- 极光是极地特有的自然现象。
The aurora is a phenomenon characteristic of the Polar Regions.
- 否极泰来。
After a storm comes a calm.
- 我肚子饿极了。
I am terribly hungry.
- 这辆车是在极好的条件。
This car is like new.
- 青年人总爱挑战极端。
Young people are apt to go to extremes.
- 她的笔迹漂亮极了。
She writes beautifully.
- 这个字形容得妙极了。
That word describes it perfectly.
- 在地毯上睡觉好极了。
Sleeping on a carpet is great.
- 编字典是一项极花时间的工作。
Compiling a dictionary demands an enormous amount of time.
- 12月份巴厘岛极其炎热和潮湿。
It is extremely hot and humid in Bali in December.