沙尘暴 | shā chén bào | sand and dust storm | |
非暴力 | fēi bào lì | nonviolent | |
性暴力 | xìng bào lì | sexual assault / sexual violence | |
防暴队 | fáng bào duì | anti-riot squad | |
冷暴力 | lěng bào lì | non-physical abuse / emotional abuse / the silent treatment | |
冰风暴 | bīng fēng bào | icy storm / hailstorm | |
防暴盾 | fáng bào dùn | riot shield | |
风暴潮 | fēng bào cháo | storm surge | |
狂暴者 | kuáng bào zhě | berserker (fantasy role-playing) | |
镇暴剂 | zhèn bào jì | riot-control agent | |
家庭暴力 | jiā tíng bào lì | domestic violence | |
狂风暴雨 | kuáng fēng bào yǔ | howling wind and torrential rain (idiom) / (fig.) difficult, dangerous situation | |
自暴自弃 | zì bào zì qì | to abandon oneself to despair / to give up and stop bothering | |
热带风暴 | rè dài fēng bào | tropical storm | |
校园暴力 | | school violence | |
除暴安良 | chú bào ān liáng | to root out the strong and give people peace (idiom) / to rob the rich and give to the poor | |
横征暴敛 | héng zhēng bào liǎn | to tax by force and extort levies (idiom) / to screw taxes out of the people by force | |
脸红筋暴 | liǎn hóng jīn bào | red and tense with anger (idiom) | |
以暴易暴 | yǐ bào yì bào | to replace one tyranny by another / to use violence against violence | |
诛暴讨逆 | zhū bào tǎo nì | to wipe out the villains (e.g. insurgents, or people of another race) | |
性别暴力 | | gender-based violence | |
派别暴力 | | sectarian violence | |
粗暴待遇 | | maltreatment | |
种族暴力 | | ethnic violence | |
街头暴力 | | street violence | |
选后暴力 | | post-election violence | |
防暴装备 | | riot gear | |
镇暴装备 | | riot gear | |
帮派暴力 | bāng pài bào lì | gang violence | |
不畏强暴 | bù wèi qiáng bào | not to submit to force (idiom) / to defy threats and violence | |
防暴警察 | fáng bào jǐng chá | riot police / riot squad | |
横正暴敛 | héng zhèng bào liǎn | to levy exorbitant taxes (idiom) | |
获暴利者 | huò bào lì zhě | profiteer | |
金融风暴 | jīn róng fēng bào | banking crisis / storm in financial circles | |
狂饮暴食 | kuáng yǐn bào shí | drunken gluttony (idiom) / eating and drinking to excess | |
牟取暴利 | móu qǔ bào lì | to profiteer / profiteering | |
皮肤暴露 | pí fū bào lù | skin exposure | |
山洪暴发 | shān hóng bào fā | flash flood | |
社区暴力 | shè qū bào lì | community violence | |
溏心风暴 | táng xīn fēng bào | Heart | |
头脑风暴 | tóu nǎo fēng bào | brainstorming | |
武装暴力 | wǔ zhuāng bào lì | armed violence | |
以暴制暴 | yǐ bào zhì bào | to use violence to curb violence | |
一暴十寒 | yī pù shí hán | one day's sun, ten days' frost (idiom, from Mencius) / fig. to work for a bit then skimp / sporadic effort / short attention span | |
祖母暴龙 | zǔ mǔ bào lóng | Aviatyrannis | |
无暴力学校 | | violence-free school | |
反暴力中心 | | antiviolence centre | |
有组织暴力 | | organized violence | |
大规模暴行 | | mass atrocity | |
流动镇暴队 | | Mobile Riot Squad | |
非暴力国际 | fēi bào lì guó jì | Nonviolence International | |
过胖暴食症 | guò pàng bào shí zhèng | binge eating disorder (BED) | |
雷克斯暴龙 | léi kè sī bào lóng | Tyrannosaurus rex | |
猥亵性暴露 | wěi xiè xìng bào lù | indecent exposure / flashing | |
社区层面暴发 | | community-level outbreak | |
对配偶的暴行 | | spousal abuse | |
非暴力教育年 | | year of education for non-violence | |
预防暴力中心 | | Centro de Prevención de la Violencia | |
防止暴力联盟 | | Violence Prevention Alliance | |
性暴力行为股 | | Sexual Violence Unit | |
减少武装暴力 | | armed violence reduction | |
国际非暴力日 | guó jì fēi bào lì rì | International Day of Non-Violence | |
气候变化暴露 | qì hòu biàn huà bào lù | climate exposure | |
减少社区暴力科 | | Community Violence Reduction Section | |
冲突中的性暴力 | | conflict-related sexual violence | |
女性暴力受害者 | | Women Victims of Violence | |
非洲防止暴力年 | fēi zhōu fáng zhǐ bào lì nián | African Year of Prevention of Violence | |
性暴力研究倡议 | xìng bào lì yán jiū chàng yì | Sexual Violence Research Initiative | |
性暴力和性别暴力 | | sexual and gender-based violence | |
因嫁妆引起的暴力 | | dowry-related violence | |
妇女反对暴力协会 | | Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violência | |
对妇女的暴力行为 | | violence against women | |
性暴力行为工作组 | | Sexual Violence Working Group | |
制止枪支暴力联盟 | | Coalition to Stop Gun Violence | |
武装暴力预防项目 | | Armed Violence Prevention Project | |
风暴潮预测训练班 | | Training Seminar on Storm Surge Prediction | |
家庭暴力行为专家组 | | Expert Group on Violence in the Family | |
反性别暴力核心小组 | | Gender-based Violence Core Group | |
