正 式 zhèng shì formal / official 客 气 kè qi polite / courteous / formal / modest 文 wén language / culture / writing / formal / literary / gentle / (old) classifier for coins / Kangxi radical 67 正 规 系 统 zhèng guī xì tǒng formal 地 区 dì qū local / regional / district (not necessarily formal administrative unit) / region / area / as suffix to city name, means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture-level city or, county-level city) / CL:個|个[ge4] 中 华 Zhōng huá China (alternate formal name) 大 名 dà míng famous name / your distinguished name / one's formal personal name 礼 服 lǐ fú ceremonial robe / formal attire (dinner suit, evening gown etc) 条 目 tiáo mù clauses and sub-clauses (in formal document) / entry (in a dictionary, encyclopedia etc) 拜 见 bài jiàn to pay a formal visit / to call to pay respects / to meet one's senior or superior 聚 餐 jù cān communal meal / formal dinner of club or group 莅 临 lì lín to arrive (esp. of notable person) / to visit (more formal than 光臨|光临[guang1 lin2]) 学 名 xué míng scientific name / Latin name (of plant or animal) / (according to an old system of nomenclature) on entering school life, a formal personal name given to new students 卸 妆 xiè zhuāng to remove makeup / (old) to take off formal dress and ornaments 正 方 zhèng fāng the side in favor of the proposition (in a formal debate) 见 外 jiàn wài to treat sb with the formal courtesy accorded to a host or a guest 哭 丧 kū sāng to wail at a funeral / formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed 拜 谒 bài yè to pay a formal visit / to call to pay respects / to pay homage (at a monument, mausoleum etc) 大 头 照 dà tóu zhào head-and-shoulders photo (esp. a formal one used in a passport, ID card etc) 雅 乐 yǎ yuè formal ceremonial music of each succeeding Chinese dynasty starting with the Zhou / Korean a'ak / Japanese gagaku 交 杯 酒 jiāo bēi jiǔ formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony 正 式 投 票 zhèng shì tóu piào formal vote 鹿 苑 寺 Lù yuàn sì Rokuonji in northwest Kyōto 京都, Japan / the formal name of Kinkakuji or Golden pavilion 金閣寺|金阁寺[Jin1 ge2 si4] as Buddhist temple 交 拜 jiāo bài to bow to one another / to kneel and kowtow to one another / formal kowtow as part of traditional wedding ceremony 内 阁 总 理 大 臣 Nèi gé Zǒng lǐ Dà chén formal title of the Japanese prime minister 八 行 书 bā háng shū formal recommendation letter in eight columns 共 同 纲 领 gòng tóng gāng lǐng common program / formal program of the communist party after 1949, that served as interim national plan 正 装 zhèng zhuāng formal dress 社 会 主 义 教 育 运 动 Shè huì Zhǔ yì Jiào yù Yùn dòng Socialist Education Movement (1963-66), formal name of the Four Cleanups Movement 四清運動|四清运动[Si4 qing1 Yun4 dong4] 聘 娶 婚 pìn qǔ hūn formal betrothal (in which the boy's family sends presents to the girl's family) 声 请 shēng qǐng to make a formal request / formal request / to make a claim (law) 阏 氏 yān zhī formal wife of a Xiongnu chief during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) 正 式 确 认 行 为 act of formal confirmation 正 式 或 非 正 式 拘 禁 formal or informal custody 正 式 编 辑 formal editing 正 式 的 非 正 式 磋 商 formal informal 可 选 资 源 政 策 和 长 期 筹 资 办 法 正 式 工 作 组 Formal Working Group on Options for Resource Policies and Long-term Financing 正 式 听 审 formal hearing 正 规 教 育 计 划 formal education scheme 正 规 经 济 部 门 formal sector 台 端 tái duān you (in a formal letter) 反 方 fǎn fāng the side opposed to the proposition (in a formal debate) 持 方 chí fāng side (in a formal debate)