荣 誉 róng yù honor / credit / glory / (honorable) reputation / honorary 功 劳 gōng láo contribution / meritorious service / credit 信 用 xìn yòng to trust / credit (commerce) / trustworthiness / creditworthiness 信 贷 xìn dài credit / borrowed money 授 信 shòu xìn to extend credit (finance) / credit 贷 记 dài jì to credit 金 融 信 用 jīn róng xìn yòng credit 信 用 评 分 xìn yòng píng fēn credit 瑞 士 信 贷 银 行 ruì shì xìn dài yín háng Credit 信 用 卡 xìn yòng kǎ credit card 加 分 jiā fēn bonus point / extra credit / to award bonus points / to earn extra points 学 分 xué fēn course credit 刷 卡 shuā kǎ to use a credit card (or swipe card, smart card etc) 信 用 社 xìn yòng shè credit union 停 机 tíng jī (of a machine) to stop / to shut down / to park a plane / to finish shooting (a TV program etc) / to suspend a phone line / (of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit 威 信 wēi xìn prestige / reputation / trust / credit with the people 借 贷 jiè dài to borrow or lend money / debit and credit items on a balance sheet 信 用 证 xìn yòng zhèng letter of credit 盗 取 dào qǔ to steal (including identity theft, credit card fraud or theft of computer account) / to misappropriate 欠 费 qiàn fèi to be in arrears / to be out of credit / amount owing 信 用 等 级 xìn yòng děng jí credit level 征 信 zhēng xìn to examine the reliability / reliable / credit reporting 学 分 制 xué fēn zhì credit system / grading system (in schools, universities etc) 信 用 风 险 xìn yòng fēng xiǎn credit risk 邀 功 yāo gōng to take the credit for sb's achievement 贷 方 dài fāng credit side (of a balance sheet) / creditor / lender 赊 销 shē xiāo credit transaction / to sell on account 居 功 jū gōng to claim credit for oneself 归 功 guī gōng to give credit / to give sb his due / attribution 赊 账 shē zhàng to buy or sell on credit / outstanding account / to have an outstanding account 赊 欠 shē qiàn to offer credit / credit transaction / to buy or sell on account 赊 购 shē gòu to buy on credit / to delay payment 赊 shē to buy or sell on credit / distant / long (time) / to forgive 贳 shì to borrow / to buy on credit / to rent out 功 成 不 居 gōng chéng bù jū not to claim personal credit for achievement (idiom) 贪 天 之 功 tān tiān zhī gōng to claim credit for other people's achievements (idiom) 放 债 fàng zhài to lend money (for interest) / to give credit 不 可 撤 销 信 用 证 bù kě chè xiāo xìn yòng zhèng irrevocable letter of credit 付 方 fù fāng credit side (of a balance sheet), as opposed to 收方[shou1 fang1] 信 用 危 机 xìn yòng wēi jī credit crisis 信 用 观 察 xìn yòng guān chá credit watch 信 用 评 等 xìn yòng píng děng credit rating 信 用 评 级 xìn yòng píng jí credit rating 信 用 证 券 xìn yòng zhèng quàn instrument of credit / letter of credit / see also 信用證|信用证[xin4 yong4 zheng4] / CL:張|张[zhang1] 信 用 额 xìn yòng é credit limit 信 贷 危 机 xìn dài wēi jī credit crisis / see also 次貸危機|次贷危机[ci4 dai4 wei1 ji1] 信 贷 紧 缩 xìn dài jǐn suō credit crunch / to tighten lending 信 贷 衍 生 产 品 xìn dài yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn credit derivative (in finance) 催 证 cuī zhèng to call for the issue of a letter of credit (international trade) 刷 爆 shuā bào to max out (a credit card) 学 分 小 时 xué fēn xiǎo shí credit hour (in an academic credit system) / see