拉各斯 | Lā gè sī | Lagos (Nigerian city) | |
逻各斯 | luó gè sī | logos (loanword) | |
理雅各 | Lǐ Yǎ gè | James Legge (1815-1897), Scottish Protestant missionary in Qing China and translator of the Chinese classics into English | |
司各特 | Sī gè tè | Scott (name) / Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Scottish romantic novelist | |
雅各伯 | Yǎ gè bó | Jacob (name) / Saint James | |
雅各书 | Yǎ gè shū | Epistle of St James (in New Testament) | |
自各儿 | zì gě r | variant of 自個兒|自个儿[zi4 ge3 r5] | |
全国各地 | quán guó gè dì | every part of the country | |
世界各地 | shì jiè gè dì | all over the world / everywhere / in all parts of the world | |
天各一方 | tiān gè yī fāng | (of relatives or friends) to live far apart from each other | |
波多黎各 | Bō duō Lí gè | Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States | |
加尔各答 | Jiā ěr gè dá | Calcutta (India) | |
巴各维人 | | Bagogwe | |
包容各方 | bāo róng gè fāng | inclusiveness | |
合同各方 | hé tong gè fāng | parties to a contract (law) | |
圣多明各 | Shèng Duō míng gè | Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic | |
物各有主 | wù gè yǒu zhǔ | everything has a rightful owner (idiom) | |
雅各宾派 | Yǎ gè bīn pài | Jacobin club, French revolutionary party that played a leading role in the reign of terror 1791-1794 | |
有关各方 | yǒu guān gè fāng | all parties involved | |
里约各公约 | | Rio Conventions | |
海牙各公约 | | Hague Conventions | |
拉各斯条约 | | Treaty of Lagos | |
拉各斯会议 | | Lagos Conference | |
人各有所好 | rén gè yǒu suǒ hào | everyone has their likes and dislikes / there is no accounting for taste / chacun son goût | |
开发署各账户 | | UNDP Account | |
评估各项评估 | | assessment of assessments | |
圣多明各宣言 | | Declaration of Santo Domingo | |
尼科西亚各条约 | | Nicosia Treaties | |
化学的各种专业 | | chemical specialties | |
全球各代人会议 | | Global Meeting of Generations | |
拉各斯和解协定 | | Lagos Reconciliation Agreements | |
防城各族自治县 | Fáng chéng Gè zú Zì zhì xiàn | Fangcheng Various Nationalities Autonomous County in Guangxi (temporary name during 1950s for Fangcheng district 防城區|防城区[Fang2 cheng2 qu1] of Fangchenggang city) | |
隆林各族自治县 | Lóng lín Gè zú Zì zhì xiàn | Longlin Various Nationalities Autonomous County in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi | |
龙胜各族自治县 | Lóng shèng Gè zú Zì zhì xiàn | Longsheng Various Nationalities Autonomous County in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi | |
贯穿各领域的问题 | | cross-cutting issue | |
吉阿塔土乌哈各国 | | KATTUK countries | |
包容各方的全面协定 | | Comprehensive and All-Inclusive Agreement on the Transition in the Democratic Republic of the Congo / All-Inclusive Agreement / Global and All-Inclusive Agreement | |
联合国各基金和方桉 | | United Nations funds and programmes / funds and programmes | |
吸收库中的各种物质 | | reservoir species | |
包容各方的和解进程 | | all-inclusive reconciliation process / all-inclusive reconciliation | |
八仙过海,各显其能 | Bā xiān guò hǎi , gè xiǎn qí néng | see 八仙過海,各顯神通|八仙过海,各显神通[Ba1 xian1 guo4 hai3 , ge4 xian3 shen2 tong1] | |
八仙过海,各显神通 | Bā xiān guò hǎi , gè xiǎn shén tōng | lit. the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his own special talent (idiom) / fig. (of each individual in a group) to give full play to one's unique capabilities | |
萝卜白菜,各有所爱 | luó bo bái cài , gè yǒu suǒ ài | one man's meat is another man's poison (idiom) / to each his own | |
萝卜青菜,各有所爱 | luó bo qīng cài , gè yǒu suǒ ài | see 蘿蔔白菜,各有所愛|萝卜白菜,各有所爱[luo2 bo5 bai2 cai4 , ge4 you3 suo3 ai4] | |
