- 宝宝正在睡觉。
The baby is sleeping.
- 宝宝在摇篮里入睡了。
The baby fell asleep in the cradle.
- 这只企鹅宝宝太可爱了!
This baby penguin is too cute!
- 宝宝开始哭了。
The baby started to cry.
- 宝宝对我笑了。
The baby smiled at me.
- 宝宝还不会使用勺子。
The baby cannot use a spoon yet.
- 养大一个宝宝是一项艰难的工作。
Bringing up a baby is hard work.
- 她给客人看了她的宝宝。
She showed the visitor her baby.
- 她把她的宝宝抱在怀裡。
She folded her baby in her arms.
- 他们把她的宝宝叫做珍妮。
They named her baby Jane.