启示 | qǐ shì | to reveal / to enlighten / enlightenment / revelation / illumination / moral (of a story etc) / lesson | |
启发 | qǐ fā | to enlighten / to explain (a text etc) / to stimulate (a mental attitude) / enlightenment / revelation / motivation | |
开明 | kāi míng | enlightened / open-minded / enlightenment | |
菩提 | pú tí | bodhi (Sanskrit) / enlightenment (Buddhism) | |
启迪 | qǐ dí | to edify / enlightenment | |
启蒙 | qǐ méng | to instruct the young / to initiate / to awake sb from ignorance / to free sb from prejudice or superstition / primer / enlightened / the Enlightenment / Western learning from the late Qing dynasty | |
启蒙主义 | Qǐ méng zhǔ yì | Enlightenment (philosophy) | |
觉悟 | jué wù | to come to understand / to realize / consciousness / awareness / Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda) | |
爱河 | ài hé | the river of love / a stumbling block on the path to enlightenment (Buddhism) | |
豁然开朗 | huò rán kāi lǎng | suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom) / to come to a wide clearing / fig. everything becomes clear at once / to achieve speedy enlightenment | |
顿悟 | dùn wù | a flash of realization / the truth in a flash / a moment of enlightenment (usually Buddhist) | |
成佛 | chéng fó | to become a Buddha / to attain enlightenment | |
开窍 | kāi qiào | to get it straight / to start to understand things properly / enlightenment dawns | |
卢梭 | Lú suō | Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Enlightenment philosopher | |
参悟 | cān wù | to comprehend (the nature of things etc) / to achieve enlightenment | |
业障 | yè zhàng | karmic hindrance (Buddhism) / karmic consequences that stand in the way of enlightenment / (term of abuse, especially toward the younger generation) devil spawn / (fig.) money | |
伏尔泰 | Fú ěr tài | Voltaire (1694-1778), Enlightenment philosopher | |
休谟 | Xiū mó | David Hume (1711-1776), Scottish Enlightenment philosopher | |
欲壑难填 | yù hè nán tián | bottomless pit of desire (idiom) / insatiable greed / carnal cravings are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment | |
百尺竿头 | bǎi chǐ gān tóu | to be at the highest level of enlightenment (Buddhist expression) | |
大彻大悟 | dà chè dà wù | to achieve supreme enlightenment or nirvana (Buddhism) | |
福田 | fú tián | field for growing happiness / domain for practices leading to enlightenment (Buddhism) | |
大日如来 | Dà rì rú lái | Vairocana, Buddha of supreme enlightenment | |
苦海无边,回头是岸 | kǔ hǎi wú biān , huí tóu shì àn | The sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn your head to see the shore (idiom). Only Buddhist enlightenment can allow one to shed off the abyss of worldly suffering. / Repent and ye shall be saved! | |
菩提道场 | Pú tí dào chǎng | Bodhimanda (place of enlightenment associated with a Bodhisattva) | |
金刚座 | jīn gāng zuò | Bodhimanda (place of enlightenment associated with a Bodhisattva) | |
殷忧启圣 | yīn yōu qǐ shèng | deep suffering can lead to enlightenment (idiom) / storms make oaks take deeper root | |