浇 水 jiāo shuǐ to water (plants etc) 资 源 zī yuán natural resource (such as water or minerals) / resource (such as manpower or tourism) 成 立 chéng lì to establish / to set up / to be tenable / to hold water 进 口 jìn kǒu to import / imported / entrance / inlet (for the intake of air, water etc) 灌 水 guàn shuǐ to irrigate / to pour water into / to inject water into meat to increase its weight (plumping) / to cook the books / to post low-value messages (small talk etc) on Internet forums 高 潮 gāo cháo high tide / high water / upsurge / climax / orgasm / chorus (part of a song) 龙 头 lóng tóu faucet / water tap / bicycle handle bar / chief (esp. of gang) / boss / decision maker / (market) leader (of companies) / front end of mud-flow / figurehead on prow of dragon boat 龍船|龙船 水 面 shuǐ miàn water surface 水 利 shuǐ lì water conservancy / irrigation works 流 水 liú shuǐ running water / (business) turnover 山 水 shān shuǐ water from a mountain / mountains and rivers / scenery / landscape 清 水 qīng shuǐ fresh water / drinking water / clear water 回 落 huí luò to fall back / to return to low level after a rise (in water level, price etc) 用 水 yòng shuǐ water use 热 水 rè shuǐ hot water 热 水 器 rè shuǐ qì water heater 供 水 gōng shuǐ to supply water 水 质 shuǐ zhì water quality 潜 水 qián shuǐ to dive / to go under water / (in an online forum) to lurk 水 上 shuǐ shàng on water / aquatic 雨 水 Yǔ shuǐ Yushui or Rain Water, 2nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 / 19th February-5th March 五 行 wǔ xíng five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水 水 资 源 shuǐ zī yuán water resources / drinking water 自 来 水 zì lái shuǐ running water / tap water 跳 水 tiào shuǐ to dive (into water) / (sports) diving / to commit suicide by jumping into water / (fig.) (of stock prices etc) to fall dramatically 开 水 kāi shuǐ boiled water / boiling water 水 源 shuǐ yuán water source / water supply / headwaters of a river 河 水 hé shuǐ river water 水 处 理 shuǐ chǔ lǐ water treatment 冷 水 lěng shuǐ cold water / unboiled water / fig. not yet ready (of plans) 饮 水 yǐn shuǐ drinking water 下 水 xià shuǐ downstream / to go into the water / to put into water / to launch (a ship) / fig. to fall into bad ways / to lead astray / to go to pot 矿 泉 水 kuàng quán shuǐ mineral water / CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1] 源 泉 yuán quán fountainhead / well-spring / water source / fig. origin 节 水 jié shuǐ to save water 水 位 shuǐ wèi water level 躲 开 duǒ kāi to stay out of (hot water, trouble, awkward situation etc) / to avoid (sb) 泉 水 quán shuǐ spring water / CL:股[gu3] 饮 用 水 yǐn yòng shuǐ drinking water / potable water 淡 化 dàn huà to water down / to play down / to trivialize / to weaken / to become dull with time / to desalinate / desalination 水 泵 shuǐ bèng water pump 江 水 jiāng shuǐ river water 水 管 shuǐ guǎn water pipe 水 域 shuǐ yù waters / body of water 水 下 shuǐ xià under the water / submarine 小 便 xiǎo biàn to urinate / to pass water / urine 淡 水 dàn shuǐ potable water (water with low salt content) / fresh water 水 性 shuǐ xìng swimming ability / characteristics of a body of water (depth, currents etc) / aqueous / water-based (paint etc) 出 水 chū shuǐ to discharge water / to appear out of the water / to break the surface 废 水 fèi shuǐ waste water / drain water / effluent 扑 通 pū tōng (onom.) sound of object falling into water / plop 缺 水 quē shuǐ water shortage / dehydration 水 温 shuǐ wēn water temperature 脱 水 tuō shuǐ to dry out / to extract water / dehydration / dehydrated / desiccation 落 水 luò shuǐ to fall into water / to sink / overboard / fig. to degenerate / to sink (into depravity) / to go to the dogs 水 箱 shuǐ xiāng water tank / radiator (automobile) / cistern / lavabo 白 水 bái shuǐ plain water 积 水 jī shuǐ to collect water / to be covered with water / to pond / accumulated water / ponding 灌 输 guàn shū to imbue with / to inculcate / to instill into / to teach / to impart / to channel water to another place 水 量 shuǐ liàng volume of water / quantity of flow 纯 净 水 chún jìng shuǐ purified water 进 水 jìn shuǐ to have water get in (one's ear, shoes etc) / to get flooded / inflow of water 水 草 shuǐ cǎo water plants / habitat with water source and grass 马 蹄 mǎ tí horse's hoof / horseshoe / Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta) 滴 水 dī shuǐ water drop / dripping water 水 污 染 shuǐ wū rǎn water pollution 龙 虎 lóng hǔ outstanding people / water and fire (in Daoist writing) 水 浒 shuǐ hǔ edge of the water / shore or sea, lake or river / seashore 白 开 水 bái kāi shuǐ plain boiled water 给 水 jǐ shuǐ to supply water / to provide feedwater 哗 哗 huā huā sound of gurgling water 饮 水 机 yǐn shuǐ jī water dispenser / water cooler / drinking fountain 水 体 shuǐ tǐ body of water 汪 洋 wāng yáng vast body of water / CL:片[pian4] 盐 水 Yán shuǐ salt water / brine 点 水 diǎn shuǐ to skim / lightly touching the water (as the dragonfly in the idiom 蜻蜓點水|蜻蜓点水) / skin-deep 凉 水 liáng shuǐ cool water / unboiled water 蓄 水 xù shuǐ water storage 沉 浮 chén fú lit. sinking and floating / to bob up and down on water / ebb and flow / fig. rise and fall / ups and downs of fortune / vicissitudes 放 水 fàng shuǐ to turn on the water / to let water out / to throw a game (sports) 冰 水 bīng shuǐ iced water 水 利 部 shuǐ lì bù Ministry of Water Resources (PRC) 净 水 jìng shuǐ clean water / purified water 垂 涎 chuí xián to water at the mouth / to drool 和 huó to combine a powdery substance (flour, plaster etc) with water / Taiwan pr. [huo4] 水 陆 shuǐ lù water and land / by water and land (transport) / amphibian / delicacies from land and sea 水 边 shuǐ biān edge of the water / waterside / shore (of sea, lake or river) 太 阳 能 热 水 器 tài yáng néng rè shuǐ qì solar water heater 水 价 shuǐ jià water price 水 气 shuǐ qì water vapor / steam 涌 进 yǒng jìn to spill / to overflow (of water, crowds) / to crowd (into a space) 水 落 石 出 shuǐ luò shí chū as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom) / the truth comes to light 取 水 qǔ shuǐ water intake / to obtain water (from a well etc) 水 费 shuǐ fèi water bill 宋 江 Sòng Jiāng Song Jiang, a principal hero of the novel Water Margin 水滸傳|水浒传 冲 泡 chōng pào to add water (or other liquid) to (another ingredient such as powdered milk or tea leaves) / to infuse (tea) 打 水 dǎ shuǐ to draw water / to splash water 计 时 器 jì shí qì timer / chronograph / timepiece / clock / timekeeping device (sundial, water clock) 水 表 shuǐ biǎo water meter / indicator of water level 沸 水 fèi shuǐ boiling water