事 务 shì wù (political, economic etc) affairs / work / transaction (as in a computer database) 事 体 shì tǐ things / affairs / decorum 情 况 qíng kuàng circumstances / state of affairs / situation / CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] 状 态 zhuàng tài state of affairs / state / mode / situation / CL:個|个[ge4] 商 务 shāng wù commercial affairs / commercial / commerce / business 财 务 cái wù financial affairs 军 事 jūn shì military affairs / military matters / military 人 事 rén shì personnel / human resources / human affairs / ways of the world / (euphemism) sexuality / the facts of life 民 事 mín shì civil case / agricultural affairs / civil 人 文 rén wén humanities / human affairs / culture 外 交 wài jiāo diplomacy / diplomatic / foreign affairs / CL:個|个[ge4] 政 务 zhèng wù government affairs 领 导 小 组 lǐng dǎo xiǎo zǔ leading small group (LSG), a CCP body that exercises general oversight on matters relating to a specific area (LSG for foreign affairs 外事工作, LSG for comprehensively deepening reforms 全面深化改革 / etc) / aka central leading group 红 尘 hóng chén the world of mortals (Buddhism) / human society / worldly affairs 外 交 部 Wài jiāo bù Ministry of Foreign Affairs / foreign office / Dept. of State 出 世 chū shì to be born / to come into being / to withdraw from worldly affairs 世 事 shì shì affairs of life / things of the world 涉 外 shè wài concerning foreigners or foreign affairs 入 世 rù shì to engage with secular society / to involve oneself in human affairs / to join the WTO (abbr. for 加入世界貿易組織|加入世界贸易组织[jia1 ru4 Shi4 jie4 Mao4 yi4 Zu3 zhi1]) 医 务 yī wù medical affairs 希 尔 Xī ěr Hill (name) / Christopher Hill, US undersecretary of state of East Asian affairs 事 态 shì tài situation / existing state of affairs 处 事 chǔ shì to handle affairs / to deal with 外 长 wài zhǎng foreign minister / secretary of state / minister of foreign affairs 民 政 局 mín zhèng jú Bureau of Civil Affairs 家 事 jiā shì family matters / domestic affairs / housework 内 政 nèi zhèng internal affairs (of a country) 外 事 wài shì foreign affairs 国 事 guó shì affairs of the nation / politics 民 政 部 Mín zhèng bù Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) of the PRC 海 事 hǎi shì maritime affairs / accident at sea 情 场 qíng chǎng affairs of the heart / mutual relationship 独 立 自 主 dú lì zì zhǔ independent and autonomous (idiom) / self-determination / to act independently / to maintain control over one's own affairs 党 务 dǎng wù party affairs / work within the Communist party 政 事 zhèng shì politics / government affairs 听 命 tīng mìng to obey an order / to take orders / to accept a state of affairs 外 交 部 长 wài jiāo bù zhǎng minister of foreign affairs 总 务 zǒng wù general matters / division of general affairs / person in overall charge 军 务 jūn wù military affairs 内 务 nèi wù internal affairs / domestic affairs / family affairs / (trad.) affairs within the palace 世 情 shì qíng worldly affairs / the ways of the world 与 世 无 争 yǔ shì wú zhēng to stand aloof from worldly affairs 矿 务 局 kuàng wù jú mining affairs bureau 民 政 厅 mín zhèng tīng provincial department of civil affairs 国 台 办 Guó tái bàn Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council (abbr. for 國務院台灣事務辦公室|国务院台湾事务办公室[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Tai2 wan1 Shi4 wu4 Ban4 gong1 shi4]) 国 务 guó wù affairs of state 当 家 作 主 dāng jiā zuò zhǔ to be in charge in one's own house (idiom) / to be the master of one's own affairs 洋 务 yáng wù foreign affairs (in Qing times) / foreign learning 内 务 部 Nèi wù bù Ministry of Internal Affairs 外 务 wài wù foreign affairs 俗 事 sú shì everyday routine / ordinary affairs 陆 委 会 Lù wěi huì Mainland Affairs Council (Taiwan), abbr. for 大陸委員會|大陆委员会 法 制 晚 报 Fǎ zhì wǎn bào Legal Evening News, a Beijing-based legal affairs newspaper launched in 2004 and shut down in 2019 咨 文 zī wén official communication (between gov. offices of equal rank) / report delivered by the head of gov. on affairs of state 内 部 事 务 nèi bù shì wù internal affairs 内 廷 nèi tíng place at