任务 | rèn wu | mission / assignment / task / duty / role / CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4] | |
使命 | shǐ mìng | mission / long-term task to which one devotes oneself / a calling | |
传道部 | chuán dào bù | mission | |
传教团 | chuán jiào tuán | a mission (group of missionaries) | |
瑞典行道会 | ruì diǎn xíng dào huì | Mission | |
使馆 | shǐ guǎn | consulate / diplomatic mission | |
攻坚 | gōng jiān | to assault a fortified position / (fig.) to concentrate one's efforts on a particularly difficult part of one's mission | |
特派 | tè pài | special appointment / special correspondent / task force / sb dispatched on a mission | |
特派员 | tè pài yuán | special correspondent / sb dispatched on a mission / special commissioner | |
忍辱负重 | rěn rǔ fù zhòng | to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom) / to suffer in silence | |
天职 | tiān zhí | vocation / duty / mission in life | |
出使 | chū shǐ | to go abroad as ambassador / to be sent on a diplomatic mission | |
交差 | jiāo chāi | to report back after completion of one's mission | |
复命 | fù mìng | to report on completion of a mission / debriefing | |
使团 | shǐ tuán | diplomatic mission | |
遗志 | yí zhì | the mission in life of a deceased person, left to others to carry on | |
观察团 | | observer mission | |
公使馆 | gōng shǐ guǎn | embassy (old term) / foreign mission | |
苦差 | kǔ chāi | hard task / difficult mission / arduous and unrewarding undertaking / drudgery / grind / chore | |
观澜湖 | Guān lán Hú | Mission Hills Group (Chinese hospitality, sports and leisure company) | |
岩仓使节团 | Yán cāng shǐ jié tuán | the Iwakura mission (Japanese diplomatic and exploratory mission to US and Europe of 1871) | |
斯当东 | Sī dāng dōng | Staunton (name) / Sir George Staunton, 1st Baronet, the second-in-command of the Macartney Mission of 1793 | |
派遗 | pài yí | to send (sb) on a mission / to dispatch | |
蛮邸 | mán dǐ | foreign mission (in former times) / residence of barbarian emissary | |
马噶尔尼 | Mǎ gá ěr ní | Earl George Macartney (1737-1806), leader of British mission to Qing China in 1793 / Paul McCartney, former Beatle | |
马噶尔尼使团 | Mǎ gá ěr ní shǐ tuán | the Macartney mission to Qing China in 1793 | |
马戛尔尼 | Mǎ jiá ěr ní | Earl George Macartney (1737-1806), leader of British mission to Qing China in 1793 / Paul McCartney, former Beatle | |
马戛尔尼使团 | Mǎ jiá ěr ní shǐ tuán | the Macartney mission to Qing China in 1793 | |
骏豪集团 | Jùn Háo Jí tuán | Mission Hills Group (golf company) | |
联合国海地稳定特派团 | | United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti | |
特派团支助主任 | | Chief of Mission Support | |
特派团信息股 | | Mission Information Unit | |
特派任务替换人员员额 | | mission replacement post | |
外地特派团员额 | | field mission post | |
长期特派团 | | Mission of Long Duration | |
特派团支助主任办公室 | | Office of the Chief of Mission Support | |
联合国格鲁吉亚观察团 | | United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia | |
特派团支助厅 | | Office of Mission Support | |
非洲联盟驻苏丹特派团 | | African Union Mission in the Sudan | |
美洲国家组织海地加强民主特派团 | | OAS Special Mission for Strenghtening Democracy in Haiti | |
联合国伊拉克援助团 | lián hé guó yī lā kè yuán zhù tuán | United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq | |
军事特派团开办或快速增援能力 | | Military Mission Start up or Surge Capacity | |
综合特派团规划小组 | | Integrated Mission Planning Team | |
快速部署特派团总部 | | rapidly deployable mission headquarters | |
特派团训练单位 | | Mission Training Cell | |
不带家属特派团 | | non-family mission | |
独立评估团 | | independent assessment mission | |
联合国观察帕劳全民投票视察团 | | United Nations Visiting Mission to Observe the Plebiscite in Palau | |
特派团规划科 | | Mission Planning Section | |
特派团团长 | | Chief of Mission | |
科索沃外交观察团 | | Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission | |
西非经共体科特迪瓦特派团 | | ECOWAS Mission in Côte d'Ivoire | |
特派团标准结构格式 | | mission template | |
符合任务需要的核生化防护等级 | | Mission Oriented Protective Posture | |
应用探测器 | | Applications Explorer Mission | |
宇宙号生物卫星飞行任务 | | Cosmos Biosatellite Mission | |
特派团联合分析小组 | | Joint Mission Analysis Cell / Joint Mission Analysis Centre | |
咨询团 | zī xún tuán | advisory mission | |
纳米比亚技术调查团 | | Technical Survey Mission to Namibia | |
执行团团长 | | Chief of the Implementation Mission | |
联合国塔吉克斯坦观察团 | | United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan | |
联合国波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那特派团 | | United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团 | | United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea | |
特别特派团 | | special mission | |
在布隆迪恢复信任国际保护观察团 | | International protection and observation mission for the restoration of confidence in Burundi | |
国际太阳两极考察飞行计划 | | International Solar Polar Mission | |
特派团概况 | | mission profile | |
飞行管理与控制中心 | | Mission Management and Control Centre | |
人道主义联合审查团 | | Joint Humanitarian Review Mission | |
战斗任务 | | combat mission | |
平时任务 | píng shí rèn wù | peacetime mission | |
和平支援任务 | | peace support mission | |
特派团标准作业程序 | | mission standard operating procedures / mission standing operating procedures | |
高级别评估团 | | high-level mission | |
特派专家 | | expert on mission | |
联合国阿布哈兹需要评估团 | | United Nations Needs Assessment Mission to Abkhazia | |
特派团规划和报告编写股 | | Mission Planning and Report Writing Unit | |
达尔富尔人权状况高级别特派团 | | High-Level Mission on the situation of human rights in Darfur | |
外派任务 | wài pài rèn wù | field mission | |
外地工作 | | field mission | |
技术评估团 | | Technical Assessment Mission | |
联合国苏丹特派团 | | United Nations Mission in the Sudan | |
常驻代表团 | cháng zhù dài biǎo tuán | Permanent Mission to the United Nations / Permanent Mission | |
联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团 | | United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | |
安全理事会中部非洲访问团 | | Security Council mission to Central Africa | |
实况调查团 | | fact-finding mission | |
已结束的特派团 | | closed peacekeeping mission / closed mission | |
综合特派团训练中心 | | integrated mission training centre | |
特派团高级支助人员 | | senior mission support staff | |
伊拉克作物和粮食评估团 | | Crop and Food Assessment Mission to Iraq | |
英联邦南非观察团 | | Commonwealth Observer Mission to South Africa | |
联合国机构间特派团 | | United Nations Inter-Agency Mission | |
联合国机构间驻索马里特派团 | | United Nations inter-agency mission to Somalia | |
联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团 | | United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara | |
非洲联盟调解团 | | African Union Facilitation Mission | |
联合国卢旺达援助团 | lián hé guó lú wàng dá yuán zhù tuán | United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda | |
联合国塞拉利昂观察团 | | United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone | |
联合国阿富汗援助团 | | United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan | |
联合国利比里亚特派团 | | United Nations Mission in Liberia | |
欧洲共同体监察团 | | European Community Monitor Mission | |