了 解 liǎo jiě to understand / to realize / to find out 明 白 míng bai clear / obvious / unequivocal / to understand / to realize 理 解 lǐ jiě to comprehend / to understand / comprehension / understanding 谅 解 liàng jiě to understand / to make allowances for / understanding 领 悟 lǐng wù to understand / to comprehend 领 会 lǐng huì to understand / to comprehend / to grasp 懂 dǒng to understand / to comprehend 懂 得 dǒng de to understand / to know / to comprehend 理 会 lǐ huì to understand / to pay attention to / to take notice of 知 晓 zhī xiǎo to know / to understand 知 情 zhī qíng to know the facts / to understand / to be familiar with the situation 听 懂 tīng dǒng to understand (on hearing) / to catch (what is spoken) 明 míng bright / opposite: dark 暗[an4] / (of meaning) clear / to understand / next / public or open / wise / generic term for a sacrifice to the gods 解 jiě to divide / to break up / to split / to separate / to dissolve / to solve / to melt / to remove / to untie / to loosen / to open / to emancipate / to explain / to understand / to know / a solution / a dissection 惺 xīng tranquil / understand 悟 入 wù rù to understand / to comprehend the ultimate essence of things (Buddhism) 听 得 懂 tīng de dǒng to understand (by hearing) / to catch (what sb says) 掌 握 zhǎng wò to grasp (often fig.) / to control / to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny) / to master / to know well / to understand sth well and know how to use it / fluency 清 楚 qīng chu clear / distinct / to understand thoroughly / to be clear about 不 懂 bù dǒng not to understand / cannot (see, hear, understand, as verb complement) / incomprehension 不 明 白 bù míng bái does not understand / fails to realize (intuitively) what is going on 不 明 bù míng not clear / unknown / to fail to understand 不 解 bù jiě to not understand / to be puzzled by / indissoluble 明 了 míng liǎo to understand clearly / to be clear about / plain / clear 疑 难 yí nán hard to understand / difficult to deal with / knotty / complicated 觉 悟 jué wù to come to understand / to realize / consciousness / awareness / Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda) 想 不 通 xiǎng bu tōng unable to understand / unable to get over 看 透 kàn tòu to understand thoroughly / to see beyond the facade / to see through (sb) 了 liǎo (of eyes) bright / clear-sighted / to understand clearly 弄 清 nòng qīng to clarify / to fully understand 易 懂 yì dǒng easy to understand 通 达 tōng dá to understand clearly / to be sensible or reasonable / understanding 读 懂 dú dǒng to read and understand 看 懂 kàn dǒng to understand what one is reading or watching 难 解 nán jiě hard to solve / hard to dispel / hard to understand / hard to undo 了 然 liǎo rán to understand clearly / evident 深 入 浅 出 shēn rù qiǎn chū to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom) / (of language) simple and easy to understand 费 解 fèi jiě to be puzzled / hard to understand / unintelligible / incomprehensible 洞 悉 dòng xī to clearly understand 明 理 míng lǐ sensible / reasonable / an obvious reason, truth or fact / to understand the reason or reasoning 平 易 近 人 píng yì jìn rén amiable and approachable (idiom) / easygoing / modest and unassuming / (of writing) plain and simple / easy to understand 难 懂 nán dǒng difficult to understand 一 窍 不 通 yī qiào bù tōng lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head) / I don't understand a word (idiom) / it's all Greek to me 心 领 神 会 xīn lǐng shén huì to understand tacitly (idiom) / to know intuitively / to understand thoroughly 通 晓 tōng xiǎo proficient (in sth) / to understand sth through and through 开 窍 kāi qiào to get it straight / to start to understand things properly / enlightenment dawns 晦 涩 huì sè difficult to understand / cryptic 一 知 半 解 yī zhī bàn jiě lit. to know one and understand half (idiom) / a smattering of knowledge / dilettante / amateur 熟 习 shú xí to understand profoundly / well-versed / skillful / practiced / to have the knack 融 解 róng jiě to melt / molten / fig. to understand thoroughly 聆 líng to hear / to listen / to understand clearly 温 故 知 新 wēn gù zhī xīn to review the old and know the new (idiom, from the Analects) / to recall the past to understand the future 似 懂 非 懂 sì dǒng fēi dǒng to not really understand / to half-understand 心 领 神 悟 xīn lǐng shén wù to understand tacitly (idiom) / to know intuitively / to understand thoroughly 识 微 见 几 shí wēi jiàn jǐ lit. see a tiny bit and understand everything (idiom) 了 然 于 胸 liǎo rán yú xiōng to be well aware of sth / to understand clearly 不 懂 装 懂 bù dǒng zhuāng dǒng to pretend to understand when you don't 完 全 懂 得 wán quán dǒng de to understand completely 不 开 窍 bù kāi qiào unable to understand / can't get the point 半 通 不 通 bàn tōng bù tōng to not fully understand (idiom) 浅 白 qiǎn bái simple / easy to understand 温 故 而 知 新 wēn gù ér zhī xīn to review the old and know the new (idiom, from the Analects) / to recall the past to understand the future 火 星 文 Huǒ xīng wén lit. Martian language / fig. Internet slang used to communicate secret messages that the general public or government can't understand 听 话 听 声 , 锣 鼓 听 音 tīng huà tīng shēng , luó gǔ tīng yīn to understand the unspoken implications (idiom) 说 通 shuō tōng to get sb to understand / to persuade 通 俗 易 懂 tōng sú yì dǒng easy to understand 通 彻 tōng chè to understand completely 难 以 理 解 nán yǐ lǐ jiě hard to understand / incomprehensible 体 惜 tǐ xī to empathize / to understand and sympathize 不 明 就 里 bù míng jiù lǐ not to understand the situation / unaware of the ins and outs 不 明 觉 厉 bù míng jué lì although I don't understand it, it seems pretty awesome (Internet slang) 交 情 匪 浅 jiāo qíng fěi qiǎn to be very close / to understand each other 知 人 者 智 , 自 知 者 明 zhī rén zhě zhì , zì zhī zhě míng those who understand others are clever, but those who know themselves are truly wise (idiom, from Laozi's 道德經|道德经[Dao4 de2 jing1] 秒 懂 miǎo dǒng to understand instantly 半 懂 不 懂 bàn dǒng bù dǒng to not fully understand / to only partly understand 了 知 liǎo zhī (Buddhism) to fully understand / to understand completely