

  • to arrange
  • to line up
  • file
  • series
  • (in data tables) column
  • (Tw) row



  • 车已经出发。
    The train just left.
  • 用英语回答下问题。
    Answer the following questions in English.
  • 将下句子翻译成日文。
    Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
  • 把下句子翻译成英文。
    Put the following sentences into English.
  • 跳上一正在开的火车是很危险的。
    It is very dangerous to jump aboard the train when it is moving.
  • 他定已错过了他平常坐的那班车。
    He must have missed his usual train.
  • 约翰·侬是1940年出生的。
    John Lennon was born in 1940.
  • 但是,我建议你乘 JR 的成田特急(每三十分钟至一个小时就有一班车从
    However, I recommend you to take the JR Narita Express (a train leaves every 30-60 minutes from the airport), to avoid the complexity of changing trains.
  • 大部分大不颠的男人定期送巧克力作礼物给他们的合伙人,尤其是在他
    Almost half the men in Great Britain regularly give chocolate to their partner, especially for their birthday.
Chinese Tones