- 房里闻起来有股烟味。
The room smelled of tobacco.
- 我刚打开锅盖,一股恶臭就扑鼻而来。
I just opened the lid, and a foul smell filled my nose.
- 咳嗽糖浆有股甘草的味道。
The cough syrup has a licorice flavoring.
- 股票价格跌至歷史新低。
Stock prices plunged to a record low.
- 我小时候做错事就会被打屁股。
When I was a child, I was spanked if I did something wrong.
- 招股说明书必须由两名保荐代表人签字。
Prospectus must be signed by two sponsor representatives.
- 用大智慧做股票,说明您对投资是认真的!
Managing your stocks with Big Wisdom shows that you are serious about investing!
- 我去了一家什锦烧店吃东西,所以身上的衣服都沾上了一股油味。
My clothes have an oily smell because I ate at an okonomiyaki place.