全民投票后的各项安排 | | post-referendum arrangements | |
等效各向同性辐射功率 | | equivalent isotropically radiated power | |
东盟各国卫生部长会议 | | Meeting of ASEAN Ministers of Health | |
东盟各国农林部长会议 | | Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry | |
亚洲各国科学院联合会 | | Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies | |
东盟各国毒品立法会议 | | Meeting of ASEAN Countries on Drug Legislation | |
联合国各机关惯例汇编 | lián hé guó gè jī guān guàn lì huì biān | Repertory of Practice of United Nations Organs | |
竞相大规模积累各类武器 | | massive and competitive accumulation of weapons | |
伊斯兰各国新闻部长会议 | | Islamic Conference of Information Ministers | |
掸邦各民族人民解放组织 | | Shan Nationalities People's Liberation Organization | |
欧洲各国维修协会联合会 | | European Federation of National Maintenance Societies | |
欧洲联盟各机构翻译中心 | | Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union | |
防治艾滋病参与各方会议 | | Meeting of Participating Parties for the Prevention and Control of AIDS | |
苏丹东部各州协调理事会 | | Eastern Sudan States' Coordinating Council | |
欧洲各国船东协会委员会 | | Committee of European National Shipowners' Associations | |
非洲各国儿科协会联合会 | | African National Paediatric Associations | |
关于索马里问题的各方会议 | | All-Party Meeting on Somalia | |
日内瓦国际会议的各项决议 | | Resolutions of the Geneva International Conference | |
欧洲各国工程师协会联合会 | | European Federation of National Engineering Associations | |
由国家驱动的包容各方进程 | | inclusive and nationally driven process | |
南太平洋各组织协调委员会 | | South Pacific Organizations Coordinating Committee | |
欧洲各国青年委员会理事会 | | Council of European National Youth Committees | |
欧洲老年人和各代间团结年 | | European Year of Older People and Solidarity between Generations | |
世界各国科学决策机构名录 | | World Directory of National Science Policy-making Bodies | |
联合国系统各机构简介节目 | | United Nations system identity package | |
关于各种排放预测的特别报告 | | Special Report on Emission Scenarios | |
欧洲各区域可持续发展基金会 | | Fondation européenne pour le développement durable des régions | |
克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布氏病 | | Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease | |
日内瓦四公约各项附加议定书 | | Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions | |
执行各项和平协定后续委员会 | | Commission to Follow up the Implementation of the Peace Agreements | |
妇女在各类矿山井下作业公约 | | Convention concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of all Kinds | |
主管经济和社会各部副秘书长 | | Under-Secretary-General in charge of the economic and social departments | |
拉各斯反对种族隔离行动宣言 | | Lagos Declaration for Action against Apartheid | |
波多黎各和美国永久联邦条约 | | Compact of Permanent Union between Puerto Rico and the United States | |
全球变化的各个方面专题会议 | | Theme Session on Global Change Aspects | |
开发署和各国政府的基本协定 | | UNDP Basic Agreements with Governments | |
威尔金森微波各向异性探测器 | wēi ěr jīn sēn wéi bō gè xiàng yì xìng tàn cè qì | Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe | |
使用法文为工作语文的各代表团 | | Group of Delegations using French as a Working Language | |
东盟各国土壤绘图问题土壤会议 | | ASEAN Soil Conference on the Soil Mapping of Individual Countries | |
欧洲各国青年委员会理事会大会 | | General Assembly of the Council of European National Youth Committees | |
关于乍得民族和解的拉各斯协定 | | Lagos Accord on the National Reconciliation in Chad | |
索马里各政治运动高级别协商会议 | | High-level Consultative Meeting of Somali Political Movements | |
人道、和平与各国人民兄弟情谊奖 | | Prize for Humanity, Peace and Fraternity among Peoples | |
