dú zì


  • alone



  • 独自生活。
    He lives alone.
  • 独自在那里。
    He was alone there.
  • 他们让我独自去了那里。
    They made me go there alone.
  • 我喜欢独自旅行。
    I like to travel alone.
  • 我喜欢独自一人散步。
    I like a solitary walk.
  • 独自环游了世界八十天。
    He has traveled around the world in eighty days by himself.
  • 这是我第二次独自地到中国。
    This is the second time I have arrived in China on my own.
  • 我小时候常常独自玩耍。
    I used to play alone when I was a child.
  • 这个男人独自把东西搬上搬家卡车上。
    The man is loading the moving truck on his own.
Chinese Tones