agreement Concerning Co-operation in Marine Fishing 养 护 欧 洲 蝙 蝠 协 定 yǎng hù ōu zhōu biān fú xié dìng Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats 关 于 执 行 判 决 的 示 范 协 定 Model Agreement on the enforcement of sentences 公 海 渔 船 悬 旗 和 改 挂 旗 帜 协 议 Agreement on flagging and reflagging of fishing vessels on the high seas 国 际 货 币 基 金 组 织 协 定 guó jì huò bì jī jīn zǔ zhī xié dìng Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund / IMF Articles of Agreement 阿 鲁 沙 布 隆 迪 和 平 与 和 解 协 定 Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi 吉 布 提 协 议 jí bù tí xié yì Djibouti Agreement 设 立 保 护 国 家 名 胜 古 迹 委 员 会 的 协 定 Agreement on Commission to Preserve National Monuments 斯 雷 布 雷 尼 察 和 泽 帕 协 定 Srebrenica and Zepa Agreement 欧 洲 补 充 公 路 交 通 公 约 协 定 European Agreement Supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic 与 贸 易 有 关 的 知 识 产 权 协 议 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights / TRIPS Agreement 欧 洲 共 同 体 捐 助 协 定 ōu zhōu gòng tòng tǐ juān zhù xié dìng European Community Contribution Agreement 经 济 互 补 协 定 jīng jì hù bǔ xié dìng Economic Complementarity Agreement 拉 什 - 巴 戈 特 协 定 Rush-Bagot Agreement