地 球 观 测 系 统 地 球 观 测 系 统 Spot 现 场 xiàn chǎng the scene (of a crime, accident etc) / (on) the spot / (at) the site 斑 bān spot / colored patch / stripe / spotted / striped / variegated 点 子 diǎn zi spot / point / dot / speck / drop (of liquid) / droplet / point (of argument) / idea / crux / indication / pointer 斑 点 bān diǎn spot / stain / speckle 望 见 wàng jiàn to espy / to spot 处 chù place / location / spot / point / office / department / bureau / respect / classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point 斑 块 bān kuài patch / spot / (medicine) plaque 墨 渍 mò zì ink stain / ink blot / spot / smudge 热 点 rè diǎn hot spot / point of special interest 将 军 jiāng jūn general / high-ranking military officer / to check or checkmate / fig. to embarrass / to challenge / to put sb on the spot 景 点 jǐng diǎn scenic spot / place of interest (tourism) 当 场 dāng chǎng at the scene / on the spot 亮 点 liàng diǎn highlight / bright spot 点 播 diǎn bō webcast / to request item for broadcast on radio program / dibble seeding / spot seeding 当 即 dāng jí at once / on the spot 抽 查 chōu chá random inspection / to do a spot check 名 胜 míng shèng a place famous for its scenery or historical relics / scenic spot / CL:處|处[chu4] 胜 地 shèng dì well-known scenic spot 就 地 jiù dì locally / on the spot 庐 山 Lú shān Lushan district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi / Mt Lushan in Jiujiang, famous as summer holiday spot 车 位 chē wèi parking spot / unloading point / garage place / stand for taxi 案 发 àn fā (of a crime) to occur / (old) (of a crime) to be discovered / to investigate a crime on the spot 地 雷 dì léi landmine / CL:顆|颗[ke1] / (fig.) sore point / weak spot 一 斑 yī bān lit. one spot (on the leopard) / fig. one small item in a big scheme 绝 地 jué dì danger spot / Jedi (in Star Wars) 抽 检 chōu jiǎn sampling / spot check / random test 浴 场 yù chǎng bathing spot 走 投 无 路 zǒu tóu wú lù to be at an impasse (idiom) / in a tight spot / at the end of one's rope / desperate 软 肋 ruǎn lèi rib cartilage / (fig.) weak spot / soft underbelly 原 处 yuán chù original spot / previous place / where it was before 死 穴 sǐ xué lethal point (acupuncture) / vulnerable spot / Achilles' heel 找 茬 zhǎo chá to pick fault with / to spot the differences / to nitpick / to pick a quarrel / to find complaint with 盲 点 máng diǎn blind spot 黑 斑 hēi bān dark spot or blotch on the skin 痛 处 tòng chù sore spot / place that hurts 盲 区 máng qū blind spot 当 dāng to be / to act as / manage / withstand / when / during / ought / should / match equally / equal / same / obstruct / just at (a time or place) / on the spot / right / just at 乘 虚 而 入 chéng xū ér rù to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom) / to take advantage of a lapse 水 渍 shuǐ zì water spot / water stain / wet spot / damp patch / water damage 黄 斑 huáng bān macula lutea (anatomy, central area of retina) / yellow spot 下 不 了 台 xià bu liǎo tái to be unable to extricate oneself gracefully / to be put on the spot / to be embarrassed 点 焊 diǎn hàn spot welding 死 点 sǐ diǎn blind spot / dead center 锈 斑 xiù bān rust spot / blemish (on plants) 掐 算 qiā suàn to count with one's fingers / on the spot calculation 踏 tà to tread / to stamp / to step on / to press a pedal / to investigate on the spot 就 地 正 法 jiù dì zhèng fǎ to execute on the spot (idiom) / summary execution / to carry out the law on the spot 略 见 一 斑 lu:è jiàn yī bān lit. to glimpse just one spot (of the leopard) (idiom) / fig. to get an inkling of the whole picture 窥 豹 一 斑 kuī bào yī bān lit. see one spot on a leopard (idiom) / fig. a restricted view 立 地 成 佛 