语 言 yǔ yán language / CL:門|门[men2],種|种[zhong3] 言 语 yán yǔ words / speech / (spoken) language 文 wén language / culture / writing / formal / literary / gentle / (old) classifier for coins / Kangxi radical 67 文 辞 wén cí language / use of words / phraseology / articles / essays / writing 语 yǔ dialect / language / speech 中 文 Zhōng wén Chinese language 文 字 wén zì character / script / writing / written language / writing style / phraseology / CL:個|个[ge4] 国 语 Guó yǔ Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature / Chinese as a primary or secondary school subject / Chinese in the context of the Nationalist Government / Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th century BC 语 文 yǔ wén literature and language / (PRC) Chinese (as a school subject) 外 语 wài yǔ foreign language / CL:門|门[men2] 中 文 网 zhōng wén wǎng Chinese language network 粤 语 Yuè yǔ Cantonese language 日 语 Rì yǔ Japanese language 词 汇 cí huì vocabulary / list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes) / word 口 语 kǒu yǔ colloquial speech / spoken language / vernacular language / slander / gossip / CL:門|门[men2] 语 种 yǔ zhòng language type (in a classification) 语 种 yǔ zhǒng language type (in a classification) 汉 语 Hàn yǔ Chinese language / CL:門|门[men2] 华 语 Huá yǔ Chinese language 韩 语 Hán yǔ Korean language (esp. in context of South Korea) 雅 思 Yǎ sī IELTS (International English Language Testing System) 外 国 语 wài guó yǔ foreign language 外 文 wài wén foreign language (written) 华 文 Huá wén Chinese language / Chinese script 复 读 fù dú (of an audio device) to repeat a recorded phrase (e.g. for language learning) 中 文 系 zhōng wén xì Chinese language department (of college) 语 系 yǔ xì language family 韩 文 Hán wén hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet / Korean written language 满 口 mǎn kǒu a full mouth of (sth physical) / to have the mouth exclusively filled with (a certain language, lies, promises, etc) / (to agree etc) unreservedly 英 语 教 学 Yīng yǔ jiāo xué English Language Teaching (ELT) / studying and teaching English 比 划 bǐ huà to gesture / to use sign language / to gesticulate / to engage in body combat or martial art / to come to blows 古 文 gǔ wén old language / the Classics / Classical Chinese as a literary model, esp. in Tang and Song prose / Classical Chinese as a school subject 中 国 日 报 Zhōng guó Rì bào China Daily (an English language newspaper) 脏 话 zāng huà profanity / obscene language / speaking rudely 潮 汕 Cháo shàn Chaoshan, region in the east of Guangdong, encompassing the cities of Chaozhou 潮州市[Chao2 zhou1 Shi4] and Shantou 汕頭市|汕头市[Shan4 tou2 Shi4], with its own distinct language (Chaoshan Min 潮汕話|潮汕话[Chao2 shan4 hua4]) and culture 西 班 牙 语 Xī bān yá yǔ Spanish language 法 文 Fǎ wén French language 满 嘴 mǎn zuǐ a full mouth of (sth physical) / to have the mouth exclusively filled with (a certain language, lies, promises, etc) 语 声 yǔ shēng spoken language / sound of speaking 母 语 mǔ yǔ native language / mother tongue / (linguistics) parent language 手 舞 足 蹈 shǒu wǔ zú dǎo lit. to move one's hands and feet about (idiom) / fig. to dance about / to express one's feelings in body language / to gesture animatedly / (TCM) involuntary movements of the limbs 多 语 言 duō yǔ yán polyglot / many language 中 古 zhōng gǔ medieval / Middle Ages / Chinese middle antiquity, 3rd to 9th centuries, including Sui and Tang Dynasties / Middle (of a language, e.g. Middle English) / used / second-hand 粗 口 cū kǒu swear words / obscene language / foul language 西 文 Xī wén Spanish / Western language / foreign languages (in Qing times) 切 口 qiè kǒu slang / argot / private language used as secret code 白 话 bái huà spoken language / vernacular 语 文 老 师 yǔ wén lǎo shī language and literature teacher 广 东 话 Guǎng dōng huà Cantonese language 汇 编 语 言 huì biān yǔ yán assembly language 手 语 shǒu yǔ sign language 粗 话 cū huà vulgar language (esp. scatological insults) / uncultured speech 语 文 教 师 language teacher 密 语 mì yǔ secret talk / coded language / cypher / code 语 感 yǔ gǎn a feel for language / instinctive understanding 汉 文 Hàn wén Chinese written language / Chinese literature esp. as taught abroad 藏 语 Zàng yǔ Tibetan language 察 言 观 色 chá yán guān sè to weigh up sb's words and observe their facial expression (idiom) / to discern what sb thinks from his body language 古 语 gǔ yǔ ancient language / old expression 简 写 jiǎn xiě to write characters in simplified form / the simplified form of a character / to abbreviate (a word or expression) / to write in simple language 秽 语 huì yǔ obscene language 中 国 话 Zhōng guó huà (spoken) Chinese language 韩 国 语 Hán guó yǔ Korean language 俄 文 E2 wén Russian language 巴 利 Bā lì Pali, language of Theravad Pali canon / Barry (name) / Gareth Barry (1981-), English footballer 藏 文 Zàng wén Tibetan script / Tibetan written language / Tibetan language 行 话 háng huà jargon / language of the trade 平 易 píng yì amiable (manner) / unassuming / written in plain language / easy to take in 网 络 语 言 wǎng luò yǔ yán Internet language / Internet slang / netspeak / cyberspeak 朝 鲜 语 Cháo xiǎn yǔ Korean language 语 言 障 碍 yǔ yán zhàng ài language barrier / speech impediment 词 藻 cí zǎo rhetoric / flowery language 官 话 guān huà "officialese" / bureaucratic language / Mandarin 希 腊 语 Xī là yǔ Greek language 自 然 语 言 zì rán yǔ yán natural language 闽 南 话 Mǐn nán huà Southern Min, a Sinitic language spoken in southern Fujian and surrounding areas 蒙 古 语 Měng gǔ yǔ Mongolian language 语 族 yǔ zú language branch 隐 语 yǐn yǔ secret language / codeword 文 饰 wén shì to polish a text / rhetoric / ornate language / to use florid language to conceal errors / to gloss over 满 文 Mǎn wén Manchurian written language 越 南 语 Yuè nán yǔ Vietnamese language, Tiếng Việt 今 译 jīn yì modern language version / modern translation / contemporary translation 马 来 语 Mǎ lái yǔ Malaysian language 哑 语 yǎ yǔ sign language 韵 语 yùn yǔ rhymed language 汉 办 Hàn bàn abbr. for 國家漢辦|国家汉办[Guo2 jia1 Han4 ban4], Office of Chinese Language Council International 重 译 chóng yì to translate again (i.e. to redo the same translation) / to translate repeatedly from one language to the next (so multiplying errors) 噶 gá phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds) / Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha / (dialect) final particle similar to 了[le5] (esp. in Yunnan) 浓 墨 重 彩 nóng mò zhòng cǎi thick and heavy in colors / to describe sth in colorful language with attention to detail (idiom) 恶 语 伤 人 è yǔ shāng rén to insult / to direct bad language at sb / to slag off 隐 约 其 辞 yǐn yuē qí cí equivocal speech / to use vague or ambiguous language 风 花 雪 月 fēng huā xuě yuè wind, flower, snow and moon, trite poetry subject (idiom) / effete language without substance / love affair / romance is in the air / dissipated life 佛 兰 德 Fó lán dé of or relating to Flemish people, language or culture 希 伯 莱 文 Xī bó lái wén Hebrew language 阿 姆 哈 拉 A1 mǔ hā lā Amhara (province, language and ethnic group of Ethiopia) / Amharic / Ethiopian 书 面 语 shū miàn yǔ written language 拟 音 nǐ yīn to make a sound effect / sound effect / (historical linguistics) to reconstruct the sound system of an archaic language 标 准 语 biāo zhǔn yǔ standard language 北 京 语 言 学 院 Běi jīng Yǔ yán Xué yuàn Beijing Language Institute / former name of 北京語言大學|北京语言大学[Bei3 jing1 Yu3 yan2 Da4 xue2] Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)