权 力 quán lì power / authority 权 威 quán wēi authority / authoritative / power and prestige 管 理 局 guǎn lǐ jú authority 职 权 zhí quán authority / power over others 权 威 性 quán wēi xìng authoritative / (having) authority 大 腕 dà wàn star / big shot / celebrity / leading actor / authority (slang) 大 权 dà quán power / authority 事 权 shì quán position / authority / responsibility 权 柄 quán bǐng authority 巨 擘 jù bò thumb / authority (knowledgeable person) 威 权 wēi quán authority / power / authoritarianism / authoritarian 大 拿 dà ná (coll.) man in power / boss / authority / expert 权 quán authority / power / right / (literary) to weigh / expedient / temporary 威 灵 wēi líng authority / prestige / supernatural spirit 权 限 quán xiàn scope of authority / extent of power / (access etc) privileges 有 权 yǒu quán to have the right to / to be entitled to / to have authority / powerful 无 从 wú cóng not to have access / beyond one's authority or capability / sth one has no way of doing 申 诉 shēn sù to file a complaint / to appeal (to an authority, a higher court of justice etc) / complaint / appeal 行 政 机 关 xíng zhèng jī guān administrative authority / branch of government 威 风 wēi fēng might / awe-inspiring authority / impressive 无 权 wú quán to have no right / to have no authority 主 妇 zhǔ fù housewife / woman of senior authority in a household / the lady of the house / hostess 上 交 shàng jiāo to hand over to / to give to higher authority / to seek connections in high places 全 权 quán quán full powers / total authority / plenipotentiary powers 报 批 bào pī to report for criticism / to submit for approval to higher authority 宗 主 zōng zhǔ head of a clan / natural leader / person of prestige and authority in a domain / suzerain 令 牌 lìng pái (archaic) wooden or metal token of authority / (fig.) decree / directive / (computing) token 民 航 总 局 mín háng zǒng jú General Civil Aviation Authority 节 度 使 jié dù shǐ Tang and Song dynasty provincial governor, in Tang times having military and civil authority, but only civil authority in Song 阿 巴 斯 A1 bā sī Abbas (name) / Mahmoud Abbas (1935-), also called Abu Mazen, Palestinian leader, Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) from 2005 归 口 guī kǒu to return to one's original trade / to put (a business etc) under the administration of the relevant central authority / (the) relevant (department in charge of sth) 泰 斗 tài dǒu (abbr. for 泰山北斗[Tai4 Shan1 Bei3 dou3]) distinguished figure / doyen / revered authority 借 势 jiè shì to borrow sb's authority / to seize an opportunity 越 权 yuè quán to go beyond one's authority / arrogation 复 辟 fù bì to recover one's power or authority / restoration (of a past regime) 水 务 局 shuǐ wù jú (municipal) water authority 高 头 gāo tou higher authority / the bosses / on top of 得 势 dé shì to win power / to get authority / to become dominant 淫 威 yín wēi abuse of authority / tyrannical abuse 领 导 权 lǐng dǎo quán leadership authority 行 政 权 xíng zhèng quán administrative authority / executive power 招 摇 撞 骗 zhāo yáo zhuàng piàn (idiom) to dupe people by passing oneself off as a well-connected individual or a figure of authority 港 务 局 gǎng wù jú port authority 审 判 权 shěn pàn quán jurisdiction / judicial authority 支 配 权 zhī pèi quán authority to dispose of sth 假 公 济 私 jiǎ gōng jì sī official authority used for private interests (idiom) / to attain private ends by abusing public position 虎 符 hǔ fú tiger tally (a two-piece object made in the shape of a tiger, used in ancient China as proof of authority. One half of a tally could be issued to a military officer and this would be matched with the other half when verification was required.) 