IP认证 | IPrèn zhèng | IP authentication | |
LEED认证 | LEEDrèn zhèng | LEED Certification / LEED rating system | |
不承认 | bù chéng rèn | non-recognition | |
确认书 | què rèn shū | apostille | |
不认账 | bù rèn zhàng | not to own up / not to admit a fault | |
元认知 | yuán rèn zhī | metacognition | |
超额认 | chāo é rèn | (a share issue is) oversubscribed | |
抽认卡 | chōu rèn kǎ | flashcard | |
指认国 | zhǐ rèn guó | designating State | |
提高认识 | | awareness-building | |
身份认证 | shēn fèn rèn zhèng | certificate | |
感性认识 | gǎn xìng rèn shi | perceptual awareness | |
矢口否认 | shǐ kǒu fǒu rèn | to deny flatly | |
理性认识 | lǐ xìng rèn shi | cognition / rational knowledge | |
六亲不认 | liù qīn bù rèn | not recognizing one's family (idiom) / self-centered and not making any allowances for the needs of one's relatives | |
地权确认 | | adjudication of title to land / adjudication of title | |
公众认识 | | public awareness | |
东京认捐 | | Tokyo Pledge | |
森林认证 | | forest certification | |
种族认同 | | ethnification | |
确认转让 | | confirmation of transfers | |
司法认知 | | to take judicial notice | |
超额认购 | chāo é rèn gòu | (a share issue is) oversubscribed | |
承认控罪 | chéng rèn kòng zuì | guilty plea (law) | |
撤消认证 | chè xiāo rèn zhèng | withdrawal of accreditation | |
道德认识 | dào dé rèn shi | moral cognition / ethical awareness | |
低头认罪 | dī tóu rèn zuì | to bow one's head in acknowledgment of guilt / to admit one's guilt | |
供认不讳 | gòng rèn bù huì | to make a full confession / to plead guilty | |
国际公认 | guó jì gōng rèn | internationally recognized | |
后设认知 | hòu shè rèn zhī | metacognition (Tw) | |
坚决否认 | jiān jué fǒu rèn | to firmly deny | |
默认检测 | mò rèn jiǎn cè | opt-out testing / opt-out screening | |
事实认定 | shì shí rèn dìng | factual findings / finding of fact | |
失物认领 | shī wù rèn lǐng | lost and found | |
性别认同 | xìng bié rèn tóng | gender identity | |
翻脸不认人 | fān liǎn bù rèn rén | to fall out with sb and become hostile | |
收入的确认 | | income recognition | |
表单式认证 | | form-based authentication | |
确认书公约 | | Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents / Apostille Convention | |
不承认主义 | bù chéng rèn zhǔ yì | policy of non-recognition | |
多年期认捐 | duō nián qī rèn juān | multi-year pledging | |
优先认股权 | yōu xiān rèn gǔ quán | preemptive right (in share issue) | |
提高认识培训 | | awareness-training | |
正式确认行为 | | act of formal confirmation | |
公共认识方桉 | | public awareness programme | |
经认证的单据 | | certified supporting voucher | |
操作员的认证 | | operator certification | |
应收账款确认 | | receivables confirmation / confirmation of receivables | |
提高认识运动 | | awareness-raising campaign | |
廉正认识调查 | | Integrity Perception Survey | |
否认灭绝种族 | | denial of genocide | |
国际公认边界 | | internationally recognized border | |
提高公众认识 | | public-awareness raising | |
安全认证课程 | | security certification programme | |
确认选民身份 | | voter identification | |
承认交战状态 | | recognition of belligerency | |
承认一个政府 | | recognition of a government | |
不再另行确认 | | not elsewhere identified | |
公认审计准则 | | generally accepted audit standards | |
公认审计标准 | | generally accepted audit standards | |
公认会计原则 | | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | |
相互承认框架 | | Mutual Recognition Framework | |
承认一个国家 | chéng rèn yī gè guó jiā | recognition of a State | |
公平贸易认证 | gōng píng mào yì rèn zhèng | fairtrade | |
国际认可论坛 | guó jì rèn kě lùn tán | International Accreditation Forum | |
性别认同障碍 | xìng bié rèn tóng zhàng ài | gender identity disorder (GID) / gender dysphoria | |
选民确认收据 | xuǎn mín què rèn shōu jù | voter-verified paper trail | |
集体认可的行动 | | collectively endorsed action | |
确认的受养人? | | recognized dependant | |
应收账款确认书 | | receivables confirmation / confirmation of receivables | |
貌似可信的否认 | | plausible deniability | |
可持续经营认证 | | certified sustainably managed | |
确认和合作协定 | | Recognition and Cooperation Agreement | |
承认的受扶养人 | | recognized dependent | |
共同执行认证小组 | | Joint Implementation Accreditation Panel / Accreditation Panel | |
经认证的独立实体 | | Accredited Independent Entity | |
年度自愿认捐会议 | | annual voluntary pledging conference | |
对财务报表的认定 | | financial statement assertions | |
对内部控制的认定 | | internal control assertions | |
公认政府审计准则 | | generally accepted government audit standards | |
公认政府审计标准 | | generally accepted government audit standards | |
公平贸易认证组织 | gōng píng mào yì rèn zhèng zǔ zhī | FLO-CERT | |
国际标准认证制度 | guó jì biāo zhǔn rèn zhèng zhì duó | international standardized certification scheme | |
可选办法确认方案 | kě xuǎn bàn fǎ què rèn fāng àn | Options Identification Programme | |
