"像" • Chinese-English Dictionary

CHARACTERS : Simplified Traditional
PHONETIC : Pinyin Bopomofo EFEO Wade-Giles Yale
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Strokes 2
Strokes 14
Decomp. 亻ク口乑
Mandarin xiàng
Entry Methods
Pinyin xiang4
Kanji /
Sijiao 2723.2
CNS 11643 1-6779
Encodages (hexa)
Unicode U+50CF
GB2312 CFF1
Level 3
 xiàng to resemble / to be like / to look as if / such as / appearance / image / portrait / image under a mapping (math.)
Results beginning with 像
 xiàng sù pixel
 xiàng yàng presentable / decent / up to par
 xiàng zhāng badge / insignia / lapel badge (e.g. with miniature portrait of great national leader)
 xiàng piàn photo
 xiàng chā aberration (optics)
 xiàng huà proper
 xiàng mào variant of 相貌[xiang4 mao4]
 xiàng yín silvery
 xiàng yuán pixel (remote sensing imagery)
簿 xiàng piàn bù album / photo album / sketch book
 xiàng mó xiàng yàng solemn / presentable / decent
 xiàng mú xiàng yàng solemn / presentable / decent / Taiwan pr. [xiang4 mo2 xiang4 yang4]
 xiàng nà me huí shì r not bad at all / quite impressive
Approximate Results for 像
 hǎo xiàng as if / to seem like
 tú xiàng image / picture / graphic
 yǐng xiàng image
 ǒu xiàng idol
 tóu xiàng portrait / bust / (computing) profile picture / avatar
 xiǎng xiàng to imagine / to envision / imagination
 jìng xiàng mirror image
 lù xiàng to videotape / to videorecord / video recording / CL:盤|盘[pan2]
 yīn xiàng audio and video / audiovisual
 shè xiàng to videotape
 rén xiàng likeness of a person (sketch, photo, sculpture etc)
 diāo xiàng sculpture / (carved) statue / CL:尊[zun1]
 chéng xiàng to form an image / imaging
 huà xiàng portrait / to do a portrait of sb
 fó xiàng Buddhist image / statue of Buddha or Bodhisattva / CL:尊[zun1], 張|张[zhang1]
 yìng xiàng reflection / image (in a mirror)
 xiào xiàng portrait (painting, photo etc) / (in a general sense) representation of a person / likeness
 sù xiàng (molded or modeled) statue
 shén xiàng image of a God
 shí xiàng stone statue
 huó xiàng to look exactly like / to be the spitting image of
 yìn xiàng impression
 xiāng xiàng to resemble one another / to be alike / similar
 tóng xiàng bronze statue / CL:座[zuo4]
 xíng xiàng form / image
 shēng xiàng audio-visual / (ultrasonography etc) acoustic image
 yí xiàng portrait of the deceased
 xiǎn xiàng to form a picture / to develop a photo / to visualize
 zhào xiàng variant of 照相[zhao4 xiang4]
 shèng xiàng icon / iconic / religious image / figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary etc) / CL:張|张[zhang1]
 xū xiàng virtual image
 dào xiàng inverted image / reversed image (e.g. upside down)
 lì xiàng standing image (of a Buddha or saint)
 luǒ xiàng nude (painting, sculpture etc)
 mó xiàng golem
 nǎ xiàng unlike / in contrast to
 rè xiàng thermal image
 shì xiàng video (HK)
 yì xiàng extraordinary image
 zuò xiàng seated image (of a Buddha or saint)
 shè xiàng tóu webcam / surveillance camera
 shè xiàng jī video camera / CL:部[bu4]
 lù xiàng dài video cassette / CL:盤|盘[pan2]
 ǒu xiàng jù idol drama / drama series in which the actors are chosen for their preexisting popularity with young viewers
 xiǎng xiàng lì conception / imagination
 lù xiàng jī video recorder / VCR
 xiǎn xiàng guǎn CRT used in TV or computer monitor / picture tube / kinescope
 bù xiàng huà unreasonable / shocking / outrageous
 là xiàng guǎn waxworks / museum of waxwork figures
 jiě xiàng dù resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)
 zì huà xiàng self-portrait
 sì bù xiàng common name for 麋鹿[mi2 lu4], Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus), which is said to resemble an amalgam of animals such as a cow, deer, donkey and horse / an odd mixture of disparate elements / hodgepodge / farrago
 shí xiàng guǐ gargoyle / grotesque
 zhào xiàng jī variant of 照相機|照相机[zhao4 xiang4 ji1] / camera
