证 明 zhèng míng proof / certificate / identification / testimonial / CL:個|个[ge4] / to prove / to testify / to confirm the truth of 证 书 zhèng shū credentials / certificate 证 件 zhèng jiàn certificate / papers / credentials / document / ID 证 券 zhèng quàn negotiable security (financial) / certificate / stocks and bonds 凭 证 píng zhèng proof / certificate / receipt / voucher 证 照 zhèng zhào professional certification / certificate / ID or passport photo 证 明 书 zhèng míng shū certificate 身 份 认 证 shēn fèn rèn zhèng certificate 证 zhèng certificate / proof / to prove / to demonstrate / to confirm / variant of 症[zheng4] 凭 照 píng zhào certificate / license 股 票 gǔ piào share certificate / stock (finance) 出 具 chū jù to issue (document, certificate etc) / to provide 考 证 kǎo zhèng to do textual research / to make textual criticism / to verify by means of research (esp. historical details) / to take an exam to get a certificate (abbr. for 考取證件|考取证件[kao3 qu3 zheng4 jian4]) 合 格 证 hé gé zhèng certificate of conformity 毕 业 证 书 bì yè zhèng shū (PRC) (since 1985) graduation certificate, which certifies that the student has graduated, but not necessarily met all requirements to be awarded a degree certificate 學位證書|学位证书[xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1] / (1981-1985) graduation certificate, which certified that the student graduated, and, if it included a final sentence indicating a degree type, also certified that the student met all the requirements for a degree 房 产 证 fáng chǎn zhèng title deeds / certificate of property ownership 开 立 kāi lì to found / to establish / to set up / to open (an account, a branch store etc) / to draw up (a certificate, receipt, prescription etc) 结 婚 证 jié hūn zhèng marriage certificate 奖 状 jiǎng zhuàng prize certificate / certificate of merit 学 位 证 书 xué wèi zhèng shū diploma (for a degree) / degree certificate 户 口 本 hù kǒu běn household register / household registration booklet / residence certificate 换 证 huàn zhèng to renew a certificate (ID card etc) / to leave an ID at the desk to gain entrance 欠 条 qiàn tiáo IOU / certificate of indebtedness 数 字 证 书 digital certificate 票 券 piào quàn voucher / share / share certificate 证 卷 zhèng juàn a bond (banking) / a share certificate / a unit trust 产 地 证 chǎn dì zhèng certificate of origin (CO or CoO) (commerce) 包 票 bāo piào guarantee certificate 出 生 证 chū shēng zhèng birth certificate / CL:張|张[zhang1] 存 款 单 cún kuǎn dān certificate of deposit 病 假 条 bìng jià tiáo sick note / medical certificate for sick leave 拘 留 证 jū liú zhèng detention certificate 出 生 证 明 chū shēng zhèng míng birth certificate / CL:張|张[zhang1] 出 生 证 明 书 chū shēng zhèng míng shū birth certificate / CL:張|张[zhang1] 劵 quàn variant of 券 / bond (esp. document split in two, with each party holding one half) / contract / deed (i.e. title deeds) / ticket / voucher / certificate 外 国 人 居 住 证 明 wài guó rén jū zhù zhèng míng foreigner's certificate of residence 存 款 证 cún kuǎn zhèng certificate of deposit 定 期 存 款 dìng qī cún kuǎn fixed deposit / time deposit / certificate of deposit (banking) 适 航 证 shì háng zhèng certificate of airworthiness / airworthiness certificate 在 世 证 书 zài shì zhèng shū certificate of existence 应 享 权 利 证 书 程 序 certificate of entitlement process / CE process 应 享 权 利 证 书 certificate of entitlement 国 际 进 口 证 书 guó jì jìn kǒu zhèng shū international import certificate 交 货 核 查 证 明 书 delivery verification certificate / delivery certificate 无 爆 炸 物 证 书 free from explosive certificate / FFE certificate 审 计 证 书 shěn jì zhèng shū audit certificate 过 境 证 书 guò jìng zhèng shū Border / Boundary Crossing Certificate 品 行 良 好 证 明 certificate of good conduct 银 行 证 明 bank certificate 航 空 经 营 许 可 证 Air Operator's Certificate (UK) / Air Carrier's Certificate (US) 最 终 用 户 证 书 zuì zhōng yòng hù zhèng shū end-use certificate 无 异 议 证 明 wú yì yì zhèng míng no-objection certificate 联 合 国 证 书 lián hé guó zhèng shū United Nations certificate 联 合 国 嘉 许 状 lián hé guó jiā xǔ zhuàng United Nations Certificate of Recognition 金 伯 利 进 程 证 书 jīn bó lì jìn chéng zhèng shū Kimberley Process Certificate 产 销 监 管 链 证 书 chain of custody certificate 联 合 国 证 件 lián hé guó zhèng jiàn United Nations certificate 初 级 结 业 证 书 chū jí jié yè zhèng shū Basic Level Certificate 国 际 船 舶 安 全 证 书 guó jì chuán bó ān quán zhèng shū International Ship Security Certificate 适 航 证 书 shì háng zhèng shū certificate of airworthiness / airworthiness certificate 原 产 地 证 书 certificate of origin 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) 进 口 证 jìn kǒu zhèng import certificate 卸 货 证 明 书 xiè huò zhèng míng shū landing certificate / landing permit 起 岸 证 明 书 qǐ àn zhèng míng shū landing certificate / landing permit 森 林 管 理 证 书 sēn lín guǎn lǐ zhèng shū forest management certificate 复 员 证 书 disarmament certificate 供 资 核 准 和 支 出 证 明 表 Funding Authorization and Certificate of Expenditures form / FACE form 可 偿 维 持 和 平 债 券 redeemable peacekeeping certificate 定 期 存 单 certificate of deposit 出 口 证 明 书 export certificate 受 益 人 证 明 书 beneficiary certification / beneficiary certificate 受 益 凭 证 beneficiary certification / beneficiary certificate 家 属 证 明 书 family certificate 肄 业 证 书 yì yè zhèng shū certificate of partial completion / certificate of attendance (for a student who did not graduate) 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) 定 存 dìng cún certificate of deposit / time deposit / abbr. for 定期存款|定期存款[ding4 qi1 cun2 kuan3] 3C sān C abbr. for computers, communications, and consumer electronics / China Compulsory Certificate (CCC) 考 本 kǎo běn to take a relevant exam for a certificate (e.g. driving test, license etc) 任 命 状 rèn mìng zhuàng certificate of appointment (to government office) 领 证 lǐng zhèng to obtain a certificate or license etc / (PRC) to obtain a marriage license / to marry 户 口 名 簿 hù kǒu míng bù (Tw) household registration certificate (identity document) 三 无 产 品 sān wú chǎn pǐn product lacking one or more of three requirements such as production license, inspection certificate, and manufacturer's name and location