境 界 jìng jiè boundary / state / realm 边 界 biān jiè boundary / border 界 限 jiè xiàn boundary 畔 pàn edge / side / boundary / bank (of a river etc) / shore 端 倪 duān ní boundary / clue / indication / to obtain clues / to infer 边 际 biān jì limit / bound / boundary / (economics) marginal 临 界 lín jiè critical / boundary 边 儿 biān r side / edge / margin / border / boundary / proximity / thread (of ideas, plots etc) / see also 邊|边[bian1] 止 境 zhǐ jìng limit / boundary / end 分 野 fēn yě dividing line between distinct realms / boundary / field-allocation (in Chinese astrology, the association between celestial regions and corresponding terrestrial realms) 疆 界 jiāng jiè border / boundary 界 jiè (bound form) boundary / border / (bound form) realm 边 biān side / edge / margin / border / boundary / CL:個|个[ge4] / simultaneously 际 jì border / edge / boundary / interval / between / inter- / to meet / time / occasion / to meet with (circumstances) 定 界 dìng jiè demarcation / boundary / delimited / bound (math.) 境 jìng border / place / condition / boundary / circumstances / territory 野 yě field / plain / open space / limit / boundary / rude / feral 疆 jiāng border / boundary 圻 qí boundary / a border 畛 zhěn border / boundary / field-path 垓 gāi boundary 徼 jiào boundary / to go around 埏 yán boundary 堮 è a boundary / a border 圉 限 yǔ xiàn boundary / limit 限 界 线 xiàn jiè xiàn boundary / dividing line 畛 域 zhěn yù (formal) boundary / scope 界 址 jiè zhǐ boundary (of a piece of land or territory) 极 限 jí xiàn limit / extreme boundary 无 边 wú biān without boundary / not bordered 交 界 jiāo jiè common boundary / common border 国 界 guó jiè national boundary / border between countries 临 界 点 lín jiè diǎn critical point / boundary point 划 界 huà jiè boundary delimitation 界 碑 jiè bēi boundary stone / table marking border 边 界 线 biān jiè xiàn boundary line / border line 省 界 shěng jiè provincial boundary 边 界 层 biān jiè céng boundary layer 茫 máng vast, with no clear boundary / fig. hazy / indistinct / unclear / confused 第 三 纪 dì sān jì third period / tertiary (geological era since the extinction of the dinosaurs at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago) 勘 界 kān jiè boundary survey 底 界 dǐ jiè lower boundary 标 界 biāo jiè to demarcate a boundary / dividing line 莫 霍 洛 维 奇 不 连 续 面 Mò huò luò wéi qí bù lián xù miàn Moho (aka Mohorovičić / discontinuity, the lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere) / abbr. to 莫霍面[Mo4 huo4 mian4] 莫 霍 面 Mò huò miàn Moho (aka Mohorovičić / discontinuity, the lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere) 西 限 xī xiàn the western boundary 邛 崃 山 脉 Qióng lái shān mài Qionglai mountains on the boundary of the Sichuan basin 四川盆地 阿 姆 河 A1 mǔ Hé Amu Darya, the biggest river of Central Asia, from Pamir to Aral sea, forming the boundary between Afghanistan and Tajikistan then flowing through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan / formerly called Oxus by Greek and Western writers, and Gihon by medieval Islamic writers 附 面 层 fù miàn céng boundary layer 龙 门 山 Lóng mén shān Mt Longmen, the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin, an active geological fault line / Mt Longmen in Shandong / Mt Longmen in Henan 龙 门 山 断 层 Lóng mén shān duàn céng Longmenshan fault line, a tectonically active thrust fault line at the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin 龙 门 断 层 Lóng mén duàn céng Longmenshan fault line, a tectonically active thrust fault line at the northwest boundary of the Sichuan basin 坚 冰 界 线 jiān bīng jiè xiàn fast-ice boundary 边 界 分 析 员 Boundary Analyst 边 界 委 员 会 Boundary Commission 伊 拉 克 -科 威 特 边 界 维 持 项 目 Iraq-Kuwait boundary maintenance project 表 面 边 界 层 biǎo miàn bian jiè céng surface boundary layer / ground layer / atmospheric boundary layer 摩 擦 层 mó cā céng friction layer / planetary boundary layer 边 界 水 域 条 约 Boundary Waters Treaty 以 色 列 - 约 旦 边 界 数 据 Israel Jordan Boundary Datum 伊 拉 克 - 科 威 特 标 界 委 员 会 Iraq-Kuwait Boundary Demarcation Commission 转 换 板 块 边 界 transform plate boundary 冰 界 bīng jiè ice boundary 不 同 密 集 度 浮 冰 群 间 的 界 线 concentration boundary 国 际 边 界 和 水 委 员 会 International Boundary and Water Commission 边 界 水 域 bian jiè shuǐ yù boundary waters 划 界 裁 定 Demarcation of the Eritrea / Ethiopia Boundary directions / Demarcation Directions 疆 界 条 约 boundary treaty 划 界 条 约 boundary treaty 界 约 boundary treaty 大 气 边 界 层 dài qì bian jiè céng atmospheric boundary layer / surface boundary layer 增 生 板 块 边 界 accreting plate boundary / divergent plate boundary / divergent boundary 离 散 板 块 边 界 accreting plate boundary / divergent plate boundary / divergent boundary 大 气 海 洋 边 界 层 dài qì hǎi yáng bian jiè céng air-sea boundary layer 海 &mdash 气 边 界 层 hǎi mdash;qì bian jiè céng air-sea boundary layer 深 层 西 边 界 流 shēn céng xī bian jiè liú Deep Western Boundary Current 国 际 疆 界 研 究 室 guó jì jiāng jiè yán jiū shì International Boundary Research Unit 实 体 间 边 界 线 和 有 关 问 题 协 定 Agreement on Inter-Entity Boundary Line and Related Issues 达 尔 富 尔 标 界 委 员 会 Darfur Boundary Demarcation Commission 工 作 边 界 working boundary 海 洋 界 限 的 划 定 maritime boundary delimitation / delimitation of maritime boundaries / maritime delimitation 通 用 单 一 界 限 all-purpose single boundary / all-purpose line 通 用 线 all-purpose single boundary / all-purpose line 有 关 疆 界 的 免 责 声 明 boundary disclaimer 协 议 界 线 negotiated line / negotiated boundary 实 体 间 边 界 线 Inter-Entity Boundary Line 双 边 界 限 bilateral boundary 板 块 边 界 plate boundary 地 壳 边 界 continent / ocean boundary / oceanic / continental crust boundary / crust boundary 区 界 sector boundary 实 体 间 边 界 委 员 会 Inter-Entity Boundary Commission 岩 层 不 整 合 界 限 lithostratigraphic unconformity boundary / unconformity boundary 让 畔 ràng pàn to be accommodating in negotiating the boundary of one's field / fig. (of farmers in ancient times) to be good-hearted and honest 隔 音 符 号 gé yīn fú hào apostrophe, as used in pinyin orthography (i.e. to mark a boundary between two syllables, as in "dàng'àn" 檔案|档案[dang4 an4])