- 英语已经普及全国。
English has spread all over the country.
- 那个名字很普通吗?
Is that a common name?
- 地震后人们普遍觉得恐慌。
There was widespread panic after the earthquake.
- 可可不是一只普通的猩猩。
Koko is not an ordinary gorilla.
- 这条路是不是直接通往普拉多博物馆?
Is this the direct way to the Prado?
- 我的名字叫霍普金斯。
My name is Hopkins.
- 智者谈论想法, 知识分子谈论事实, 普通人谈论他吃什么。
Wise men talk about ideas, intellectuals about facts, and the ordinary man talks about what he eats.
- 普京对胡锦涛说:“咱们必须帮吉尔吉斯斯坦”。。。不过那只是在我梦&
"We need to help Kyrgyzstan," said Putin to Hu Jintao... in my dream.
- 经济萧条是一段时间内,当这样的经济活动普遍增长而造成的一种临时性
Recession is a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity is generally increasing.
- 我的竞选经理大卫-普劳夫,这位竞选活动的无名英雄,他进行了最好的ਟ
To my campaign manager, David Plouffe! The unsung hero of this campaign, who built the best, the best political campaign, I think, in the history of the United States of America.