- 我们应该取消这次远足。
We should cancel the hike.
- 杰克决定取消预约。
Jack decided to cancel the reservations.
- 他们去了鸟取。
They went to Tottori.
- 单凭力量不能保证取胜。
Relying on strength alone cannot guarantee victory.
- 他被取消了参赛资格。
He was disqualified from the competition.
- 我希望考试能录取。
I hope to graduate at the exams.
- 她取得了优异的英语成绩。
She gets good marks in English.
- 田径运动会因天雨关系取消了。
The track meet was called off on account of the heavy rain.
- 你不应该以貌取人。
You should not judge a man by his appearance.
- 你必须从失败中吸取教训。
You must learn from mistakes.