专 门 zhuān mén specialist / specialized / customized 专 事 zhuān shì specialized 专 业 zhuān yè specialty / specialized field / main field of study (at university) / major / CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4] / professional 专 科 zhuān kē specialized subject / branch (of medicine) / specialized training school 专 业 知 识 zhuān yè zhī shi specialized knowledge 专 著 zhuān zhù monograph / specialized text 专 科 学 校 zhuān kē xué xiào specialized school / college for professional training / polytechnic 专 用 设 备 specialized equipment 一 技 之 长 yī jì zhī cháng proficiency in a particular field (idiom) / skill in a specialized area (idiom) 中 等 专 业 学 校 zhōng děng zhuān yè xué xiào specialized middle school 病 院 bìng yuàn specialized hospital 旦 角 dàn jiǎo Dan, female roles in Chinese opera (played by specialized male actors) 旦 角 dàn jué dan, female roles in Chinese opera (traditionally played by specialized male actors) 旦 dàn dawn / morning / daybreak / day / dan, female roles in Chinese opera (traditionally played by specialized male actors) 耑 zhuān variant of 專|专, concentrated / specialized 待 诏 dài zhào expert in a specialized field such as medicine, divination or chess, available on call to the emperor (in the Tang and Song dynasties) 定 点 企 业 dìng diǎn qǐ yè a specialized enterprise 专 业 教 育 zhuān yè jiào yù specialized education / technical school 专 门 人 员 zhuān mén rén yuán specialist / specialized staff 专 门 机 构 zhuān mén jī gòu specialized agency 特 殊 作 物 品 种 specialized crop species 特 别 管 制 处 Specialized Control Service 谈 判 气 候 变 化 框 架 公 约 的 专 题 会 议 Specialized Conference for the Negotiation of a Framework Convention on Climate Change 美 洲 麻 醉 药 品 贩 运 问 题 专 门 会 议 Inter-American Specialized Conference on Traffic in Narcotic Drugs 信 息 学 专 门 机 构 名 录 xìn xī xué zhuān mén jī gòu míng lù Directory of Institutions Specialized in Informatics 联 合 国 专 门 机 构 lián hé guó zhuān mén jī gòu United Nations specialized agencies / specialized agencies 加 勒 比 海 国 家 海 洋 问 题 专 门 会 议 Specialized Conference of the Caribbean Countries on Problems of the Sea 专 门 干 预 小 组 Specialized Interventions Sub-Unit 专 门 技 术 委 员 会 Specialized Technical Committees 专 门 机 构 特 权 和 豁 免 公 约 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies 区 域 专 业 气 象 中 心 Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre 外 聘 审 计 团 wài pìn shěn jì tuán Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations, the Specialized Agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency / Panel of External Auditors 西 非 和 中 非 贩 卖 儿 童 问 题 专 门 会 议 specialized meeting on child trafficking in West and Central Africa 多 国 专 门 小 组 Multinational Specialized Unit 美 洲 国 际 私 法 专 门 会 议 Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law 拉 丁 美 洲 妇 女 总 体 教 育 专 门 会 议 Inter-American Specialized Conference on the Integral Education of Women 专 门 训 练 科 Specialized Training Section 美 洲 贩 毒 问 题 专 门 会 议 Inter-American Specialized Conference on Drug Trafficking 专 门 机 构 地 位 specialized agency status 专 门 训 练 specialized training 美 洲 恐 怖 主 义 问 题 专 门 会 议 Inter-American Specialized Conference on Terrorism 美 洲 国 家 组 织 反 腐 败 专 门 会 议 Specialized Conference of the Organization of American States against Corruption 人 群 管 理 特 别 用 途 车 rén qún guǎn lǐ tè bié yòng tú chē specialized crowd management vehicle, a riot control vehicle equipped with a water cannon, commonly known as water cannon vehicle 水炮車|水炮车[shui3 pao4 che1] 水 炮 车 shuǐ pào chē water cannon vehicle, common name for specialized crowd management vehicle 人群管理特別用途車|人群管理特别用途车[ren2 qun2 guan3 li3 te4 bie2 yong4 tu2 che1]