关 怀 guān huái care / solicitude / to show care for / concerned about / attentive to 照 护 zhào hù care / treatment (e.g. nursing care) / to look after 过 来 guò lái to come over / to manage / to handle / to be able to take care of 想 要 xiǎng yào to want to / to feel like / to fancy / to care for sb / desirous of 关 心 guān xīn to be concerned about / to care about 医 药 yī yào medical care and medicines / medicine (drug) / medical / pharmaceutical 小 心 xiǎo xīn to be careful / to take care 保 健 bǎo jiàn health protection / health care / to maintain in good health 照 顾 zhào gu to take care of / to show consideration / to attend to / to look after 精 心 jīng xīn with utmost care / fine / meticulous / detailed 爱 心 ài xīn compassion / kindness / care for others / love / CL:片[pian4] / charity (bazaar, golf day etc) / heart (the symbol ♥) 保 养 bǎo yǎng to take good care of (or conserve) one's health / to keep in good repair / to maintain / maintenance 招 呼 zhāo hu to call out to / to greet / to say hello to / to inform / to take care of / to take care that one does not 在 意 zài yì to care about / to mind 不 在 乎 bù zài hu not to care 存 放 cún fàng to deposit / to store / to leave in sb's care 处 置 chǔ zhì to handle / to take care of / to punish 在 乎 zài hu to care about / equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2] 关 爱 guān ài to show concern and care for 呵 护 hē hù to bless / to cherish / to take good care of / to conserve 保 管 bǎo guǎn to hold in safekeeping / to have in one's care / to guarantee / certainly / surely / custodian / curator 爱 护 ài hù to cherish / to treasure / to take care of / to love and protect 心 血 xīn xuè heart's blood / expenditure (for some project) / meticulous care 关 照 guān zhào to take care / to keep an eye on / to look after / to tell / to remind 看 重 kàn zhòng to regard as important / to care about 理 事 lǐ shì member of council / (literary) to take care of matters 办 好 bàn hǎo to take care of (a matter) / to get (a task) done / to handle (a project) expeditiously 救 治 jiù zhì to provide critical care (to a patient or a diseased plant) 科 室 kē shì department / administrative division / unit (e.g. intensive care unit) 当 心 dāng xīn to take care / to look out 自 理 zì lǐ to take care of oneself / to provide for oneself 介 意 jiè yì to care about / to take offense / to mind 调 理 tiáo lǐ to nurse one's health / to recuperate / to take care of / to look after / to discipline / to educate / to train / to prepare food / (dialect) to make fun of / (medicine) to opsonize 失 调 shī tiáo imbalance / to become dysfunctional / to lack proper care (after an illness etc) 收 养 shōu yǎng to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc) / to adopt (a child) / adoption 保 重 bǎo zhòng to take care of oneself 打 理 dǎ lǐ to take care of / to sort out / to manage / to put in order 留 守 liú shǒu to stay behind to take care of things 放 在 心 上 fàng zài xīn shàng to care about / to take seriously / to take to heart 照 料 zhào liào to tend / to take care of sb 爱 抚 ài fǔ to caress / to fondle / to look after (tenderly) / affectionate care 放 在 眼 里 fàng zài yǎn lǐ to pay attention to / to care about / to attach importance to 医 疗 服 务 yī liáo fú wù medical care 服 侍 fú shi to attend to / to care for (patients etc) / to look after / to wait upon / to serve / also written 伏侍, see also 服事[fu2 shi4] 收 留 shōu liú to offer shelter / to have sb in one's care 医 疗 保 健 yī liáo bǎo jiàn health care 悉 心 xī xīn to put one's heart (and soul) into sth / with great care 珍 重 zhēn zhòng precious / extremely valuable / (honorific) Please take good care of yourself! 