the imperial court, where emperor handled government affairs, gave orders etc 外 办 wài bàn foreign affairs office 越 俎 代 庖 yuè zǔ dài páo lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom) / fig. to exceed one's place and meddle in other people's affairs / to take matters into one's own hands 军 机 处 jūn jī chù Office of Military and Political Affairs (Qing Dynasty) 国 务 院 台 湾 事 务 办 公 室 Guó wù yuàn Tái wān Shì wù Bàn gōng shì Taiwan Affairs Office 拨 冗 bō rǒng to find time to do sth in the midst of pressing affairs 外 事 处 wài shì chù Foreign Affairs Office (at a university) / Foreign Affairs Department 事 势 shì shì state of affairs 沈 国 放 Shěn Guó fàng Shen Guofang (1952-), PRC assistant minister of foreign affairs (2003-2005) 档 dàng official records / grade (of goods) / file / records / shelves / slot / gap / crosspiece / classifier for crosspieces / classifier for events, affairs etc / Taiwan pr. [dang3] 戎 róng generic term for weapons (old) / army (matters) / military affairs 偷 鸡 摸 狗 tōu jī mō gǒu to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom) / to pilfer / to dally with women / to have affairs 民 权 主 义 mín quán zhǔ yì democracy / civil liberties / principle of democracy, the second of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 / Three Principles of the People 三民主義|三民主义 / (at the time, meaning widespread popular involvement in affairs of state) 不 在 其 位 不 谋 其 政 bù zài qí wèi bù mòu qí zhèng don't meddle in affairs that are not part of your position (Confucius) 允 文 允 武 yǔn wén yǔn wǔ equally proficient in intellectual and military affairs 档 子 dàng zi classifier for affairs, events etc 外 交 大 臣 wài jiāo dà chén Foreign Secretary / (UK) Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs 外 交 学 院 Wài jiāo Xué yuàn China Foreign Affairs University 亚 洲 周 刊 Yà zhōu Zhōu kān Asiaweek (current affairs magazine) 亞 洲 週 刊 yà zhōu zhōu kān variant of 亞洲周刊|亚洲周刊, Asiaweek (current affairs magazine) 先 天 下 之 忧 而 忧 , 后 天 下 之 乐 而 乐 xiān tiān xià zhī yōu ér yōu , hòu tiān xià zhī lè ér lè The first concern is affairs of state, enjoying the pleasure comes later. Quotation from essay On Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓記|岳阳楼记 / by Song writer Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹[Fan4 Zhong4 yan1] 冗 务 rǒng wù miscellaneous affairs 国 务 院 法 制 局 Guó wù yuàn Fǎ zhì jú State Council Legislative Affairs Bureau (PRC) 国 务 院 港 澳 事 务 办 公 室 Guó wù yuàn Gǎng Aò Shì wù Bàn gōng shì Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council 外 交 事 务 wài jiāo shì wù foreign affairs 外 务 部 Wài wù bù Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qing Dynasty 奉 公 fèng gōng to pursue public affairs 家 和 万 事 兴 jiā hé wàn shì xīng if the family lives in harmony all affairs will prosper (idiom) 对 外 联 络 部 duì wài lián luò bù CCP central committee's external affairs department (i.e. Chinese communist party's foreign office) 戎 事 róng shì military affairs 戎 行 róng háng troops / military affairs 政 理 zhèng lǐ politics / government affairs 救 灾 救 济 司 jiù zāi jiù jì sī emergency aid committee (of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部) 法 制 办 公 室 Fǎ zhì Bàn gōng shì Legislative Affairs Office, LAO (PRC) 策 论 cè lùn essay on current affairs submitted to the emperor as policy advice (old) 米 夫 Mǐ fū Pavel Aleksandrovich Mif (1901-1938), Ukrainian Soviet expert on Chinese affairs, secretly executed in Stalin's purges 印 度 洋 海 事 合 作 会 议 Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation Conference 听 事 tīng shì to hold audience / to advise on state affairs / to administer state affairs / audience hall / to listen in 理 事 会 事 务 干 事 Council Affairs Officer 安 全 理 事 会 事 务 司 Security Council Affairs Division 外 交 与 国 际 合 作 部 大 臣 Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation 政 制 事 务 干 事 Constitutional Affairs Officer 宪 法 事 务 干 事 Constitutional Affairs Officer 近 东 救 济 工 程 处 事 务 主 任 Director of UNRWA Affairs 外 交 和 外 贸 部 长 Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade