台 北 君 悦 大 饭 店 tái běi jūn yuè dà fàn diàn Grand 伟 大 wěi dà huge / great / grand / worthy of the greatest admiration / important (contribution etc) 风 光 fēng guāng scene / view / sight / landscape / to be well-regarded / to be well-off / grand (dialect) / impressive (dialect) 隆 重 lóng zhòng grand / prosperous / ceremonious / solemn 宏 伟 hóng wěi grand / imposing / magnificent 雄 伟 xióng wěi grand / imposing / magnificent / majestic 盛 大 shèng dà grand / majestic / magnificent 堂 堂 táng táng grand / magnificent / stately / majestic appearance 宏 大 hóng dà great / grand 壮 阔 zhuàng kuò grand / majestic / vast 泱 泱 yāng yāng grand / magnificent / vast 堂 皇 táng huáng imposing / grand 王 wáng king or monarch / best or strongest of its type / grand / great 雄 xióng male / staminate / grand / imposing / powerful / mighty / person or state having great power and influence 泰 tài safe / peaceful / most / grand 隆 lóng grand / intense / prosperous / to swell / to bulge 豪 háo grand / heroic 浩 hào grand / vast (water) 丕 pī grand 傀 guī grand / strange / exotic 嘏 jiǎ far / grand 颙 yóng grand / majestic / just / stern 矞 yù grand / elegant / propitious 澔 hào grand / vast (of water) 巨 正 则 系 综 jù zhèng zé xì zōng grand 藐 藐 miǎo miǎo contemptuous (of manner) / high and distant / mysterious / grand / magnificent 大 厦 dà shà (used in the names of grand buildings such as 百老匯大廈|百老汇大厦 / Broadway Mansions (in Shanghai) or 帝國大廈|帝国大厦 / Empire State Building etc) 大 酒 店 dà jiǔ diàn grand hotel 豪 宅 háo zhái grand residence / mansion 大 奖 赛 dà jiǎng sài grand prix 大 公 dà gōng grand duke / impartial 盛 典 shèng diǎn majestic pomp / grand ceremony 史 记 Shǐ jì Records of the Grand Historian, by 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1], first of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3] 大 名 鼎 鼎 dà míng dǐng dǐng grand reputation / renowned / famous 大 峡 谷 Dà xiá gǔ great valley / Grand Canyon of Colorado River 盛 况 shèng kuàng grand occasion 盛 事 shèng shì grand occasion 宏 图 hóng tú major undertaking / vast plan / grand prospect 排 场 pái chang ostentation / a show of extravagance / grand style / red tape 大 运 Dà yùn Mandate of Heaven / the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC / usually written 大運河|大运河[Da4 Yun4 he2] 司 马 迁 Sī mǎ Qiān Sima Qian (145-86 BC), Han Dynasty historian, author of Records of the Grand Historian 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4], known as the father of Chinese historiography 大 满 贯 dà mǎn guàn grand slam 大 法 官 dà fǎ guān grand justice / high court justice / supreme court justice 民 不 聊 生 mín bù liáo shēng The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Historian 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4]) / no way of getting by 大 运 河 Dà Yùn hé the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC 盛 举 shèng jǔ grand event / magnificent undertaking 漕 河 cáo hé waterway used for the transportation of grain (in ancient times) (esp. the Grand Canal 大運河|大运河[Da4 Yun4 he2]) 京 杭 大 运 河 Jīng Háng Dà Yùn hé the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC 张 居 正 Zhāng Jū zhèng Zhang Juzheng (1525-1582), Grand Secretary during the Ming dynasty, credited with bringing the dynasty to its apogee 盛 极 一 时 shèng jí yī shí all the rage for a time / grand fashion for a limited time 恭 亲 王 Gōng qīn wáng Grand Prince (Qing title) 满 贯 mǎn guàn to win every trick in a card game / grand slam / fig. total success 大 公 国 dà gōng guó grand duchy 渤 澥 桑 田 bó xiè sāng tián lit. blue seas where once was mulberry fields (idiom, from 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4], Record of the Grand Historian) / time brings great changes / life's