留 神 liú shén to take care / to be careful 照 应 zhào ying to look after / to take care of / to attend to 眷 顾 juàn gù to care for / to show concern for / to think longingly (of one's country) 照 看 zhào kàn to look after / to attend to / to have in care 无 拘 无 束 wú jū wú shù free and unconstrained (idiom) / unfettered / unbuttoned / without care or worries 满 不 在 乎 mǎn bù zài hu not in the least concerned (idiom) / reckless / couldn't give a damn about it / unperturbed / couldn't care less / harum scarum 张 罗 zhāng luo to take care of / to raise money / to attend to (guests, customers etc) 调 养 tiáo yǎng to take care of (sb's health) / to nurse 婚 纱 摄 影 hūn shā shè yǐng wedding photos (done in studio, kit and caboodle taken care of by the studio) 自 爱 zì ài self-respect / self-love / self-regard / regard for oneself / to cherish one's good name / to take good care of one's health 顾 盼 gù pàn to look around / to care for 面 面 俱 到 miàn miàn jù dào (idiom) take care of everything / handle everything 顾 家 gù jiā to take care of one's family 养 病 yǎng bìng to recuperate / to convalesce / to take care of one's health after illness 寄 养 jì yǎng to place in the care of sb (a child, pet etc) / to foster / to board out 看 kān to look after / to take care of / to watch / to guard 慢 走 màn zǒu Stay a bit! / Wait a minute! / (to a departing guest) Take care! 着 意 zhuó yì to act with diligent care 不 修 边 幅 bù xiū biān fú not care about one's appearance (idiom) / slovenly in dress and manner 预 防 保 健 yù fáng bǎo jiàn preventive health care / preventive health 体 贴 入 微 tǐ tiē rù wēi to show every possible consideration (idiom) / meticulous care 无 虞 wú yú not to be worried about / all taken care of 一 手 包 办 yī shǒu bāo bàn to take care of a matter all by oneself / to run the whole show 加 护 jiā hù intensive care (in hospital) 顾 惜 gù xī to take loving care of / to value 月 嫂 yuè sǎo woman hired to take care of a newborn child and its mother in the month after childbirth 医 托 yī tuō hospital scalper / sb who for a profit entices others to obtain medical care 精 雕 细 刻 jīng diāo xì kè lit. fine sculpting (idiom) / fig. to work with extreme care and precision 顾 念 gù niàn to care for / to worry about 管 guǎn to take care (of) / to control / to manage / to be in charge of / to look after / to run / to care about / tube / pipe / woodwind / classifier for tube-shaped objects / particle similar to 把[ba3] in 管...叫 / constructions / writing brush / (coll.) to / towards 特 护 tè hù special nursing / intensive care / abbr. for 特殊護理|特殊护理[te4 shu1 hu4 li3] 妮 维 雅 Nī wéi yǎ Nivea, skin and body care brand 慎 密 shèn mì cautious / with meticulous care 收 shōu to receive / to accept / to collect / to put away / to restrain / to stop / in care of (used on address line after name) 抚 爱 fǔ ài to love tenderly / affection / loving care / to caress 全 托 quán tuō full-time care (of children in a boarding nursery) 加 意 jiā yì paying special care / with particular attention 兼 爱 jiān ài "universal love", principle advocated by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], stressing that people should care for everyone equally 旁 氏 Páng shì Pond's (brand of skin care products) 粗 率 cū shuài rough / coarse / crude / without due care / ill-considered 归 guī to return / to go back to / to give back to / (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by / to belong to / to gather together / (used between two identical verbs) despite / to marry (of a woman) (old) / division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor 爱 耳 日 Aì ěr rì Ear Care Day (March 3) 搞 gǎo to do / to make / to go in for / to set up / to get hold of / to take care of 眷 juàn variant of 眷[juan4] / to care about / to look fondly on 睬 cǎi to pay attention / to take notice of / to care for 睠 juàn variant of 眷, to care about / to look fondly on 呼 牛 作 马 hū niú zuò mǎ to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom) / it doesn't matter what you call it / Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me. 呼 牛 呼 马 hū niú hū mǎ to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom) / it doesn't matter what you call it / Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me. 毫 不 介 意 háo bu jiè yì to not mind (at all, a bit) / to not care in the slightest 颐 性 养 寿 yí xìng yǎng shòu to take care of one's spirit and keep fit (idiom) 体 恤 入 微 tǐ xù rù wēi to emphasize down to last detail (idiom) / to show every possible consideration / meticulous care 纲 举 目 张 gāng jǔ mù zhāng if you lift the headrope the meshes spread open (idiom) / take care of the big things and the little things will take care of themselves / (of a piece of writing) well-structured and ordered