- 他被卷进了是非中。
He was involved in the trouble.
- 冷空气疾风席卷整栋房子。
A blast of cold air swept through the house.
- 海啸席卷稻田, 淹没了城镇。
Tsunamis swept through rice fields and flooded the towns.
- 我们被卷入了一场交通事故。
We got involved a traffic accident.
- 当母牛飞得高, 公牛飞的低, 就有可能是一个龙卷风。
When the cow flies high and the ox flies low, there probably is a twister.
- 我在我的行李上附上了有我名字的卷标, 但是它很快就剥落了。
I attached my name-tag to my baggage, but it soon came off.