- 「不方便」的相反词是「方便」。
The opposite of "inconvenient" is "convenient".
- 你什么时候方便?
When is it convenient for you?
- 八时半方便你吗?
Would 8:30 be convenient for you?
- 甚么时候出发最方便你?
When will it suit you to start?
- 这个城市的交通方便得很。
The transportation in this city is very convenient.
- 这间酒店的交通位置很方便。
This hotel is conveniently located in terms of public transportation.
- 电视的优点在于它给体育爱好者提供了更大的方便。
Television has the advantage of providing sports fans with greater convenience.
- 如果没有电脑的话,我们的生活会是多么的不方便呢!
If it were not for the computer, how inconvenient our lives would be!