主 要 zhǔ yào main / principal / major / primary 正 zhèng straight / upright / proper / main / principal / to correct / to rectify / exactly / just (at that time) / right (in that place) / (math.) positive 本 金 běn jīn capital / principal 校 监 xiào jiàn supervisor (of school) / principal 基 金 本 金 jī jīn běn jīn principal 法 定 代 表 人 fǎ dìng dài biǎo rén (law) legal representative of a corporation (e.g. chairman of the board of a company, principal of a school etc) 母 子 mǔ zǐ mother and child / parent and subsidiary (companies) / principal and interest 主 要 任 务 zhǔ yào rèn wu main task / principal duty 因 缘 yīn yuán chance / opportunity / predestined relationship / (Buddhist) principal and secondary causes / chain of cause and effect 主 旋 律 zhǔ xuán lu:4 (music) theme / principal melody / (fig.) central theme / main idea / (of a movie) created with the purpose of promoting Party values and point of view 主 要 因 素 zhǔ yào yīn sù main factor / principal cause 主 轴 zhǔ zhóu axis / principal axis (in mechanics, optics, botany etc) / main axle (of engine) 宋 江 Sòng Jiāng Song Jiang, a principal hero of the novel Water Margin 水滸傳|水浒传 本 息 běn xī principal and interest (on a loan) 正 职 zhèng zhí main job / day job / steady full-time job (as opposed to temporary or casual) / chief or principal post (as opposed to deputy) 主 音 zhǔ yīn keynote / principal tone / tonic / vowel 主 动 脉 zhǔ dòng mài aorta / principal artery 主 调 zhǔ diào main point of an argument / a principal viewpoint 主 材 zhǔ cái principal or main material (engineering) 元 勋 yuán xūn leading light / founding father / principal proponent 连 本 带 利 lián běn dài lì both principal and interest / capital plus profit 主 法 向 量 zhǔ fǎ xiàng liàng principal normal vector (to a space curve) 主 要 目 的 zhǔ yào mù dì main aim / principal goal 傅 说 Fù Shuō Fu Shuo (c. 14th century BC), legendary sage and principal minister of Shang ruler Wu Ding 岱 宗 Dài zōng another name for Mt Tai 泰山 / in Shandong as principal or ancestor of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4] / Mt Tai as resting place for departed souls 郡 治 jùn zhì seat of the principal county magistrate in imperial China 首 县 shǒu xiàn principal county magistrate in imperial China 特 等 法 律 干 事 principal legal officer 特 等 会 计 助 理 Principal Accounting Assistant 特 等 评 价 干 事 Principal Evaluation Officer 主 要 营 业 地 principal place of business 主 要 营 业 地 点 principal place of business 内 河 水 运 主 要 工 作 队 Principal Working Party on Inland Water Transport 铁 路 运 输 主 要 工 作 队 Principal Working Party on Rail Transport 亚 洲 及 太 平 洋 主 要 区 域 办 事 处 Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific 特 等 账 务 员 Principal Accounts Clerk 特 等 技 术 干 事 Principal Technical Officer 特 等 干 事 办 公 室 Principal Office 特 等 安 全 顾 问 Principal Security Adviser 公 路 运 输 主 要 工 作 队 Principal Working Party on Road Transport 特 等 外 勤 事 务 干 事 I Principal Field Service Officer I 特 等 干 事 Principal Officer 秘 书 长 首 席 副 特 别 代 表 Principal Deputy Special Representative / Principal Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General 首 席 副 特 别 代 表 Principal Deputy Special Representative / Principal Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General 全 球 主 要 指 标 Principal Global Indicators 主 要 全 球 指 标 Principal Global Indicators 首 席 助 理 秘 书 长 shǒu xí zhù lǐ mì shū zhǎng Principal Assistant Secretary-General 经 济 、 社 会 和 发 展 事 务 特 等 干 事 Principal Officer for Economic, Social and Development Affairs 首 席 书 记 官 shǒu xí shū jì guān Principal Registrar 首 席 辩 护 人 shǒu xí biàn hù rén Principal Defender 秘 书 长 首 席 副 特 别 代 表 办 公 室 Office of the Principal Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General 首 席 法 律 顾 问 办 公 室 shǒu xí fǎ lu:4 gù wèn bàn gōng shì Office of the Principal Legal Adviser 特 等 行 政 管 理 干 事 Principal Administrative Management Officer 特 等 外 勤 干 事 II Principal Field Service Officer II 特 等 联 络 干 事 Principal Liaison Officer 特 等 区 域 间 渔 业 顾 问 Principal Inter-Regional Fisheries Adviser 特 等 程 序 设 计 技 术 员 Principal Programmer Technician 特 等 方 桉 干 事 Principal Programme Officer 特 等 技 术 顾 问 Principal Technical Adviser 社 会 性 别 主 流 化 特 等 干 事 Principal Officer on Gender Mainstreaming 主 要 赚 钱 养 家 者 principal earner 特 等 经 济 学 家 Principal Economist 项 目 主 持 人 的 核 准 Principal Investigators' approval / PI approval 负 责 行 动 和 法 治 的 秘 书 长 首 席 副 特 别 代 表 Principal Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Operations and Rule of Law 主 要 机 关 main organ / main body / principal organ 首 席 政 治 顾 问 principal political adviser 首 席 法 律 顾 问 Principal Legal Adviser 副 首 席 法 律 顾 问 Deputy Principal Legal Adviser 道 德 操 守 问 题 首 席 顾 问 Principal Adviser, Ethics 沃 伦 ・ 巴 菲 特 Wò lún · Bā fēi tè Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of Omaha, US investor and philanthropist, principal owner of holding company Berkshire Hathaway 阮 安 Ruǎn An1 Nguyen An (1381-1453), aka Ruan An, Vietnamese architect and engineer, principal designer of the Forbidden City 本 利 běn lì principal and interest / capital and profit 沃 伦 · 巴 菲 特 Wò lún · Bā fēi tè Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of Omaha, US investor and philanthropist, principal owner of holding company Berkshire Hathaway 少 阳 经 shào yáng jīng lesser yang gallbladder meridian of the leg (one of the 12 principal meridians of TCM) 本 尊 běn zūn (Buddhism) yidam (one's chosen meditational deity) / the principal object of worship on a Buddhist altar / (of a monk who has the ability to appear in multiple places at the same time) the honored one himself (contrasted with his alternate forms, 分身[fen1 shen1]) / (fig.) (jocular) the genuine article / the real McCoy / the man himself / the woman herself / the original manifestation of sth (not a spin-off or a clone) 主 诉 zhǔ sù (medicine) to complain of / a patient's brief account of their illness / (law) main suit / principal claim