国际非暴力冲突中心 | | International Center on Non-Violent Conflict | |
关于德国暴行的宣言 | | Declaration of German Atrocities | |
禁止对妇女暴力行为 | | No to Violence Against Women | |
预防暴力犯罪讲习班 | | Workshop on the Prevention of Violent Crime | |
维护暴力受害者组织 | wéi hù bào lì shòu hài zhě zǔ zhī | Organization for Defending Victims of Violence | |
消除政治暴力工作队 | xiāo chú zhèng zhì bào lì gōng zuò duì | Political Violence Task Force | |
西南非洲警察镇暴队 | xī nán fēi zhōu jǐng chá zhèn bào duì | South West African Police Counterinsurgency / Koevoet | |
消除性别暴力16日运动 | | 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence | |
非暴力解决冲突研究所 | | Research Institute on Non-violent Conflict Resolution | |
性别暴力信息管理系统 | | Gender-based Violence Information Management System | |
州性别暴力问题委员会 | | State Committees on Gender-Based Violence | |
与毒品有关的暴力行为 | | drug-related violence | |
家庭暴力问题专家会议 | | Expert Meeting on Domestic Violence | |
家庭暴力问题专家协商 | | expert consultation on violence in families | |
操作者可接受暴露水平 | cào zuò zhě kě jiē shòu bào lù shuǐ píng | acceptable operator exposure level | |
对妇女暴力问题工作队 | duì fù rǔ bào lì wèn tí gōng zuò duì | Task Force on Violence against Women | |
奥斯陆武装暴力问题会议 | | Oslo Conference on Armed Violence | |
制止侵害妇女的暴力行为 | | ending violence against women | |
打击对妇幼暴力行为小组 | | Unit to Combat Violence against Women and Children | |
对儿童暴力问题世界报告 | | World Report on Violence against Children | |
对暴力侵害妇女行为说不 | | Say NO to Violence against Women | |
轻武器和暴力问题世界会议 | | World Conference on Light Weapons and Violence | |
针对性别的行为和暴力威胁 | | gender-based acts and threats of violence | |
全国反对暴力侵害妇女会议 | | Concertation nationale contre les violences spécifiques faites aux femmes | |
消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言 | | Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women | |
家庭暴力的司法处理讲习班 | | Workshop on Judicial Treatment of Domestic Violence | |
消除对妇女暴力行为世界运动 | | Worldwide Campaign to End Violence against Women | |
联合国制止冲突中性暴力行动 | | United Nations Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict | |
欧洲暴力罪行受害者赔偿公约 | | European Convention on the Compensation of the Victims of Violent Crimes | |
欧洲制止对劳动妇女暴力行为 | | Association européenne contre les violences faites aux femmes au travail | |
关于保护难民和性暴力的结论 | | Conclusion on Refugee Protection and Sexual Violence | |
消除对妇女的暴力行为国际日 | | International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women | |
2000年促进和平与非暴力文化宣言 | | Manifesto 2000 for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence | |
武装暴力与发展问题日内瓦宣言 | | Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development | |
一个没有对妇女暴力行为的世界 | | A World Free of Violence against Women | |
对妇女暴力行为问题专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Violence against Women | |
性暴力和性别暴力问题联合方桉 | | United Nations / Government of Liberia Joint Programme on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence / Joint Programme on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence | |
地中海对妇女暴力行为问题论坛 | | Mediterranean Forum on Violence against Women | |
防止公开暴力和恐吓调查委员会 | | Commission of Inquiry regarding the Prevention of Public Violence and Intimidation / Goldstone Commission | |
国家男女平等和消除家庭暴力战略 | | National Strategy on Gender Equality and the Eradication of Domestic Violence | |
支援消除对妇女暴力行为信托基金 | | United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women / Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women | |
联合起来制止侵害妇女的暴力行为 | | Unite to End Violence against Women | |
日内瓦家庭暴力的司法处理讲习班 | | Geneva Workshop on Judicial Treatment of Domestic Violence | |
热带气旋和风暴潮区域训练讲习班 | | Regional Training Workshop on Tropical Cyclones and Storm Surges | |
学校和平文化和非暴力区域局项目 | | Interregional Project for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence in Schools | |
地震或风暴潮所引起的异常高潮位 | | tidal wave | |
关于对妇女暴力行为的斑珠尔宣言 | | Banjul Declaration on Violence against Women | |
孟加拉湾风暴潮数据收集协调方桉 | | Coordinated Programme of Storm Surge Data Acquisition in the Bay of Bengal | |
建立一个无核武器和无暴力的世界 | | Towards a nuclear weapon-free and non-violent world | |
东帝汶妇女反对暴力保护儿童协会 | | East Timorese Women against Violence and for Children Care | |
对移徙女工的暴力问题专家组会议 | | Expert Group Meeting on Violence against Women Migrant Workers | |