刚果各派间政治谈判基本原则宣言 | | Declaration of Fundamental Principles of the Inter-Congolese Political Negotiations | |
太平洋各国青年事务部长区域会议 | | Regional Conference of Youth Ministers of the Pacific Community | |
人口和发展问题各国议员国际会议 | | International Conference of Parliamentarians on Population and Development | |
反对种族主义支持各民族友好运动 | | Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples | |
中欧和东欧各国国家委员会发展方桉 | | National Committees Development Programme for Central and Eastern European countries | |
联合国对各国政府的人口与发展调查 | | United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development | |
共同但有区别的责任以及各自的能力 | | common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities | |
联合国发展系统各组织技合联络中心 | | TCDC Focal Points of the Organizations of the United Nations Development System | |
气候模式中各种辐射编码的相互比较 | | Intercomparison of Radiative Codes in Climate Models | |
南锥体各国公共工程和运输部长会议 | | Meeting of Ministers of Public Works and Transport of the Southern Cone Countries | |
变异型克罗伊茨费尔特-雅各布氏病 | | Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease | |
归还各国被掠夺的艺术品专家委员会 | | Committee of Experts to Study the Question of the Restitution of Works of Art | |
欧安会各参与国文化遗产专题讨论会 | | Symposium on the Cultural Heritage of the CSCE Participating States | |
欧洲共同体各国统计研究所主任会议 | | Conference of the Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes of the European Communities | |
负责经济规划与发展的非洲各国部长 | | African Ministers responsible for Economic Planning and Development | |
民族和解各方政治力量协调指导机构 | | Directorate for the Coordination of Political Forces for National Reconciliation | |
拉各斯-蒙巴萨横贯非洲公路管理局 | | Lagos-Mombasa Trans-African Highway Authority | |
欧洲各国科学院和人文科学院联合会 | | European Federation of National Academies of Sciences and Humanities / All European Academies | |
欧洲联盟各国国家元首和政府首脑宣言 | | Declaration of the Heads of States and Government of the Countries of the European Union | |
欧洲经委会各国政府高级经济顾问会议 | | Meeting of Senior Economic Advisers to ECE Governments | |
关于拉各斯行动计划的文化方面的宣言 | | Declaration on the Cultural Aspects in the Lagos Plan of Action | |
阿拉伯马格里布联盟各国文化合作协定 | | Agreement on cultural cooperation between the States of the Arab Maghreb Union | |
欧洲经委会各国政府科学技术高级顾问 | | Senior Advisers to ECE Governments on Science and Technology | |
欧洲区域各国禁毒执法机构负责人会议 | | Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, European Region | |
非洲区域各国禁毒执法机构负责人会议 | | Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, African Region | |
儿基会与各国儿基会委员会的承认协定 | | recognition agreement between UNICEF and National Committees | |
协助各国通过国际法院解决争端信托基金 | | Trust Fund to Assist States in the Settlement of Disputes through the International Court of Justice | |
经济及社会理事会各职司委员会议事规则 | | Rules of Procedure of the Functional Commissions of the Economic and Social Council | |
东南欧各国国家元首和政府首脑会议宣言 | | Summit Declaration of the Heads of State and Government of South-east European Countries | |
指导各国在月球和其他天体上活动的协定 | | Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies / Moon Agreement | |
中美洲各国政府与合作国政府及机构会议 | | Meeting of Central American Governments with Co-operating Governments and Institutions | |
为各国社会共享和平生活做好准备的宣言 | | Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace | |
伊斯兰世界各国人民得享更美好将来会议 | | Session of a Better Future for the Peoples of the Islamic Ummah | |
世界各国普遍参加维也纳条约法公约宣言 | | Declaration on the Universal Participation in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties | |