

  • to weigh in a balance or on a scale



  • 翰住在纽
    John lives in New York.
  • 翰甘迺迪被安葬在阿灵顿公墓。
    J.F. Kennedy was buried in Arlington Cemetery.
  • 这是你的预卡。
    Here is your appointment card.
  • 会总是很守时。
    He is always on time for an appointment.
  • 我在三点有个会。
    I have an appointment at 3.
  • 翰住在哪里?
    Where does John live?
  • 她住在纽
    Sie wohnt in New York.
  • 您已经去过纽了吗?
    Have you ever been to New York?
  • 在服务台另外预
    Make another appointment at the front desk.
  • 杰克决定取消预
    Jack decided to cancel the reservations.
Chinese Tones