僭 越 jiàn yuè to usurp / to overstep one's authority 当 权 派 dāng quán pài persons or faction in authority 夫 权 fū quán authority over the household 丧 sàng to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc) / to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc) / to die / disappointed / discouraged 擅 shàn without authority / to usurp / to arrogate to oneself / to monopolize / expert in / to be good at 僭 jiàn (bound form) to overstep one's authority 黼 fǔ (archaic) motif of axes with black handles and white heads, a symbol of authority embroidered on ceremonial robes 牝 鸡 司 晨 pìn jī sī chén female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom) / a woman usurps authority / women meddle in politics / The female wears the trousers. 牝 鸡 牡 鸣 pìn jī mǔ míng female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom) / a woman usurps authority / women meddle in politics / The female wears the trousers. 定 于 一 尊 dìng yú yī zūn (idiom) to rely on a single authority to determine what is correct / to regard a source (or entity or individual) as the ultimate authority 族 权 zú quán clan authority / clan power 权 钥 quán yào keys of authority 巴 勒 斯 坦 民 族 权 力 机 构 Bā lè sī tǎn Mín zú Quán lì Jī gòu Palestinian National Authority 僣 jiàn to overstep one's authority / to usurp 香 港 金 融 管 理 局 Xiāng gǎng Jīn róng Guǎn lǐ jú Hong Kong Monetary Authority 印 把 子 yìn bà zi seal of authority / official seal 契 箭 qì jiàn arrow used as a token of authority (by field commanders) 拿 着 鸡 毛 当 令 箭 ná zhe jī máo dàng lìng jiàn to wave a chicken feather as a token of authority (idiom) / to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext 授 权 范 围 shòu quán fàn wéi scope of authority / mandate 有 权 势 者 yǒu quán shì zhě person in power / the one with authority / the guy in charge 窃 权 qiè quán to usurp authority / to hold power improperly 统 建 tǒng jiàn to develop as a government project / to construct under the authority of a commission 美 国 联 邦 航 空 局 Měi guó Lián bāng Háng kōng jú Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) 越 职 yuè zhí to exceed one's authority / to go beyond the bounds of one's job 颁 赐 bān cì to award (a prize) / to confer on sb / to confer upon by authority 食 物 及 药 品 管 理 局 shí wù jí yào pǐn guǎn lǐ jú US Food and Drug Administration authority (FDA) 管 理 当 局 guǎn lǐ dāng jú Administering Authority 航 空 当 局 háng kōng dāng jú aeronautical authority 民 航 管 理 局 mín háng guǎn lǐ jú Civil Aviation Authority 过 渡 当 局 Transitional Authority 电 信 管 理 署 diàn xìn guǎn lǐ shǔ Telecommunications Regulatory Authority 联 合 国 管 理 当 局 United Nations Administering Authority 信 息 和 通 信 技 术 局 Information and Communication Technology Authority 非 洲 联 盟 行 政 当 局 African Union Authority 乌 干 达 税 务 局 Uganda Revenue Authority 联 盟 临 时 当 局 Coalition Provisional Authority 巴 拿 马 运 河 管 理 局 组 织 法 bā ná mǎ yùn hé guǎn lǐ jú zǔ zhī fǎ Organic Law on the Panama Canal Authority 政 府 间 发 展 管 理 局 Intergovernmental Authority on Development 中 央 主 管 当 局 Central Authority 世 界 粮 食 管 理 局 world food authority 国 际 初 审 单 位 International Preliminary Examining Authority 国 家 元 首 和 政 府 首 脑 机 构 Authority of Heads of State and Government 巴 拿 马 运 河 管 理 局 bā ná mǎ yùn hé guǎn lǐ jú Panama Canal Authority 过 渡 中 央 权 力 机 构 Transitional Central Authority 进 口 当 局 importing authority 农 业 和 农 村 发 展 管 理 局 Agricultural and Rural Development Authority 支 出 核 准 权 zhī chū hé zhǔn quán authority for expenditure 国 际 出 入 境 管 理 局 guó jì chū rù jìng guǎn lǐ jú International Access Authority 应 急 开 支 权 contingency authority 巴 勒 斯 坦 水 务 局 Palestinian Water Authority 横 贯 非 洲 公 路 管 理 局 Trans-African Highway Authority 国 际 主 管 机 构 guó jì zhǔ guǎn jī gòu International Authority 方 案 支 出 核 准 权 fāng àn zhī chū hé zhǔn quán programme expenditure authority