计 划 jì huà plan / project / program / to plan / to map out / CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4] 方 案 fāng àn plan / program (for action etc) / proposal / proposed bill / CL:個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 规 划 guī huà to plan (how to do sth) / planning / plan / program 节 目 jié mù program / item (on a program) / CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4],套[tao4] 栏 目 lán mù regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program) / program (TV or radio) 纲 领 gāng lǐng program (i.e. plan of action) / guiding principle 编 程 biān chéng (computing) to program / programming 应 用 程 序 yìng yòng chéng xù (computing) program / application 程 式 chéng shì form / pattern / formula / (Tw) (computing) program 大 纲 dà gāng synopsis / outline / program / leading principles 曲 目 qǔ mù repertoire / program / song / piece of music 报 幕 bào mù announce the items on a (theatrical) program 纲 gāng head rope of a fishing net / guiding principle / key link / class (taxonomy) / outline / program 程 序 性 chéng xù xìng program 核 武 器 研 制 计 划 hé wǔ qì yán zhì jì huà nuclear weapons (manufacturing) program 应 用 程 式 yìng yòng chéng shì (Tw) (computing) program / application 程 序 chéng xù procedures / sequence / order / computer program 课 程 kè chéng course / academic program / CL:堂[tang2],節|节[jie2],門|门[men2] 专 题 zhuān tí specific topic (addressed by a book, lecture, TV program etc) / article, report or program etc on a specific topic 出 台 chū tái to officially launch (a policy, program etc) / to appear on stage / to appear publicly / (of a bar girl) to leave with a client 主 持 zhǔ chí to take charge of / to manage or direct / to preside over / to uphold / to stand for (justice etc) / to host (a TV or radio program etc) / (TV) anchor 考 研 kǎo yán to sit an entrance exam for a graduate program 点 播 diǎn bō webcast / to request item for broadcast on radio program / dibble seeding / spot seeding 播 出 bō chū to broadcast / to air (a TV program etc) 电 视 节 目 diàn shì jié mù television program 停 机 tíng jī (of a machine) to stop / to shut down / to park a plane / to finish shooting (a TV program etc) / to suspend a phone line / (of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit 大 计 dà jì large scale program of lasting importance / project of paramount importance / to think big / annual national audit 天 宫 Tiān gōng Temple in Heaven (e.g. of the Jade Emperor) / Tiangong, Chinese space station program 名 堂 míng tang item (in a program of entertainments) / trick (act of mischief) / worthwhile result / accomplishment / sth significant but not immediately apparent / sth more than meets the eye 档 期 dàng qī slot within a schedule / timeslot (for a TV program, a session with a photographer etc) / range of dates in which an event is to be held (film screening, exhibition etc) 支 教 zhī jiào program bringing education to underdeveloped areas / to work in such a program 勤 工 俭 学 qín gōng jiǎn xué to work part time while studying / work-study program 程 控 交 换 机 chéng kòng jiāo huàn jī electronic switching system (telecom.) / stored program control exchange (SPC) 粮 票 liáng piào coupons for food or grain used in a PRC economic program c. 1955-1993 比 赛 项 目 bǐ sài xiàng mù sporting event / item on program of sports competition 广 播 节 目 guǎng bō jié mù radio program / broadcast schedule 半 工 半 读 bàn gōng bàn dú part work, part study / work-study program 联 合 国 开 发 计 划 署 Lián hé guó Kāi fā Jì huà shǔ United Nations Development Program 压 轴 戏 yā zhòu xì next-to-last item on a program (theater) / climax 党 纲 dǎng gāng (political) party platform / party program 要 图 yào tú main plan / important program 政 纲 zhèng gāng political program / platform 百 年 树 人 bǎi nián shù rén It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man (idiom) / fig. a good education program takes a long time to develop / cf. 