- 不管谁说,这个不对。
Whoever said so, it is false.
- 不管是谁总比没人好。
Anybody would be better than nobody.
- 水从破裂的水管倾泻而出。
Water poured from the broken pipe.
- 不管我怎么称赞他们,都不会过分。
I cannot praise them too highly.
- 她开了窗,尽管我叫她别这么做。
She opened the window, even though I told her not to.
- 尽管下着雨,他还是出去了。
He went out in spite of the rain.
- 这是管弦乐团的第五场音乐会。
This is the fifth concert by this orchestra.
- 有东西卡在管子裡。
Something has stuck in the pipe.
- 他不会抛下落难的朋友不管。
He could not forsake his friend in trouble.
- 不管你怎么做,结果都一样。
Regardless what you may do, the outcome will still be the same.