- 这本书值得读两遍。
This book is worth reading twice.
- 再读一遍。
Read it once more.
- 请再说一遍。
Say that again, please.
- 消息在城里传遍了。
In the city, the information is flooding.
- 这本书值得再看一遍。
This book is worth reading again.
- 地震后人们普遍觉得恐慌。
There was widespread panic after the earthquake.
- 请你把故事从头到尾给我们说一遍。
Tell us the story from beginning to end.
- 她慢慢地重复了一遍她的名字。
She repeated her name slowly.
- 他慢慢地把自己的名字再说了一遍。
He repeated his name slowly.
- 经济萧条是一段时间内,当这样的经济活动普遍增长而造成的一种临时性
Recession is a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity is generally increasing.