满 | mǎn | to fill / full / filled / packed / fully / completely / quite / to reach the limit / to satisfy / satisfied / contented |  |
充填 | chōng tián | to fill (gap, hole, area, blank) / to pad out / to complement / (dental) filling / filled |  |
盈 | yíng | full / filled / surplus |  |
布满 | bù mǎn | to be covered with / to be filled with |  |
满怀 | mǎn huái | to have one's heart filled with / (to collide) full on / (of farm animals) heavy with young |  |
满腔 | mǎn qiāng | one's heart filled with / full of (joy) |  |
满口 | mǎn kǒu | a full mouth of (sth physical) / to have the mouth exclusively filled with (a certain language, lies, promises, etc) / (to agree etc) unreservedly |  |
挤满 | jǐ mǎn | crowded to bursting point / filled to overflowing / jam-packed |  |
满腹 | mǎn fù | filled with / preoccupied with |  |
满嘴 | mǎn zuǐ | a full mouth of (sth physical) / to have the mouth exclusively filled with (a certain language, lies, promises, etc) |  |
爆满 | bào mǎn | filled to capacity (of theater, stadium, gymnasium etc) |  |
内装 | nèi zhuāng | filled with / internal decoration / installed inside |  |
草包 | cǎo bāo | bag made of woven straw / bag filled with straw / (fig.) a good-for-nothing / clumsy oaf |  |
恶贯满盈 | è guàn mǎn yíng | lit. strung through and filled with evil (idiom) / filled with extreme evil / replete with vice / guilty of monstrous crimes |  |
补牙 | bǔ yá | to fill a tooth (cavity) / to have a tooth filled / a dental filling |  |
宾客盈门 | bīn kè yíng mén | guests filled the hall (idiom) / a house full of distinguished visitors |  |
宾朋满座 | bīn péng mǎn zuò | guests filled all the seats (idiom) / a house full of distinguished visitors |  |
墓坑夯土层 | mù kēng hāng tǔ céng | layer filled with rammed earth in a tomb pit (archeology) |  |
满登登 | mǎn dēng dēng | brim full / filled to overflowing |  |
蟏蛸满室 | xiāo shāo mǎn shì | The room is filled with cobwebs. (idiom) |  |
宾朋盈门 | bīn péng yíng mén | guests filled the hall (idiom) / a house full of distinguished visitors |  |
生煎 | shēng jiān | shengjian, a pan-fried bun filled with meat and juices, a Shanghai specialty |  |
稻荷寿司 | dào hè shòu sī | inarizushi (pouch of fried tofu typically filled with rice) |  |
脏脏包 | zāng zāng bāo | pastry bun filled with chocolate and covered with cocoa powder |  |
幸甚至哉 | xìng shèn zhì zāi | filled with joy (quotation from poems by Cao Cao 曹操[Cao2 Cao1]) |  |
鲷鱼烧 | diāo yú shāo | taiyaki, Japanese-style waffle made with a fish-shaped mold, typically filled with a sweet bean paste |  |