vicissitudes 雄 心 勃 勃 xióng xīn bó bó aggressive and grand (idiom) / ambitious / pushy 大 观 园 Dà guān yuán Prospect Garden / Grand View Garden, a garden in Dream of the Red Chamber 盛 景 shèng jǐng grand view / magnificent landscape 侄 孙 女 zhí sūn nu:3 grand niece 大 明 鼎 鼎 dà míng dǐng dǐng a grand reputation / renowned / famous 大 陪 审 团 dà péi shěn tuán grand jury 大 国 家 党 Dà Guó jiā Dǎng South Korean Grand national party 上 海 大 剧 院 Shàng hǎi Dà jù yuàn Shanghai Grand Theater 京 杭 运 河 Jīng Háng Yùn hé the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC 侠 盗 猎 车 手 xiá dào liè chē shǒu Grand Theft Auto (video game series) 侠 盗 飞 车 xiá dào fēi chē Grand Theft Auto (video game series) 光 禄 大 夫 guāng lù dài fu honorific title during Tang to Qing times, approx. "Glorious grand master" 刘 姥 姥 进 大 观 园 Liú lǎo lao jìn Dà guān yuán Granny Liu visits the Grand View gardens / (of a simple person) to be overwhelmed by new experiences and luxurious surroundings 君 悦 Jūn yuè Grand Hyatt (hotel brand) 嘉 会 jiā huì auspicious occasion / grand feast 大 山 谷 州 立 大 学 Dà shān gǔ zhōu lì dà xué Grand Valley State University (Michigan), USA 大 钢 琴 dà gāng qín grand piano 太 史 令 tài shǐ lìng grand scribe (official position in many Chinese states up to the Han) 太 史 公 Tài shǐ gōng Grand Scribe, the title by which Sima Qian 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1] refers to himself in Records of the Historian 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4] 奇 伟 qí wěi singular and majestic / strange and grand 奕 䜣 Yì xīn Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing 怒 江 大 峡 谷 Nù jiāng Dà xiá gǔ the Grand Canyon of the Nujiang river in Tibet and Yunnan 恭 亲 王 奕 䜣 Gōng qīn wáng Yì xīn Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing 成 也 萧 何 , 败 也 萧 何 chéng yě Xiāo Hé , bài yě Xiāo Hé lit. raised up by Xiao He, cast down by Xiao He (idiom), alluding to Han Xin 韓信|韩信[Han2 Xin4] being made Grand General 大將軍|大将军[da4 jiang1 jun1] / fig. a situation where one's success and failure are both due to the same factor 掌 玺 大 臣 zhǎng xǐ dà chén chancellor (rank in various European states) / grand chancellor 春 秋 大 梦 chūn qiū dà mèng grand dreams / unrealistic ideas (idiom) 盛 大 舞 会 shèng dà wǔ huì grand ball 盛 气 shèng qì grand and heroic / exuberant character 盛 筵 shèng yán grand banquet 科 罗 拉 多 大 峡 谷 Kē luó lā duō dà xiá gǔ the Grand Canyon (Colorado) 综 计 zōng jì grand total / to add everything together 高 岸 gāo àn in grand style / high bank 和 珅 Hé shēn Heshen (1746-1799), Manchu official of the Qing Dynasty who openly practiced various forms of corruption on a grand scale 李 娜 Lǐ Nà Li Na (1982-), Chinese tennis player, first Asian player to win a Grand Slam singles title (2011 French Open women's singles) 大 鸿 胪 dà hóng lú Grand Herald in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1] 卢 森 堡 大 公 国 lú sēn bǎo dà gōng guó the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 太 仆 tài pú Grand Servant in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1] 克 里 人 大 理 事 会 Grand Council of the Crees 西 方 解 放 阵 线 Front pour la libération du Grand Ouest 非 洲 人 权 问 题 格 朗 德 贝 宣 言 和 行 动 计 划 Grand Bay Declaration and Plan of Action on Human Rights in Africa 大 西 部 爱 国 抵 抗 联 盟 dài xī bù ài guó dǐ kàng lián méng Union patriotique de résistance du Grand Ouest 大 西 部 抵 抗 力 量 Forces de résistance du Grand Ouest 科 特 迪 瓦 大 西 部 人 民 运 动 Mouvement populaire ivoirien du Grand Ouest 总 体 战 略 zǒng tǐ zhàn lu:è total strategy / national strategy (US) / grand strategy (UK) 保 护 儿 童 大 联 盟 grand alliance for children 大 司 农 dā sī nóng Grand Minister of Agriculture in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]