 bàn shēn xiàng half-length photo or portrait / bust
  Video Section
 biāo zhǔn xiàng official portrait
 bù xiàng yàng in no shape to be seen / unpresentable / beyond recognition
 dào lì xiàng inverted image / reversed image (e.g. upside down)
 jiǎ rén xiàng an effigy
 jiě xiàng lì resolving power (of a lens etc)
 kě xiǎng xiàng conceivable
 Máo sù xiàng statue of Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) 毛澤東|毛泽东[Mao2 Ze2 dong1]
 yǐng xiàng dàng image file
 yìng xiàng guǎn CRT (cathode ray tube) used in a computer monitor or TV, aka picture tube (Tw) / kinescope
 yǐng xiàng tú image map
 tú xiàng chǔ lǐ image processing
 yǐng xiàng chǔ lǐ image processing
  image compression
  picture element / pixel
  video footage
  space imaging
  image mosaic / mosaic
  thermal imager
 chéng xiàng yí qì imaging device
 cūn lù xiàng wǎng Village Video Network
 dòng tài yǐng xiàng video
 fù yú xiǎng xiàng imaginative
 gǎi biàn xíng xiàng transfiguration
 jìng xiàng zhàn diǎn mirror (computing)
 lù xiàng zhù lǐ Video Assistant
 měi guó ǒu xiàng American Idol, US singing competition television show
 ǒu xiàng bāo fu burden of having to maintain one's image as a pop idol
 qì xiàng rén yuán meteorologist
 tú xiàng fēn gē image segmentation (computer vision)
 tú xiàng qún zǔ group
 tú xiàng shí bié image classification (computer vision)
 tú xiàng zēng qiǎng image enhancement
 wèi xīng tú xiàng satellite photo
 yáo gǎn chéng xiàng remote sensing imagery
 yǐng xiàng huì yì video conference
 zhuō qǔ tú xiàng capture image
 Zì yóu shén xiàng Statue of Liberty
]片  soundbite
 shī shēn rén miàn xiàng sphinx
  Video Analyst
  Video Analysis Subunit
  imaging radiometer
  imaging sensor
  visible imaging device
 cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng magnetic resonance imaging MRI
 dài zhuàng shè xiàng jī strip camera
 duō guāng pǔ tú xiàng multi-spectral image
 lì tǐ shè xiàng jī stereoscopic camera / 3D camera
 nǎo chéng xiàng jì shù brain imaging technique
 yǐng xiàng zēng qiǎng guǎn image intensifier tube
 yīn xiàng shì wù kē Audio-Visual Services Section
 Zì yóu Nu:3 shén xiàng Statue of Liberty
 Aò sī kǎ jīn xiàng jiǎng an Academy Award / an Oscar
  document imaging
  aerial thermal imaging system
  imaging sidescan sonar
  seismic tomography
  large format camera
  videoconference set
 àn tiān tǐ shè xiàng jī Faint Object Camera
 chāo shēng chéng xiàng zhuāng zhì ultrasonic imaging device
 chāo shēng zào yǐng chéng xiàng contrast-enhanced
 lù xiàng zhì zuò zhuān jiā video production specialist
亿 shí yì xiàng sù tú xiàng gigapixel
 tú xiàng hù huàn gé shì GIF / graphic interchange format
 tú xiàng yòng hù jiè miàn graphical user interface / GUI
 zǐ wài chéng xiàng zhuāng zhì ultraviolet imaging device
  Video Teleconference Technician
  programmable surveillance camera
  Ocean Colour Imager
  image map viewer system
线  infrared imaging device
 fú yóu shēng wù lù xiàng jī Video Plankton Recorder
 hé shì cí dài lù xiàng jī video cassette recorder
  TV - Video Production Unit
  resolving power of an imaging system
  National Imagery and Mapping Agency
  World Index of Space Imagery
  United Nations Television and Video
 gōng néng cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng shù functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
 gōng néng xìng cí gòng zhèn chéng xiàng functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
 shì xùn yā suō tú xiàng lèi xíng video
X射线  Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer
  Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
  gate silicon intensifier target (SIT) vidicon tube
  LANDSAT remote sensing imagery catalogue
 tài kōng wàng yuǎn jìng yǐng xiàng shè pǔ yí Space
  Meteosat Visible and Infrared Imager
  Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography
  International Symposium on Medical Radionuclide Imaging
Chinese Tones