十年樹木,百年樹人|十年树木,百年树人 并 行 程 序 bìng xíng chéng xù parallel program 程 式 管 理 员 chéng shì guǎn lǐ yuán program manager (Windows) 进 行 编 程 jìn xíng biān chéng executable program 石 油 换 食 品 项 目 Shí yóu Huàn Shí pǐn Xiàng mù Iraq Oil for Food Program 视 频 节 目 shì pín jié mù video program 世 界 粮 食 署 shì jiè liáng shi shǔ World food program (United Nations aid agency) 共 同 纲 领 gòng tóng gāng lǐng common program / formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan 十 年 树 木 , 百 年 树 人 shí nián shù mù , bǎi nián shù rén It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man (idiom). A good education program takes a long time to develop. 埃 尔 朗 根 纲 领 Aī ěr lǎng gēn gāng lǐng Felix Klein's Erlangen program (1872) on geometry and group theory 大 湄 公 河 次 区 域 合 作 Dà Méi gōng hé cì qū yù hé zuò Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), economic cooperation program between China and Vietnam 安 亲 班 ān qīn bān after-school program (Tw) 朝 鲜 核 谈 Cháo xiǎn hé tán talks on North Korea's nuclear program 统 一 规 划 tǒng yī guī huà integrated program 联 合 国 环 境 规 划 署 Lián hé guó Huán jìng Guī huà shǔ United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) 行 动 方 案 xíng dòng fāng àn program of action 行 动 纲 领 xíng dòng gāng lǐng action plan / program of action 电 子 稳 定 程 序 diàn zǐ wěn dìng chéng xù (automotive) electronic stability program (ESP) 应 用 程 序 接 口 application program interface 提 高 商 业 技 术 方 桉 Program for the Advancement of Commercial Technology 商 业 能 源 研 究 方 案 shāng yè néng yuán yán jiū fāng àn Program for Commercial Energy Research 国 际 人 权 实 习 方 案 guó jì rén quán shí xí fāng àn International Human Rights Internship Program 妇 女 参 与 建 设 和 平 网 Women in Peacebuilding Network / Women in Peacebuilding Program 非 洲 疟 疾 控 制 推 助 方 桉 Booster Program for Malaria Control in Africa / World Bank Malaria Booster Program 多 国 复 员 和 重 返 社 会 方 桉 Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program 纳 恩 - 卢 格 合 作 减 少 威 胁 方 桉 Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program 计 划 审 查 委 员 会 Program Review Board 卡 尔 · 杜 伊 斯 堡 协 会 - 东 南 亚 方 桉 办 事 处 Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft - South East Asia Program Office 治 理 和 经 济 管 理 援 助 方 桉 Governance and Economic Management Assistance Program 分 区 发 展 方 桉 Kecamatan Development Program 12步 计 划 12 Step Program 涓 流 方 案 juān liú fāng àn Trickle Up Program 综 合 大 洋 钻 探 计 划 Integrated Ocean Drilling Program 生 物 圈 监 测 和 疾 病 预 测 方 桉 Biospheric Monitoring and Disease Prediction Program 联 合 多 功 能 方 案 lián hé duō gōng néng fāng àn Joint Multipurpose Program 海 员 援 助 计 划 Seafarers' Assistance Program 共 同 愿 景 方 案 gòng tòng yuàn jǐng fāng àn Shared Vision Program 引 进 和 应 用 避 孕 技 术 方 桉 Program for the Introduction and Adaptation of Contraceptive Technology 尼 罗 河 赤 道 湖 泊 辅 助 行 动 纲 领 Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program 尼 罗 河 流 域 倡 议 战 略 行 动 方 桉 Nile Basin Initiative Strategic Action Program 辅 助 行 动 方 桉 Subsidiary Action Program 生 物 多 样 性 支 持 计 划 Biodiversity Support Program 缅 因 湾 区 域 方 案 miǎn yīn wān qū yù fāng àn Gulf of Maine Area Program 约 翰 · 霍 普 金 斯 妇 产 科 国 际 教 育 方 桉 社 Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Gynecology and Obstetrics 三 北 防 护 林 sān běi fáng hù lín Green Wall of China, a massive afforestation program on the eastern margin of the Gobi Desert aimed at stopping the desert's expansion, started in 1978 and planned to be completed by 2050 工 作 人 员 监 测 的 规 划 staff-monitored program / fund-monitored program 基 金 组 织 监 测 的 规 划 staff-monitored program / fund-monitored program 收 入 和 计 划 参 与 调 查 Survey of Income and Program Participation 太 阳 能 卫 星 方 案 tài yáng néng wèi xīng fāng àn Solar Power Satellite Program 妇 女 人 权 教 育 方 桉 Human Rights Education Program for Women 国 际 通 信 卫 星 援 助 与 发 展 方 桉 Intelsat Assistance and Development Program 空 间 人 的 因 素 方 桉 Space Human Factors Program 国 际 日 地 物 理 学 方 桉 International Solar-Terrestial Physics Program 第 五 方 面 方 桉 Fifth Dimension Program 世 卫 组 织 全 球 流 感 项 目 WHO Global Influenza Programme / Global Influenza Program 全 球 流 感 项 目 WHO Global Influenza Programme / Global Influenza Program 太 平 洋 岛 屿 发 展 方 桉 Pacific Islands Development Program 国 际 家 庭 年 赞 助 城 市 方 桉 International Year of the Family Patron Cities Program