联合国共同认证制 | lián hé guó gòng tòng rèn zhèng zhì | common United Nations certification scheme | |
经过认证的有机食品 | | certified organic food | |
部署前提高认识培训 | | pre-deployment awareness training | |
部署后提高认识培训 | | post-deployment awareness training | |
泛欧森林认证委员会 | | Pan European Forest Certification Council / PEFC Council | |
道德操守训练和认证 | | ethics training and certification | |
传播、培训、提高认识 | | dissemination, training and awareness-raising | |
注重文化与认同的发展 | | development with culture and identity | |
世界裁军运动认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the World Disarmament Campaign | |
发展业务活动认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for Operational Activities for Development | |
承认森林认证制度计划 | | Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes | |
国际公平贸易认证标章 | guó jì gōng píng mào yì rèn zhèng biāo zhāng | International | |
对性别问题有敏感认识的 | | gender-sensitive (adj) | |
受害人寻找和确认委员会 | | Victim Recovery and Identification Commission | |
渔民训练和认证指导文件 | | Document for Guidance on Fishermen's Training and Certification | |
肥料顾问认证和培训计划 | | Fertiliser Advisers Certification and Training Scheme | |
正式承认土着语言委员会 | | Commission for the Official Recognition of Indigenous Languages / Official Recognition Commission | |
联合国发展活动认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference for Development Activities | |
联合国妇女十年认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the United Nations Decade for Women | |
承认离婚和法定分居公约 | | Convention on the Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations | |
国际实验室认可合作组织 | guó jì shí yàn shì rèn kě hé zuò zǔ zhī | International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation | |
欧洲大学资格学术认可公约 | | European Convention on the Academic Recognition of University Qualifications | |
互相承认火器验证标记公约 | | Convention for the reciprocal recognition of proof marks on small arms | |
相互承认和关系正常化协定 | | Agreement on Mutual Recognition and Normalization of Relations | |
安保部门改革提高认识运动 | | Awareness Campaign on Security Sector Reform | |
南部非洲紧急抗旱认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the Drought Emergency in Southern Africa | |
关于承认和移交登记册的协定 | | Agreement on Recognition and Handover of Record Books | |
通过教育和认识防治热带疾病 | | Managing Tropical Diseases Through Education and Understanding | |
新近确认身份的难民安置方桉 | | Resettlement Programme for Newly-Determined Refugees | |
对性别问题有敏感认识的规划 | | gender-sensitive planning | |
结婚仪式和承认婚姻有效公约 | | Convention on Celebration and Recognition of the Validity of Marriages | |
取消外国公文认证要求的公约 | | Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents / Apostille Convention | |
承认及执行外国仲裁裁决公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards | |
联合国发展活动联合认捐会议 | | United Nations Joint Pledging Conference for Development Activities | |
联合国世界裁军运动认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference for the World Disarmament Campaign | |
相互承认公司和法律实体公约 | | Convention on Mutual Recognition of Companies and Legal Entities | |
内盖夫未获承认村庄区域理事会 | | Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev / Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages | |
欧洲地区承认高等教育资格公约 | | Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region / Lisbon Convention | |
联合国儿童基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the United Nations Children's Fund | |
全球认识非洲紧急经济状况运动 | | Campaign for Global Awareness of the Critical Economic Situation in Africa | |
扶养义务判决的承认与执行公约 | | Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Decisions relating to Maintenance Obligations | |
关于药品制造检查的相互承认公约 | | Convention for the Mutual Recognition of Inspections in Respect of the Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products | |
关于相互认可化学品评价数据的决定 | | Decision on the Mutual Acceptance of Data in the Assessment of Chemicals | |
联合国非洲运输和通讯十年认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference for the Transport and Communciations Decade in Africa | |
联合国资本发展基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the United Nations Capital Development Fund | |
承认无海岸国家悬挂船旗权利的宣言 | | Declaration recognizing the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast | |
关于国际承认对航空器的权利的公约 | | Convention on the international recognition of rights in aircraft | |
联合国发展基金和发展方桉认捐会议 | | Pledging Conference for the United Nations Development Funds and Programmes | |
联合国工业发展基金联合国认捐会议 | | United Nations Pledging Conference on the United Nations Industrial Development Fund | |
抚养儿童义务判决的承认和执行公约 | | Convention concerning the recognition and enforcement of decisions relating to maintenance obligations towards children | |