- 严以律己, 宽以待人。
Pardon all but thyself.
- 18岁以下不可以结婚。
People under 18 cannot get married.
- 「你可以帮忙把门关上吗?」「可以,当然可以。」
"Would you mind shutting the door?" "No, not at all."
- 你以前可以从这里看到教堂。
You used to be able to see the church from here.
- 因为以前见过他, 所以我立刻就认出他来。
Having met him before, I recognized him at once.
- 以前人们以为只有人类才懂得用语言沟通。
People used to think that only humans could use language.
- 以前的人以为地球是平的。
It used to be thought that the earth was flat.
- 以前的人以为地球是平的。
It was believed that the earth was flat.
- 以后再讲.
Talk to you later.
- 你可以看,可以听,但手脚不要乱动。
Hear and see and be still.