also 學分制|学分制[xue2 fen1 zhi4] 抵 减 dǐ jiǎn to claim a credit against / tax reduction 擅 美 shàn měi to enjoy fame without sharing it / to take the credit 攘 善 rǎng shàn to claim credit due to others / to appropriate other's credit or honor 收 方 shōu fāng receiving party / recipient / debit side (of balance sheet), as opposed to credit side 付方[fu4 fang1] 争 面 子 zhēng miàn zi to do (sb) proud / to be a credit to (one's school etc) / to make oneself look good / to build up one's image 卡 奴 kǎ nú a slave to one's credit card / sb who is unable to repay their credit card borrowings 信 贷 额 度 xìn dài é dù line of credit 信 用 保 险 xìn yòng bǎo xiǎn credit insurance 资 信 评 级 机 构 zī xìn píng jí jī gòu credit rating agency 递 延 贷 项 dì yán dài xiàng deferred credit 可 转 让 养 护 信 贷 tradeable conservation credit 碳 信 用 额 tàn xìn yòng é carbon credit 农 村 储 蓄 和 信 用 机 构 village savings and credit institution IMF信 贷 利 用 额 IMFxìn dài lì yòng é use of IMF credit 非 洲 储 蓄 信 贷 合 作 社 协 会 Africa Cooperative Savings and Credit Association 非 洲 储 蓄 信 贷 合 作 社 协 会 联 合 会 Africa Confederation of Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations 早 行 动 记 分 credit for early action 伊 比 利 亚 - 美 洲 出 口 信 贷 担 保 公 司 Ibero-American Export Credit Guarantee Company 亚 洲 及 太 平 洋 区 域 农 业 信 贷 协 会 Asian and Pacific Regional Agricultural Credit Association 信 用 衍 生 产 品 xìn yòng yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn credit derivatives 非 洲 区 域 农 业 信 贷 协 会 African Regional Agricultural Credit Association 加 勒 比 信 用 社 联 合 会 Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions 贷 方 凭 单 credit voucher 预 算 贷 项 yù suàn dài xiàng budget credit 储 蓄 和 信 贷 促 进 发 展 指 导 委 员 会 Steering Committee on Savings and Credit for Development 信 贷 支 助 系 统 xìn dài zhī zhù xì tǒng Credit Support System 农 业 信 用 发 展 计 划 Scheme for Agricultural Credit Development 坦 桑 尼 亚 妇 女 生 产 活 动 信 贷 计 划 Credit Scheme for Productive Activities of Women in Tanzania 联 合 国 独 立 担 保 和 备 用 信 用 证 公 约 United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit 累 计 储 蓄 和 信 贷 协 会 accumulating savings and credit associations 国 际 信 用 和 投 资 保 险 人 联 盟 International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers 充 分 诚 信 full faith and credit 部 门 间 贷 项 凭 单 inter-office credit voucher 杂 项 贷 差 sundry credit balances 排 放 信 用 emissions credit 国 际 地 方 信 贷 中 心 International Centre for Local Credit 世 界 信 用 社 理 事 会 World Council of Credit Unions, Inc. 近 东 和 北 非 农 业 信 贷 区 域 联 盟 Regional Union for Agricultural Credit in the Near East and North Africa 农 民 农 业 信 贷 小 组 nóng mín nóng yè xìn dài xiǎo zǔ Farmers Agricultural Credit Group 某 些 东 非 国 家 农 业 信 贷 和 银 行 业 务 方 桉 Programme in Agricultural Credit and Banking for Selected East African Countries 英 联 邦 青 年 信 贷 计 划 Commonwealth Youth Credit Initiative 伊 斯 兰 投 资 保 障 和 出 口 信 贷 公 司 Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit 应 急 信 贷 额 度 Contingency Credit Line 信 用 证 券 化 xìn yòng zhèng quàn huà credit securitization 互 惠 结 算 和 信 贷 协 定 Reciprocal Payments and Credit Agreement 近 东 和 北 非 区 域 农 业 信 贷 协 会 Near East and North Africa Regional Agricultural Credit Association 全 国 信 贷 处 National Credit Bureau 循 环 信 贷 基 金 Revolving Credit Fund 扩 大 信 贷 机 制 Extended Credit Facility