lì dì chéng fó to become a Buddha on the spot (idiom) / instant rehabilitation / to repent and be absolved of one's crimes 重 足 而 立 chóng zú ér lì rooted to the spot (idiom) / too terrified to move 一 语 中 的 yī yǔ zhòng dì to hit the mark with a comment (idiom) / to say sth spot on 死 区 sǐ qū dead zone / blind spot 放 射 性 最 强 点 fàng shè xìng zuì qiáng diǎn radioactive hot spot 强 辐 射 区 qiáng fú shè qū radioactive hot spot 墠 shàn level spot for sacrifices 岳 阳 楼 Yuè yáng Lóu Yueyang Tower, famous beauty spot in Yueyang, north Hunan, overlooking Dongting Lake 洞庭湖[Dong4 ting2 Hu2] / one of three famous pagodas in China along with Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓|黄鹤楼[Huang2 he4 Lou2] in Wuhan, Hubei and Tengwang Tower 滕王閣|滕王阁[Teng2 wang2 Ge2] in Nanchang, Jiangxi 一 矢 中 的 yī shǐ zhòng dì to hit the target with a single shot / to say something spot on (idiom) 哪 壶 不 开 提 哪 壶 nǎ hú bù kāi tí nǎ hú lit. mention the pot that doesn't boil (idiom) / to touch a sore spot / to talk about sb's weak point 哑 点 yǎ diǎn blind spot / dead spot 爱 晚 亭 Aì wǎn Tíng Aiwan Pavilion, on Mt Yuelu 岳麓山 / in Hubei, famous beauty spot 放 下 屠 刀 , 立 地 成 佛 fàng xià tú dāo , lì dì chéng fó lay down butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot (idiom) / instant rehabilitation / to repent and be absolved of one's crimes 窥 豹 kuī bào lit. to see one spot on a leopard / fig. a restricted view 踏 查 tà chá to investigate on the spot 踏 看 tà kàn to investigate on the spot 踏 访 tà fǎng to interview people on the spot / to go around and make inquiries 重 历 旧 游 chóng lì jiù yóu to revisit / to return to a previously visited spot 静 区 jìng qū silent zone / blind spot / dead space 碱 斑 jiǎn bān alkali spot 点 滴 试 验 diǎn dī shì yàn spot check G 点 G diǎn Gräfenberg Spot / G-Spot 即 时 报 告 jí shí bào gào spot report 污 染 热 点 wū rǎn rè diǎn pollution hot spot 放 射 性 热 点 fàng shè xìng rè diǎn radioactivity hot spot 辐 射 热 点 fú shè rè diǎn radioactivity hot spot 欧 洲 海 域 边 缘 生 态 系 统 研 究 热 点 ōu zhōu hǎi yù bian yuán shēng tài xì tǒng yán jiū rè diǎn Hot spot Ecosystems Research on the Margins of the European Seas 生 物 多 样 性 热 点 shēng wù duō yàng xìng rè diǎn biodiversity hot spot 广 播 广 告 guǎng bō guǎng gào radio commercial / radio spot 定 点 探 测 dìng diǎn tàn cè spot sounding / sounding 定 点 钻 探 值 spot values 麻 烦 地 点 trouble spot 高 程 点 spot elevation / spot height 热 点 火 山 作 用 hot spot volcanism 定 点 排 雷 spot demining 指 示 点 indication spot 突 变 热 点 mutation hot spot / mutational hot spot 阿 是 穴 ā shì xué painful point (in acupuncture) / ashi point / tender spot 下 不 来 台 xià bù lái tái to be put on the spot / to find oneself in an awkward situation 现 做 xiàn zuò to make (food) on the spot / freshly-made 现 炒 现 卖 xiàn chǎo xiàn mài lit. to fry and sell on the spot / fig. (of fresh graduates) to apply the still-fresh knowledge gained in school 划 位 huà wèi (Tw) to divide up an area / to assign a spot / to allocate a seat / one's assigned spot 千 里 马 常 有 , 而 伯 乐 不 常 有 qiān lǐ mǎ cháng yǒu , ér Bó Lè bù cháng yǒu lit. there are many swift horses, but very few who can spot them (idiom) / fig. many have talent, but few can recognize talent when they see it 现 付 xiàn fù to pay on the spot 𫮃 shàn level spot for sacrifices 是 非 之 地 shì fēi zhī dì trouble spot / sketchy area 圆 秃 yuán tū spot baldness (alopecia areata) 班 秃 bān tū spot baldness (alopecia areata) 霸 道 总 裁 bà dào zǒng cái handsome high-powered businessman (a type of character in an eponymous genre of romantic fiction who typically has a soft spot for a girl of lower social status) 鬼 剃 头 guǐ tì tóu spot baldness (alopecia areata)