- 你的手乾净吗?
Are your hands clean?
- 这条河的水很洁净。
The water in this river is very clean.
- 这张桌子是干净的。
This table is clean.
- 把你的牙刷干净。
Brush your teeth clean.
- 海伦的房间一直很干净。
Helen always keeps her room clean.
- 他想把这些衬衫洗乾净。
He wants these shirts washed.
- 白色的地毡很难保持乾净。
White carpets are very hard to keep clean.
- 我让她把我的房间弄乾净。
I got her to clean my room.
- 她把东西吃得一乾二净。
She completely cleaned her plate.
- 他母亲要他把浴室打扫乾净。
His mother made him clean the bathroom.