条 件 tiáo jiàn condition / circumstances / term / factor / requirement / prerequisite / qualification / CL:個|个[ge4] 状 况 zhuàng kuàng condition / state / situation / CL:個|个[ge4] 制 约 zhì yuē to restrict / condition 品 相 pǐn xiàng condition / physical appearance (of a museum piece, item of food produced by a chef, postage stamp etc) 境 jìng border / place / condition / boundary / circumstances / territory 状 zhuàng accusation / suit / state / condition / strong / great / -shaped 境 域 jìng yù territory / domain / realm / state / condition / situation / circumstances 外 观 wài guān exterior appearance / to view sth from the outside / exterior condition 整 治 zhěng zhì to bring under control / to regulate / to restore to good condition / (coll.) to fix (a person) / to prepare (a meal etc) 病 情 bìng qíng state of an illness / patient's condition 伤 势 shāng shì condition of an injury 完 好 wán hǎo intact / in good condition 不 对 劲 bù duì jìn not in good condition / wrong / fishy 复 原 fù yuán to restore (sth) to (its) former condition / to recover from illness / recovery 热 身 rè shēn to warm up (sports) / (fig.) to prepare / to get in condition 一 塌 糊 涂 yī tā hú tu muddled and completely collapsing (idiom) / in an awful condition / complete shambles / a total mess 蕴 涵 yùn hán to contain / to accumulate / to embrace / implicit condition / implication / entailment 精 神 状 态 jīng shén zhuàng tài mental state / psychological condition 要 件 yào jiàn key document / important condition / criterion / requirement / requisite / cornerstone 必 要 条 件 bì yào tiáo jiàn requirement / necessary condition (math) 原 状 yuán zhuàng previous condition / original state 惨 状 cǎn zhuàng devastation / miserable condition 异 状 yì zhuàng unusual condition / something odd / strange shape 拉 练 lā liàn (military) to undergo field training (camping, bivouacking, route marching, live fire practice etc) / (sports) to get into peak condition by competing overseas 虚 火 xū huǒ excess of internal heat due to poor general condition (TCM) / the prestige of another person, which one borrows for oneself 空 载 kōng zài (of a ship, train etc) not carrying any load (i.e. no passengers or freight etc) / (electricity) no-load (used to describe the condition of a transformer when there is no load connected to its secondary coil) 久 病 jiǔ bìng my old illness / chronic condition 身 板 shēn bǎn body / physique / physical condition 停 经 tíng jīng to stop menstruating (as a result of pregnancy, menopause or medical condition etc) 消 渴 xiāo kě condition characterized by thirst, hunger, frequent urination and weight loss, identified in TCM with type 2 diabetes 病 况 bìng kuàng state of an illness / patient's condition 病 势 bìng shì degree of seriousness of an illness / patient's condition 危 殆 wēi dài grave danger / in jeopardy / in a critical condition 酒 糟 鼻 jiǔ zāo bí rosacea (dermatological condition of the face and nose) / brandy nose 好 好 儿 hǎo hāo r in good condition / perfectly good / carefully / well / thoroughly 充 要 条 件 chōng yào tiáo jiàn necessary and sufficient condition 酒 渣 鼻 jiǔ zhā bí rosacea (dermatological condition of the face and nose) / brandy nose 駉 jiǒng in good condition (as a horse) 一 潭 死 水 yī tán sǐ shuǐ a pool of stagnant water / stagnant or listless condition 完 好 无 缺 wán hǎo wú quē in perfect condition / without any defect 完 好 无 损 wán hǎo wú sǔn in good condition / undamaged / intact 脉 象 mài xiàng condition or type of pulse (in Chinese medicine) 辩 证 施 治 biàn zhèng shī zhì diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition 命 危 mìng wēi (medicine) in a critical condition 必 死 之 症 bì sǐ zhī zhèng terminal illness / incurable condition (also fig.) 焗 油 jú yóu to condition or dye the hair using hair treatment product in conjunction with a hair steamer 约 束 条 件 yuē shù tiáo jiàn restrictive condition / constraint 花 斑 癣 huā bān xuǎn pityriasis versicolor (aka tinea versicolor), blotchy skin condition common in tropical areas, common name 汗斑[han4 ban1] 微 需 氧 状 态 wēi xū yǎng zhuàng tài microaerophilic condition 低 需 氧 状 态 dī xū yǎng zhuàng tài microaerophilic condition 改 善 战 地 武 装 部 队 伤 员 境 遇 公 约 Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field 丧 失 工 作 能 力 岁 数 years lived with a disability condition 干 燥 气 候 dry weather condition 日 内 瓦 第 一 公 约 Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field / First Geneva Convention 日 内 瓦 第 二 公 约 Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea / Second Geneva Convention 妇 女 事 务 和 权 利 部 Ministère à la condition féminine et aux droits des femmes 战 时 伤 者 境 遇 增 订 条 款 Additional Articles relating to the Condition of the Wounded in War 既 有 疾 病 pre-existing condition 辨 证 施 治 biàn zhèng shī zhì diagnosis and treatment based on an overall analysis of the illness and the patient's condition 𬳶 jiǒng in good condition (as a horse) 特 效 药 tè xiào yào effective medicine for a specific condition / highly effective medicine 指 腹 为 婚 zhǐ fù wéi hūn to propose the future marriage of two unborn babies on condition that one turns out to be a boy, and the other, a girl (idiom) 基 础 病 jī chǔ bìng underlying medical condition 凤 体 fèng tǐ (archaic) empress's body / empress's physical condition 龙 体 lóng tǐ (archaic) emperor's body / emperor's physical condition